Entrance Exam

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 'Alright let's go.' 

Miko put on her shoes and opened the door. "bye mom." "Bye sweetie," her mom replied from the house, "good luck." Today was the day that U.A. had their entrance exams and she was on her way to take them.

Miko's pov.

I finally made it to U.A. I was about to head inside when I hear someone scream, "STAY OUTTA MY WAY DEKU". I turn to look at who was yelling only to find a very angry blond walking away from some green haired kid. 'He looks like a pomeranian' I think to myself. Then I remember the exam. I run inside and find a seat next to a boy with black hair. He turns to me and gives me a sharp-toothed smile. "Hey i'm Eijiro Kirishima what's your name?" "Miko Otori" "Nice to meet you Otori."  "likewise Kirishima."

Just then Present Mic walks onto the stage. He explains how the exam would work with only one interruption. A boy with blue hair and glasses started yelling about how there were four obstacles on the pamphlet and how the green haired kid's mumbling was distracting everyone. Present mic explains that the fourth obstacle wasn't worth any points so it would be better to just run away. The blue haired boy apologises with a ninty-degree bow and sits back down. 


We all get off the bus that took us to our designated exam site which turned out to be a fake city. Unfortunately me and kirishima had different sites. But that just meant that I had to make more friends on my own. I make my way towards the front of the crowd that had gathered by the gates to the fake city. On my way I meet a purple haired kid who looked like he would pass out at any given moment. I decided to introduce myself. "Hi there my name's Miko Otori, what about you?" "My name is Hitoshi Shinso." "That's a nice name, hey what's your quirk? Mine is arsenal." "Mind control." "That's a cool quirk, very useful for hostage situations but not for fighting robots." "Wait you're not scared of me?" "Why would I be scared of you? You know what never mind. Look,your quirk won't be effective against robots so here take this." I reach behind me and pull out a katana. "This will help you. All you have to do is press the little button on the side of the handle and it'll get so hot that it can cut through metal." Hitoshi took the katana a little hesitantly. "Why help me?" "Cause your my friend and I want you to get in." He looked a little shocked at that but nodded.

Suddenly the gates opened and Present Mic yelled "GOOOOO." Everyone looked at the gates in shock. "Whats wrong? There are no count downs in real life" he yelled. With those words everyone started rushing in. I looked at Hitoshi and said "most people are gonna be on the main streets so try taking the back alleys." He looked at me and nodded. Then we separated with a shout of "good luck" and ran through the alleys looking for points.

It had been ten minutes since the exam started, there were five minutes left on the clock. I was running through the ally after taking down a two pointer. I had mostly been using a sword or a gun to take down the robots. At this point I had about 30 points stacked up. You would be surprised how many robots there really are in the alleys and back streets. 'I wonder how Hitoshi is doing.' Just then i fell and hear a big rumbling coming from the main street. I run out to see a giant robot crushing everything. I turn around to run away with everyone else when i hear a faint call for help. I turn back around and look at my surroundings. Then I see it, there on the ground about ten feet from the robot lay a girl with pink skin. I rush back to help her, looping her arm around my shoulders and grabbing her waist, I start to carry her back when I feel someone join me on her left. I look over to see Hitoshi doing the same thing I had. We carry her to safety and the exam ends.

I look over at Hitoshi after we set the girl down so recovery girl could heal her, and I ask,"how many points did you get?" He replies, "don't know, I lost count after 20. What about you?" " I cant remember, I think I had at least 30." We start walking back to the bus so it can take us to the school. "Hey give me your number so we can keep in touch," I say. "ok." He gives me his number and I shoot him a quick text saying hi so he has my number as well. We get back to the school and part ways so we can go home.


I open the door with a shout of "I'm home" and walk inside. I'm greeted by my cat mochi as i sit down on the couch. "Welcome home dear, how did you do?" " I think I did pretty good. I even made a few friends." "That's good to hear, now come help me finish dinner we're having your favorite." "yess." I jump up and follow my mom into the kitchen. Now all that's left to do is wait for my letter.

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