Chapter 59 - The Scent of Flowers 🔞

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When Jungkook walked inside his room, he was greeted with the pleasing and alluring scent of spring flowers. The sweet and refreshing smell always lingered there, the perfume almost similar to the garden now. It made him feel at ease and peaceful. Well… sometimes.

He brushed his hair back, closing the door and then leaned on it to stare at the sight before him.

To the left of the door, sitting on the floor among a chaos of shopping bags, boxes of shoes and the luggage he had brought inside the room, from the abandoned house some time ago, was Amelia. She had the doors of the closet open and seemed to be daydreaming while tilting her head and brushing at her blood red waves.

Jungkook smiled and approached her, coming to sit down beside her.

“What are you doing?” He asked, watching as she softly came out of her daze and drew on a little smile.

“Just arranging my clothes. Our stuff arrived today and I think I want to donate some things to charity. Most of it I know I won’t use. Plus, that bag of luggage could be burned for all I care.” She said, her head nodding towards the open luggage, where she had been going through the clothes inside.

The contents of it were messy and a little discarded. The backpack had also been thrown inside the case, thrown aside. In front of Amelia was her dirty blue wallet that she then grabbed and opened to look inside. She went through her cards, some old receipts and then pulled out the same photo Em had taken out when they’d found the luggage in the old house.

It was the picture of Emily and Mina hugging, the two looking at the camera with those mischievous eyes of theirs. Amelia reached inside another compartment, though, a little tucked away, from where she pulled out a second photo, this one a little older. It looked like it had been taken with a very old, vintage polaroid camera, with the style of their clothes referring back to the seventies. The twins were sitting on the grass, next to each other, smiling, while Lucy and Amelia were sitting in an iron garden bench.

What was amazing, however, was that Lucy had the biggest smile in her face, while having her arm around Amelia’s shoulders, who was leaning onto her mentor with the happiest smile on her face.

“It feels weird to think about the reasons of why I ran away, now. So stupid…”

Jungkook shrugged and leaned a bit more into her, so that her back was flush to his chest and his legs were on both sides of her. It was nice but a little bit dangerous, considering he was eerily close to her hair and her scent was filling his brain in the most delicious way.

“We all have different ways to cope with things. Yeah, running away because you’re angry was a bit rash, but it was your way of coping.” He said, raising his hand to touch a strand of her very soft hair.

Strange how he was always touching her hair now. Jungkook didn’t want her to think he only cared about her appearance, so he tried his best to not be obvious about the fact her healthy shape was constantly giving him a damned boner!

“Well, my way of coping nearly got me killed, could’ve gotten you guys killed and then almost got Mina killed. I fucked up big time.” Amelia sarcastically said, crossing her arms.
Jungkook sneered, amused.

“If you hadn’t run away I wouldn’t have met you.”

“Considering Lucy and Jin have a thing we probably would.” Amelia giggled and sighed, now leaning back so she was fully leaning onto Jungkook.

Now that he was noticing, she had a new dress on. It was an emerald green, light and airy, with small, golden leaves near the hem, that reached the middle of her thighs, and on the chest, where the cleavage was. It made her look livelier, even if Jungkook loved seeing her in his own clothes.

The small banter with the twins two nights ago, when they were talking about the clothes coming from their previous house, popped up in his brain. Mina had been saying how her Chanel collection wouldn’t fit in Jin’s house, considering it had been piling up over the years, and Em had smirked and elbowed Jungkook to whisper in his ear.

“Amelia loves dresses, by the way.”

Thank God… She looked adorable in them.

“I thought you would have a buttload of clothes, but this is pretty average.” Jungkook mumbled, looking at the open boxes where her variety of dresses were, as well as the shopping bags that were laid out from her shopping that night.

He curiously spotted a pretty yellow one that he wanted to see her in.

Amelia snorted and laughed, the sound beautiful and refreshing.

“I’m not that spoiled! Besides, gone are the days each of us needed a whole room to put our clothes in. Thank God the tight corsets are gone, those were a nightmare to tie up.”

“You used those?” Jungkook scrunched his nose.

“Yeah, for a long time. The ones we wore on the daily basis were fine, but because we hung around royalty, and such, we had to tight lace. That was a nightmare. Didn’t women wear them, in Korea?”


“Well, Korea sounds wild.”

Jungkook chuckled at her remark. He couldn’t help but bask in the soft scent of her hair, lemony and fruity, like he was used to. For a moment, they just stayed like that, with him telling her how his home town was like and saying how he really wanted to take her there. Amelia seemed to perk up at the mention of traveling, especially since she had never been to Korea.

Amelia decided to get up and shower. And thank the heavens above, because Jungkook was seriously starting to get a little restless.

As the idiot he was, Jungkook hadn’t fed in way too long. If Jin came to know, he’d thump him in the head and yell how much of a suicidal ass he was. The problem was he still didn’t feel particularly pleased with the idea of feeding from Amelia, considering how her health had been. That being said, he also couldn’t feed from a stupid blood bag, because it felt like he was cheating on her. Man, fuck bonded males!

He was finishing the book he was reading on the bed, promptly reading the same sentence three times now, since his mind kept deviating from the tracks, when the bathroom door opened back up.

Jungkook choked on a molecule.

Amelia had a dark blue nightie that reached just above her knees, with lace on the cleavage and hem, her hair wet and that she was drying with a white towel. Her skin was flushed slightly from the heat of the shower, cheeks a pretty pink, as well as her chest and legs. And, shit, he could clearly see the shape of her breasts beneath the soft silk of the nightie.

Yup, here comes the boner…

“You alright?” Amelia questioned, frowning at him coughing like a dumbass.

“Fine!” Jungkook cleared his throat, trying to act normal and go back to his book.

And then she plopped herself on the bed next to him. The fabric of the nightie hiked up her legs just a bit and the smell of flowers was making him go a little sex crazed. The dumbest idea was to take a deep breath in, because, as he did, her natural scent, plus the soft smell of the hair products, only made it harder for him to ignore his dick.

Amelia groaned and squealed in happiness, sighing in contentment.

“Ah, it feels nice to have proper sleepwear.” She said, smiling with her eyes closed.

“I thought you liked the sweaters Ellie brought you?” He said, positioning the stupid book on top of his lap.

“I do, the green one is my favorite. But I missed having my own stuff… Also, I think Mina spoiled me with silk stuff, because, damn, this feels so nice!” Amelia chirped, rolling over to lay on her back.

‘Don’t look at her legs, don’t look at her… fuck!’

“Hey, I wanted to ask you something.” She suddenly said, rolling back around and supporting her chin on her palm to look at him properly “That night you found me in the forest. Did you bring me to your room, right away?”

Jungkook was a little taken aback by the question and blinked several times before nodding, a little confused.

“Why, though? Jin has a stupid amount of free rooms, especially in the third floor.” She pressed again, her bottom lip sticking out.

Jungkook was a little overwhelmed with a sudden need to kiss her red lips, but put it aside to answer her.

“Uh… I didn’t want you to wake up alone. Plus, you had really bad fevers after the first night, so I wanted to keep a close watch on you.”

“Mm. Right, I guess that makes some sense. Thank you… I feel like I can’t thank you enough.”

Jungkook smiled at the way she blinked at him and shook his head, dismissing her thanks. Back then, he hadn’t even questioned his own actions. He understood that maybe they had been a little strange for the other guys, considering they didn’t know anything about the woman they’d found beaten and nearly dead in the forest.

Fortunately, after that Amelia had simply laid down and cuddled close, asking him about his home town and wanting to know more about it. Jungkook gladly obliged and talked away, while she was now resting her head on top of his shoulder, his fingers lightly smoothing over the soft strands of hair. He had asked her one day why her hair was like that, naturally gradient. Amelia had smiled and shrugged.

“Lucy says our powers influence our appearance a little. Has something to do with the magic in our blood. And explains why Mina is a ginger and Em is not. We don’t really know how it works, though, it’s still a little foreign to us too. Some Witches look like normal humans, others are a little more exotic looking.”

When he looked down at her, Amelia was already asleep, her lashes brushing on top of her cheeks and lips slightly parted as she breathed softly. It didn’t take him long to lull into a deep sleep as well.

Amelia was back in that garden. The one she knew and could recognize the flower beds but still couldn’t pinpoint from where. She knew she had been there already. When and how, she didn’t have a clue.

She looked around, eyes immediately spotting the woman seated in the white bench. With newfound curiosity for the female, Amelia found herself taking in her looks. She was clearly dressed in clothes from the late 19th century. A pretty white dress, skirting long and puffy from the layers and crinoline underneath. Amelia noticed strangely that the dress had blue lace around the neck, where her hair fell beautifully in strawberry blonde waves.

Still not being able to look at the woman’s face, Amelia dropped her stare to her arms, where a little bundle of pretty laced blankets were. She could tell the woman was singing at the baby in her arms, her voice soothing and soft.

Amelia took a step forward, exhaling in relief when the place didn’t fade out of her sight like it had the past nights. She could hear the words the woman was singing now.

Lucy’s lullaby… It was the lullaby Lucy sang for her and the twins all the time, while growing up. Amelia knew it like the palm of her hand, each word, each meaning. Lucy had told her it was a very ancient spell, meant to place a very light blanket of warmth and protection over the one hearing it. It was used with babies and children, mostly.

Another step forward and now she could hear the words perfectly in her ears. And now her voice seemed oddly familiar as she pronounced each foreign word with care and an evident smile on her mouth. Amelia could almost feel the love in each spelling. Her right hand was raised and softly caressing the baby’s cheeks.

Frowning, and subconsciously raising one hand to trace over her own cheek, Amelia kept her eyes on the woman and took another step forward. But that was already too much, it seemed, because now the image was fading in front of her, colors blending together.
Amelia blinked awake and took a soft intake of breath.

Strange how her mind always felt so peaceful after such a dream. It would be expected that, after three weeks of dreaming the same thing over and over again the opposite would happen and she’d start freaking out.

It was always just that. First, she would acknowledge the garden around her, each flower bed and grass expanse. Then she would acknowledge the woman, her figure, where she was sitting and her garments. And only then would she see the baby. Today had been the first time Amelia had noticed the song the woman had been singing.
The song wasn’t Lucy exclusive. Many other Witches knew it and sang it to their children. But the familiarity in her voice made it… comforting.

Taking in her surroundings, Amelia noticed she had turned in her sleep and was now facing away from Jungkook, on her stomach and hugging her pillow. She blinked a couple of times, adjusting her eyes to the soft orangey light coming in through the window, signaling the sunset. Sighing again, Amelia raised her head and moved her unruly hair out of the way and moving a little to wake up some more.

She was fully rested, as well. The dream always seemed to put her in a very deep rest. She wasn’t complaining about that, either way.

Looking at her side, Amelia couldn’t help but smile as she rested her chin on her palm, elbow sinking into the mattress. Her eyes took in his form as he slept.

Jungkook was on his side, raven hair completely disheveled and messy. He had his brows furrowed, giving him a funny, serious look, like he was thinking very deeply about something. But his lips were parted as he breathed and that’s what Amelia focused on, for a moment. She was a little awestruck, for a moment. Jungkook was handsome, with a sharp jaw and soft skin all over him. It always struck her a bit dumb, to say the least, when taking close attention to his beautiful features.

Raising her right hand, she carefully used her thumb to trace his bottom lower lip softly, hand cupping his cheek and feeling the warm skin under hers for a moment. Carefully, and trying not to disturb him, Amelia moved the unruly mess of black strands away from his eyes and forehead, feeling overwhelmed by a soothing feeling of comfort and love.

Love… She loved him.

The realization didn’t make her blush or squeal in excitement, didn’t have her jump around like a schoolgirl. It made her smile softly and look at him in adoration, fingers going over his features. It was like finally accepting it and just embracing it.

Jungkook released a soft breath and his brows creased a little more before his eyes fluttered open and he blinked in confusion for a second.

It seemed to take him a while to acknowledge her, his amber eyes roaming around her face for a second until that beautiful, warm light in his eyes settled there. He smiled goofily at first, moving so he snuggled up his cheek to her warm hand.

“Morning.” He rasped, voice still gruffy from disuse.

“Hi…” She breathed, now looking right into his amber eyes with care.

Jungkook sighed and settled quietly, just allowing her hand to move along his skin. He seemed to like it when Amelia moved her fingertips over his lips again, closing his eyes and sighing.

“I love you.”

The words just came out in one go, like she was breathing them into him. Jungkook’s eyes shot open and he looked at her intensely, amber eyes darkening ever so slightly as if doubting what he’d just heard. She smiled, though, loving how he looked a little surprised to hear such a thing from her.

“You- “

“I’m sorry for taking so long to say it back. I love you… a lot.”

He moved slowly, then, first moving his hand to touch her cheek and only then did he very carefully moved closer to her, eyes set on her lips. Amelia fluttered her eyes closed, taking in a breath through her nose and filling her brain with that beautiful scent of pine and sandalwood. His lips wrapped softly around hers, brushing them slowly and ever so slightly. She allowed him to pull her more closely to himself, one of his hands cupping her jaw and the other coming to tangle in her hair.

Jungkook’s movements were careful and slow, now brushing his tongue through her bottom lip, lazily asking for entrance. Amelia let him, blushing furiously and trying to keep her breathing in check at the same time she was attempting to not freak out over the fact she was this close to him.

At that moment, it occurred to her that she was way more nervous about this than she let on. Like it was just now starting to flutter in her stomach and making her rethink every little movement she made.

She didn’t stop him, though. And found herself wanting more from him, body coming flush to his and leg looping over his hips to straddle him.

Jungkook allowed her, now too much in his own head as his lips became slightly more urgent while kissing hers, tongue searching for hers and hands now moving down her sides to grab her hips, groping the flesh there.

It was slow, a soft touch of her lips against his, and Jungkook relaxed beneath her touch, body almost going slack as he allowed her to take over. Amelia raised one of her hands and brushed it down his chest, feeling his muscles move under her palm as she felt his body. When his tongue brushed along her bottom lip, lazily asking for entrance, Amelia finally relaxed her weight on top of his hips, a strange rush of boldness coursing through her head and making her slightly light headed.

All it took was him feeling her weight on his waist for the heat in his gut to intensify, and Jungkook found himself trying to taste more of her. His lips began to move a little more urgently, hands sliding down her sides and groping the flesh of her hips and then her thighs. Amelia’s soft moans coming from her throat only igniting him even more. By now she could definitely feel the erection in his sweats…

Amelia resisted the urge to grind her hips on top of him, feeling her middle heat and tangle up in a strange knot, needing to feel some sort of release. Feeling his palms trailing down her body and leaving a trail of heat behind.

Taking her by surprise, Jungkook suddenly moved them so he was hovering above her, lips still glued to hers and tongue still moving to touch hers in a sensual way. Her hands instinctively went to his raven hair, messing it up even more, while the sound of a low groan coming from his chest spurred her even more, now tugging at the roots and deepening the kiss. One of Jungkook’s hands hurriedly moved from her cheek, brushed along her neck, where the vein was, and then down to her breast, that he squeezed softly under his palm, before moving to grope her thigh and raise it up to place it at his hip.

Amelia whimpered under him when Jungkook grinded himself on top of her. A little feeling of anxiety creeped in, the strange acknowledgment that she had no idea of what the hell she was supposed to do. Crap, she wasn’t even sure if she was ready to go all the way at that exact moment.

Jungkook moved his lips to kiss down her jaw and then brush his tongue along her neck, right below her ear. She moaned loudly when he sucked at the tender skin.

“Are you okay?” He rasped, by her ear, voice still rough from sleep. The hand that was placed on her thigh slid up a little more and he squeezed the flesh there, grinding his hips again.

It made it very hard to think.

“I… Y- Yes…” She was able to mumble between breaths, biting her lip right after to avoid moaning loud when he moved his hips again.

Jungkook raised his head, though. His eyes were a stunning dark amber, now, hooded and filled with something she hadn’t seen for a long while. It was the same intense look he’d had when drinking from her some time ago. Amelia could only assume it was lust that was flooding his stare.

He was still for a second.

“Do you want me to stop?”

As Jungkook looked down at her, Amelia was beautifully flushed, her honey eyes now almost a very dark brown and her lips were red and swollen from his own. But it had been her breathing that made him worried. She sounded as if on the verge of hyperventilating, probably from nerves.

“I just…” She stammered and blinked, trying to regulate her breathing “I’ve never done this.”

Jungkook didn’t say anything, only looking down at her and moving his fingers on her scalp, as if to calm her down. He seemed to be weighing down his options and now Amelia was deeply regretting saying anything. Her brain was now doing flips that maybe he could not like that fact…

“We can slow down. When you’re ready, alright?” The feeling of his hand on her hair was what brought some sort of tranquility to her mind, now no longer on a frenzy of overthinking “I’ll only do things you’re comfortable with.”

Amelia nodded, somehow now very focused on his eyes and how they were so concentrated on her own. It gave her a strange sense of warmth in her chest, comfort and safety, even if not too long ago they had been making out pretty hardcore.

“Can you… uh, can you feed from me?” She asked, embarrassment rushing to her head.

Jungkook smirked, nuzzling his nose against hers and then smoothing his lips on her cheek, inching closer to her jaw.

“You like it when I do that?” He asked, his deep, rumbling voice now sending shivers down her spine.

“I don’t want you to feed from anyone else.” Amelia whispered, gasping and arching her back at the feeling of his tongue skimming through her throat.

“I won’t. It’s just you.”

As soon as he mumbled that, Jungkook placed an open mouthed kiss where her jugular was, the stimulation making her roll her eyes back and close them in pleasure, her thigh pressing against his body in reflex.

He hummed against her neck, before nipping at the skin a couple of times. It’s like he was delaying the bite, slowly building up tension in her lower stomach. Amelia felt his fangs rasp through her neck once, before Jungkook fully sunk his fangs in. The juicy moan that left her was followed by a grunt from him, as he felt her taste flood his tongue.

Unlike the first time he had drunk from her, the bitterness in her blood was nowhere to be found. Now it was the complete opposite, almost like he was drinking from a whole other person. Back then, besides the bitterness, Amelia’s blood had tasted almost like a human’s, probably from the lack of magic flowing in her body. Now? Jungkook had to try his best to not let the hunger get the best of him.

It tasted sweet, with a hint of spices and wine, an addicting flavor that became even more delectable when the rush of energy filled his senses. The feeling of her hands on his hair, tugging at the roots, her legs wrapped around his hips, tightening, and the sound of her moans close to his ear almost made it hard to stop. Jungkook ground his hips towards her middle, swallowing the hot liquid before he finally let go and slowly licked along the small wounds to heal them up.

Amelia felt him kiss down to her collarbones, leaving open mouthed kisses down to her chest, following the lace of the dark blue nightie she had put on the night before.

Jungkook hummed near her shoulder in appreciation.

“You know… I didn’t say anything last night, but I think I like this.” His fingers trailed the lines of the lace in her cleavage.

Amelia had to suppress her giggle “This was Mina’s idea…”

“Remind me to thank Mina, then.”

~Sass 🥰 these two are too cute!

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