The Big 3

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It was now Friday, and we were supposed to meet the big three of U.A. Mr. Aizawa was getting them now, while the class waited with anticipation. Mr. Aizawa walked in with three students behind him. They walked to the front of the class and introduced themselves. The Blond one who seemed to shine like the sun introduced himself as Mirio Togata. The bubbly blue haired girl introduced herself as Nejire Hado. The shy purple haired boy tried to introduce himself but couldn't get the words out. He ended up hiding his face against the wall and Mirio introduced him instead. The shy boy's name was Tamaki Amajiki.

After the introductions were done, we were told why the big three of U.A. were here in the first place. We were gonna be fighting them. We went to the locker rooms and changed into our hero outfits and then we all raced to training ground beta. It turned out that Tamaki was to nervous to fight us and nejire wanted to comfort him, so we were only going to be fighting Mirio. "Honestly fighting just one of them is going to be hard enough. I couldn't imagine fighting all three of them with the amount of experience we have now." I told Izuku. "You're right, I wonder if we'll even win this fight." "I'm sure it'll be close."

We all get into position and ready for a gruelling fight. Mr. Aizawa blows the whistle and we all rush in trying to overwhelm Mirio. Before anyone can reach him however, he turns intangible and sinks through the ground. We all look around trying to see where he went. But he popped up behind Kiri and kicked him sending Kiri to the ground. Then before we could react, he sunk back into the ground. This continued until everyone was on the ground and he was standing above us. Then I came up with an idea. I helped everyone off the ground and told them my plan.

Jirou would keep an ear to the ground listening for the vibrations of him travelling through the ground. The close range fighters like Kiri, Shouji, Sato, Momo, Ojirou, Koda, Tenya, Hitoshi and Hagakure would surround the spot and throw him off guard. The mid to long range fighters, Mina, Ochako, Sero, Kaminari, Tsu, Katsuki, Izuku, Shoto, Tokoyami and me, would be a bit further away keeping him pinned. As Mirio sunk back into the ground, Jirou stuck an earphone jack into the ground. The rest of us got ready and when Jirou pointed to where he would pop up, we quickly got into place. He popped up expecting to catch us off guard but was shocked when he found that we were ready for him. 

Ojirou instantly started a fight with him and the others periodically chimed in. They were keeping him above ground so I could load up the paralyzing bullet into the right gun. He managed to slip by them and sink back into the ground once more. Again we surrounded the spot he would appear and this time I was ready for him. He popped back up and the fight started once more. I aimed at my target and once I was ready I gave the class a silent signal to get out of the way. They managed to move out of the line of fire without making it obvious and still keeping the fight going. I fired the gun and the bullet went sailing through the air. 

fpth. It hit flesh. Then, the body hit the ground. I did it. I managed to hit one of the big three. Mirio was quickly wrapped up in Sero's tape and held off the floor. Aizawa's timer went off signalling the end of the match. It also signalled that we won. We brought Mirio over to Nejire and Tamaki and unwrapped him from the tape. "I'm so sorry but the poison will wear off in ten minutes," I told them. Nejire told me it was ok and they would take care of Mirio until it wore off. We were then let off for lunch, so we changed into our regular uniforms and headed to the cafeteria in groups all the while chattering about the match.

When we got back to the classroom, we notice that the big three are still here. "I thought you would have gone back to your own class." Izuku said. "We needed to talk to you all about the match first." Nejire explained. "Oh, that makes sense." Izuku reasoned. We all sat down and listened to them talk. "I was most impressed by your teamwork. How you all worked together to take me down. You had people distract me while the real attack was being set up further away. You also had someone track my movements so I couldn't sneak up on you. It was a very smart plan. Keep up the teamwork because you all did very good. Honestly I wasn't expecting anyone to be able to hit me. Not only did multiple people manage to hit me, you also managed to take me down. I'm proud of you." At the end of Mirio's speech he gave us a thumbs up. 

We got another "good work" from Nejire and then the three of them went back to their own class. Then we were told by Mr. Aizawa that we still had our other classes to get to since they had been changed around today to make room for the fight. So our regular classes were in the afternoon for today. Making our way to English class we couldn't help but chatter about the beginning of the day. Even Present Mic seemed interested. Apparently Mr. Aizawa told the rest of the teachers about the fight during lunch. A little embarrassing but overall, thats how we knew he was proud of us. The rest of the day passed with every teacher giving us a "good job" at the start of class and then the lesson went on like normal. 

When we got to our dorm in the evening we were still buzzing about the morning. Everyone was eager to share the story with our families and that just what we did. After eating the meal that Izuku made for us today, Mina did dishes and then we all disappeared into our rooms. I grabbed mochi and curled up in my chair to read for a bit before I went to bed.(I had brought mochi over the day before) An hour later I set mochi down and climbed into bed. I sent a goodnight text to Katsuki which he sent one back, plugged in my phone to charge and fell asleep. 

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