Chapter 56 - Dreams and Jazz Nights

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Amelia woke up with a sigh, her eyes fluttering open on their own accord

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Amelia woke up with a sigh, her eyes fluttering open on their own accord. Her head was a little hazy, light and rested.

She took a while to understand what was going on, still a little too dazed. The dream had been strange. Amelia had been in a garden, one she could recognize, but wasn’t able to pinpoint where from. The spring scent was still lingering in her nose, even after being awake. But what had been a little off putting was the woman cradling and singing to a baby, sitting by the flower beds.

The woman’s face wasn’t visible, covered by beautiful, strawberry blonde hair, as she looked down at her child. When Amelia had tried to step forward, though, the woman stopped singing and her shape started to fade.

And she woke up.

What was getting to her head was the peaceful feeling it had gotten her. Like the dream was recollection of a memory.

Had it been Lucy? Maybe with her, as a baby? But that hadn’t been Lucy’s voice… well, much less her hair. Lucy’s hair was a silvery blonde, not like the one the woman had.

Her eyes scanned the place.

She was in bed, yet again. Jungkook’s, to be exact. Judging by the heavy feeling in her chest, her powers were back, even though she couldn’t really remember much. She sighed again and began to move to sit up. Her muscles weren’t sore, anymore. They felt stiff and unused, her joints even sounding like they were creaking when she moved.

Doing a full checkup, Amelia realized she wasn’t in any sort of pain. There was, indeed, a heavy feeling settled at her chest, but she remembered it being the same when at seven her magic had kicked in. Her stomach clenched a bit and Amelia was relieved to realize it was from hunger and not because her body was trying to get rid of all of her insides again.

She thought back to the events at the old refinery factory.

They had gone in, found Mina and then gone back to meet with the rest of the guys. She recalled feeling horribly sick from being so close to the demon that had stolen her magic and Jungkook being terrified of not saving her on time. Hobi and Taehyung had helped Jungkook and Luna, Namjoon… Namjoon had gotten hurt. Amelia frowned, wondering if he was alright. Right, after talking to Namjoon she had shot the demon to stop the ritual. Or at least, she truly hoped the ritual had stopped.

And then Lucy and the twins had broken the seal.


“Shit…” Amelia cursed as flashes of downright going all murderous on the demon and then attacking Lucy and the twins, even turning on the guys when they tried to hold her down.

With stiff muscles, she removed the light covers from her body and slowly hung her legs over the edge of the bed. She was mostly feeling out how her body felt, and it was almost strange to not feel constant pain with each movement she did. When Amelia finally got up, a little dizziness rushed to her head for a second, before her vision settled and went back to normal.

Looking down at herself, she noticed the usual mint green sweater and grey sweat pants she liked to wear to sleep. Making her way to the bathroom, Amelia noticed her body felt light again, a peaceful sensation in her bones and muscles and no longer that tight, painful feeling she got every time she moved.

After using the toilet and starting to wash her hands, her eyes went up to the mirror.

Her eyes no longer looked sunk in and red rimmed, the dark circles now completely gone. On her cheeks was a very healthy looking pink and normal. Her eyes were back to the usual honey brown, small golden flecks rounding the irises and skin better looking. The smidge of a smile tugged at her lips when she looked at the tone of her hair, the natural chocolate brown that turned a pretty blood red from the middle to the ends. It was way healthier, again, as well.

“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes…” Amelia mumbled, smoothing her fingers over the soft strands of hair.

Smiling at herself, Amelia slipped on her slippers and left the room, going down the hall and trying to find someone around the house. It was so silent that Amelia considered being alone there. When she reached the top of the stairs, Amelia looked down from the overhang, checking to see if there was anyone in there. She even peeked inside the movie room.

Empty, as well.

Uneasy, Amelia went downstairs and turned to her right to look inside the game room, only to find it empty as well. Just as she was about to reach the library, someone’s voice startled her from behind.

“Can I help you- ?” Amelia turned, finding Jin near the staircase, frowning and looking confused. When he saw her, however, his jaw dropped and eyes grew big “Amelia?! Holy shit, I didn’t recognize you!”

Amelia smiled, a little flustered, and was surprised when Jin came forward to wrap his big arms around her in a tight, warm hug.

“How do you feel?”

“Uh… Better, I think. I’m not in pain anymore.”

“Crap, even your voice sounds different…” Jin mumbled, a little dumbfounded “Oh, the guys went out. Luna wanted to go to the shop, I think she wants to rebuild it, and the rest of the guys went to Ellie’s.”

“Oh. I thought it sounded quiet…”

“You hungry? I can cook something for you, if you want. I’m still trying to perfect that lasagna, so I wouldn’t risk it, but you still haven’t tasted my Korean food.” Jin offered, smiling down at her and looping his arm over arms.

Amelia breathed out a laughter “I’m actually starving, thank you.”

Jin looked like he was in a very good mood, describing all sorts of ingredients as he took them out of their places to start cooking. She watched from her seat on the island as he described what he used to eat back in the day in Korea. He also got all happy when Amelia told him she liked spicy food.

“Jin? I’m sorry I went rogue on you guys. I don’t know if I hurt anybody, so…”

“You didn’t, actually. No one got hurt, matter of fact. Well, Joon had a bit of a bad encounter with the leader of the clan but he’s better.” Jin explained, pouring some of the chicken broth in a bowl.

“So, everyone’s alright?” Amelia smiled when the nodded with a smile “Thank God, I was a little scared.”

Jin chuckled, arranging the noodles in the bowl and placing it in front of her with a proud smile in his lips. Amelia was surprised at the way they looked and smelled. The savory scent was enough to make her mouth water and stomach grumble. Jin set an amazing arrangement of side dishes, going full cook mode on her.

“I didn’t know you could cook so many things.” She said, hungrily eyeing the meat he was finishing plating.

“Well, I had time on my hands, so I mastered Korean food.”

“What? Jin, you’re a chef?!”

“Yep! One of my biggest achievements. It’s kind of nice to know a lot about the food from your country.” He said, passing her the chopsticks.

“Emily is good with deserts, but that’s it. But really, don’t allow any of us in the kitchen without actual supervision. It’s bound to be disastrous.”

Jin laughed, his laughter contagious as she started to giggle as well when the sound resembled windows being wiped clean. Amelia tasted the noodles, instantly being surprised with an explosion of flavors that were completely different than what she was used to. It tasted amazing.

“So? What do you think?”

“This is amazing, Jin!”

“I know, I’m amazing!”

Amelia hadn’t felt this great in way too long. She’d forgotten how good talking with Jin felt like, only, now, she didn’t have the pending doom in the back of her head of how close she was to death. This time she didn’t feel any pain or emptiness.

They talked for a long time, about Jin’s chef classes and how he had tried studying French baking but hadn’t been able to finish his course. Amelia also decided right then and there that Korean food was now her favorite. She loved the flavors, sweet, savory, sour, spicy… They all mingled well.

Jin had been adamant in doing the dishes but Amelia ended up winning the argument and was now helping him.

“Now I know what the twins mean when they say you always get your way.” Jin grumbled, wiping one dish clean before placing it on the cabinet.

“It’s not fair that you cook and do the dishes, I can help.” Amelia retorted, shrugging off his complaints.

“Oh, by the way… I don’t think you know this, since things were a little hectic for you, but… Emily kind of messed up the garden.” Jin said, leaning on the counter after he was done.

Amelia raised her eyebrows “Messed up? How bad?”

“Luna said she almost corrupted completely, plus the storm that happened didn’t help. Most of the flower beds are gone, some trees got a little bent. I’ll try to have someone over to fix it, but it might take a while.”

“Oh, you don’t have to! It’s good practice for me.” Amelia chirped, drying off her hands in a towel.

“Good… practice?”

Amelia nodded “My powers thrive with nature. I’m a Green Witch.”

“Are you gonna use your powers now?”

“It’s best if I have Lucy around, for that. I don’t lose control of my powers, so that’s not what I’m worried about. I’m more concerned over how strong they are at the moment and if my body can keep up.”

“But didn’t you lose control yesterday?”

Amelia giggled “Of course not, I killed the demon, didn’t I?”

“But then you tried to leave…”

“Yeah. My familiar took over. It’s like a defense mechanism. I have full consciousness of what’s happening around me, but my familiar is the one controlling my magic. When that happens it’s like my emotions switch off, which is why I wanted to leave.” She explained, walking towards the French doors “But the thing is, I really am in control. I would have attacked you without batting an eyelash if I wasn’t.”

“So, back then, when you resisted the twins and Lucy. That was you defending yourself?”

“Kind of, yes. They didn’t let me leave, so I fought back. When I felt restrained, I tried to get loose.”

“And here I thought you were out to kills us.”

She chuckled again, amused at his expression.

“You would’ve noticed the difference, believe me.”

When Amelia saw the state of the garden, she was a little sad. It did look a little miserable. The trees looked like they were about to flop to the ground, the flower beds looked messy, with the leftover leaves and petals. There was also a big scorching mark on the grass, most likely where Emily had been.

“Wow… It looks a little sad, doesn’t it?” She muttered, inhaling the fresh, cool air.

“A little, yeah. Are you sure you wanna fix it, though? I can totally have a garden designer here by Monday.”

Amelia snorted “Shut your rich ass up! I can do it; not now, but I can!”

Jin snickered, his lips tugging at the corners with his smile.

Being outside felt great, though. The air was cool and refreshing on her skin, the breeze playing with her strands of hair. Amelia had almost forgotten how the rush of energy that always flowed through her body whenever she came in contact with nature. And it was also a perk to be a Green Witch, since just being out of the house was already good for her.

What felt awesome, however, was being among flora. That always made her feel blissful.

“Don’t worry about the garden. You have time, right?” Jin said, not wanting the girl to worry about using her powers so soon.

“Sure… I'll go take a shower, I feel weird in my pajamas.” Amelia ended up saying, turning to go inside.


“Yeah, I'm getting sick of always being in my pajamas.”

“It will be nice seeing you in something else, then.” Jin chuckled.

When Mina walked inside the bar, her arm hooked on Jimin’s, she had felt eyes turning to look at her and her mate. Jimin looked around a little awed.

“I never even knew this place existed!” He mumbled, looking at the gold accents of the bar, the high ceiling and big chandelier.

Mina took him to the bar, smiling a little when she spotted Tara.

Tara’s Jazz Bar, as it was called, was decorated in an Art Deco style, very 30’s, with tones of gold and black marble all over the place. It had a bar, glamorously decorated, and where Tara was now leaning on, sipping on her cocktail while listening to the music. To the right of the bar was a restaurant area, with soft music playing in the background, candlelit tables and a few people chatting among themselves.

To the left of the bar, though, was Mina’s favorite area. It was where the stage was, with the band and microphone, with a few tables set where people were having their drinks and talking among themselves.

“Why, look who decided to show up!” Tara piped, smirking a bit when she saw the couple.

“Hey, Tara!” Mina purred, walking towards the woman.

Tara was a very beautiful dark skinned woman, with very short hair and a slender body. She was in her forties, most likely, and she looked amazing still. Today, she had a simple white dress, short and with small gold accents on the cleavage and straps. She literally looked straight out of one of the 30’s magazines. Best part was the very bold New Orleans accent.

“Hey, yourself! And here I thought I wouldn’t see that pretty face ever again!” The woman said, placing her cocktail on the counter before turning to take a good look at them “You come to sing again, love?”

“If you let me. You’re the boss, anyway.” Mina said, leaning a bit on Jimin “Oh, Jimin, this Tara, the owner of the bar. And this is Jimin, my boyfriend.”

Jimin smiled and bowed his head a little, extending his hand, and Mina saw Tara raise an eyebrow, amused, as she shook his hand.

“Jimin, huh? Glad to meet ya, love, welcome to my humble joint. Now! We’re a little late on schedule, but ya’re welcome to go on stage, if ya want. And ya know my customers loved that voice o’ yours.”

Mina smiled, faking innocence.

“Well, then, don’t mind if I take over the mic!” She quipped, leaning up to kiss Jimin on the cheek before releasing his arm and walking around him to go towards the stage, where Liam, the pianist was now ending a song.

Jimin smiled a bit when he saw her walk away, taking a step to go to one of the tables and sit down.

“Wanna drink anything, love? I’ll make it on the house.” Tara suddenly said, going around the counter with a lightness in her step.

“Uh, sure, thank you.” Jimin shrugged and asked for something simple.

When she was done, Tara rounded the corner again and gave him his Jack on the rocks, walking along with him into the wide room with the band. Mina was already on the low stage chatting with the guy at the piano, while a small, curvy girl came to greet her as well.

The room was big and dimly lit, giving it a very luxurious look, with photos of glamourous looking women on the walls and dapper looking guys. The windows on the front of the room were tall and had dark red curtains. Jimin noticed how everyone was dressed a little more formally, with dresses and suits, nothing too over the top but that still looked appropriate.

Tara took him to one of the round tables at the front and sat with him.

“I didn’t think a girl like her would have a boyfriend, ya know.” Tara suddenly said, making Jimin grow a little aggravated.

“What do you mean?”

Tara smiled and sipped her cocktail.

“Don’t get me wrong, love, I mean nothing bad. That girl over there is a wild thing. The type to not let herself get tied down. My momma used to say some women are wilder than storms, and no man could bend them their way.” Tara stopped to drink again and then pointed towards the red head “Mina is one of those women. She’s a storm.”

Jimin leaned towards the table, hands around his glass and looking at his mate across the room, now with her hip leaned on the piano as she spoke with the band.

“She is.” He agreed, then taking a sip of drink and trying not to wince at the taste.

“Ya know, I had a lotta customers coming to tell me they loved her performance.” Tara said, leaning on her chair and crossing her legs “That girl has talent!”


“Ya never heard her sing, sweetness?”

“No, she hasn’t sung for me yet. We’ve had some stuff going on with family, so Mina was a little worried with a lot of things.” He explained, trying to make it sound plausible.

“Well, ya’re in for a damn treat, love!”

Jimin chuckled, finding it amusing how Tara was getting hyped up over having Mina sing again in her bar. The music started then. He recognized the sound of violins, starting sweet and soft.

Tara scoffed “Etta James… She got good taste, that’s fo’ sure.”

The sound of the violins eased a bit and Mina was now at the center of the stage. And then she opened her mouth to sing.

“At last…”

Her voice was a beautiful, soft baritone, husky and sexy. Jimin was completely stupefied, looking at her across from him, awestruck at how stunningly smooth her voice blended in with piano and other instruments in the background. It was like her voice had been made to be among the music. And it did fit the genre just perfectly.

“My love has come along.”

It was almost like he had been transported into some other era.

What made her performance even better was her confidence. The way Mina stood in the middle of the stage like she owned it, her presence alone being enough to fill the whole place and her voice booming amidst the walls.

He sat back and relaxed, eyes trained on her as she sang, hand on the microphone, and eyes hooded while her lips moved.

“Amazing, ain’t she?” Tara asked, smirking while she tipped her glass towards him.

“Very!” Jimin agreed, clinking his glass on hers before taking a sip.

“For you are mine…” Her celestial blue eyes fixed on his “…at last.”

The time of Mina singing went by way too fast. Which was strange because she had sung a lot. She went through a lot of female jazz voices, preferring the ones with a little more rhythm to them. Mina even sang Sinatra, after making jokes with the pianist at how she was about to sound like a man. The people that had been in the restaurant quickly had filled the room Mina was singing in and the place was full when she was finally done for the night.

And she looked beautiful, with a happy smile on her face and her cheeks flushed.

When she was coming down, a very old man had gone to compliment her.

“Now, that right there is Drunk Joe. You don’t have to worry much ‘bout him, poor man couldn’t get it up even with a miracle. He loved Mina the last time she came here to sing and asks for her every night.” Tara said while Jimin watched, amused, as the man tipped over to his left slightly when bending down to kiss Mina’s hand.

“Drunk Joe? I wonder why?”

“Ya don’t have to wonder, that man has blood in his alcohol, not the other way ‘round.” Tara piped, stifling a laughter at how Mina was patting the old man in the back.

When she finally approached, she sat down and sighed.

“I’ll leave you two be, now. Ya did a good job, love.” Tara winked at Mina and then got up, sauntering her way to the front bar, again.

Mina chuckled and then looked at Jimin, catching him staring at her.
“What? Did you like it?”

“Like it? That was beautiful!” Jimin chirped.

Mina flushed, biting her lip, and supported her chin on her hand.

“Thank you. I haven’t done this for a while, Emily doesn’t like me singing in public much. She says I catch attention pretty fast.” She said, her free hand sliding up his back and then staying on his shoulder so she could play with his hair “I mean, she’s not wrong, but it kind of sucks, I like it a lot.”

“I loved it. Now I just have to hear you play the piano and I’m set.” He joked, tilting his head to look at her properly.

“I’ll have a look at the piano later tonight, then. If it hasn’t been used it might need to be tuned up.” Mina said, her bottom lip sticking out cutely while she thought over things.

Jimin smiled, watching as she became a little distracted while thinking.


“Hum?” She looked over, eyes now on his.

“I love you.”

She was a little surprised. None of them had said something like that to each other yet. Mostly because it wasn’t needed, sometimes actions did speak louder than words. And she had not doubt whatsoever that Jimin loved her, since he made sure to show it. But hearing it felt different. It made it real. Palpable.

“I love you too.” Mina ended up muttering, fingers lacing through his hair.

Jimin’s smile warmed her heart.

Jungkook smirked when Luna whined at Hoseok for the hundredth time, as they were now coming up the stairs from the basement and into the foyer.

“Please! Just one dance! I promise I won’t talk about it ever again, afterwards.” She asked, her voice going a little whiney and small as she tried to convince Hoseok to dance for her “I didn’t even know you could dance, Hobi!”

“Like I said, maybe I’ll take you the studio, one day. I’m not giving you a lap dance, Luna!” Hoseok said, not particularly bothered by her complaints, smiling with amusement.
Luna snickered “Pussy! And it wouldn’t be a lap dance, I just want to see it!”

“Nope!” Hoseok quipped, looking unbothered by her pout.

“He doesn’t like to dance in front of us, either, so good luck with that.” Jungkook mocked, earning a glare from Luna.

“Watch me put something in your food tonight, you little bastard.” Luna bitterly said, flipping her hair and walking away from the two of them to go to the kitchen, leaving Hoseok a little wide eyed and Jungkook laughing at how flustered the older one got.

“You don’t mean that, do you?!” Hoseok asked, looking between Jungkook and Luna’s back as she went to the kitchen.

That only made Jungkook laugh harder, now holding his tummy as he laughed hard. Jin came out of the office, smiling when he saw the youngest laughing his head off while Hoseok looked a bit panicked.

“What’s up?”

“Luna is gonna turn Hoseok into a frog, one of these days.” Jungkook chuckled, wiping a tear from under his eye.

“Ah! Fierce little dwarf, isn’t she?”
As soon as Jin was done speaking, Jungkook watched as a sandal flew in the direction of the older vampire's head. Jin flinched and cursed looking at the fallen sandal on the floor and then back up at Luna, who was by the door of the kitchen.

“I heard that.” She said, hands on her hips and a very unamused glare.

“Sorry… please don’t poison my food.” Jin asked, a little nervous.

“I'll think about it.”

When Luna walked back inside the kitchen, Hoseok hurried behind her, and Jungkook heard the guy ask Luna to not turn him into a frog, saying he would take her to the studio the next time he went there. Jin then looked at the younger vampire, who was chuckling at how Luna had managed to scare Hoseok so easily.

“Jungkook?” Jin waited for the younger to him in response, still smiling “You have someone waiting for you in your room.”

Jungkook frowned, a little surprised at the comment.


A light went off in his head. And then the next second he was sprinting upstairs.

~ Sass 😘

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