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The next time I woke up, Eri was still in my arms and asleep. Katsuki was holding my hand while sitting in the chair beside the bed. He also seemed to be sleeping. I didn't want to wake him so I just sat there and looked out of the window. It was a few minutes later that Katsuki started to stir. When he was fully awake he registered that I was awake as well. 

"How long have you been up?" he asked, his voice groggy from sleep. 

"Only a few minutes. You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you."

"I saw the fight on T.V. I was so scared. I didn't see you anywhere until the end where you caught Deku and the girl. Who is she by the way?" 

"I'm sorry for scaring you. The mission didn't go the way we wanted. This is Eri," I paused, thinking of a way to put what I wanted to say into words. "She is the girl I couldn't save a little while ago. But she is safe now."

He looked shocked at my words. "What do you mean you couldn't save her?"

Lemillion, Deku, and I ran into her and Overhaul on patrol that day. We knew who he was and we knew that she wasn't safe with him. But we couldn't do anything about it without risking the lives of all of the civilians around us and ourselves. I had to send her back to that monster. I couldn't save her that day, but we saved her now. She can live a happy life now that she is free from that place." Tears were running down my face as I retold the events of that day. 

I looked down at Eri who was starting to wake up. She opened her red eyes, rubbed her eyes with her hand,  and looked around the room curiously before looking at Katsuki and I. 

"Who are you mister?" she asked sleepily.

"The name's Katsuki Bakugou kid." 

"He's my boyfriend and he came to make sure I was alright after what happened yesterday." I explained why he was here. 

She nodded to show she understood. She was about to ask something else but a nurse walked in before she could.

"Miss Otori?" 


"You will need one more check up to make sure the wounds are healing up alright but then you should be good to go as long as you take it easy for the next couple of days."

"Okay. What about Eri. We did a few tests while you were asleep and everything seems to be fine so she is free to go as well." 

That was good news. After a twenty minute check up Eri and I were out of the hospital and walking with Katsuki to the train station where we'd catch the train to U.A. Then we would spend the rest of the day just taking it easy. On the way there I filled Katsuki in on all of the details that I couldn't tell him before. As well as what I did during the fight yesterday. He was upset that he wasn't there to help but didn't blame me for keeping it a secret. 

When we got back to the dorms, we introduced Eri to the rest of our classmates and quickly escaped to my room before they could crowd us with questions. We spent the rest of the day playing with Eri and basically showing her how to be the six year old girl she was. I even introduced her to mochi. She immediately fell in love with him and held on to him for the rest of the night. Surprisingly mochi didn't seem to mind being held by her. 

Sato brought us the food that he had made for supper so we wouldn't have to leave my room at all. Apparently everyone who wasn't at the fight was watching on T.V and knew most of what had happened. They also apparently knew that I had been in the hospital and knew not to bother me until I was ready. I really appreciated that. When I asked about the other students who were there Katsuki told me, "Deku and that blond third year kid were the only other ones hospitalized. Froggy, Floaty, and Sharky weren't hurt that bad so they were sent straight back here once it was over. From the pros, because I know you were gonna ask, Mr. Aizawa, Rock Lock, and Centipeder were sent to the hospital with minor injuries. But Sir Nighteye," he paused. "Sir Nighteye was fatally wounded. He didn't make it through the night." 

I felt relief flood through me when I heard that none of my friends were hurt but that relief quickly turned to shock and sadness when I heard of Nighteye. I just let the tears fall from my eyes as I mourned the loss of a man who had quickly become like a mentor to me. Of course, Eri noticed this and as a kid who wanted to make someone feel better she sat beside me on my bed and patted my knee with her small hand and said, "Don't cry. Here mochi will fix it." She handed me the cat she had been holding for the past ten minutes as if he was the answer to all of my problems. I let out a small chuckle and took the cat into my arms. 

"Thank you Eri, this does make me feel better." Seemingly satisfied that I had been cheered up she went back to playing with my phone. Katsuki and I sat there in silence for a few minutes just watching her before she yawned and rubbed her eyes sleepily. I took my phone out of her hands while Katsuki went to turn out the lights. The three of us cuddled up under the sheets and quickly fell asleep. 


Then next few days went by in a similar manor. The only difference was that we had to get eri a home. Officially she was now a ward of U.A. with Shota Aizawa as her main caretaker. though she still spent most of her time with either me or Izuku. She was also joining the rest of class 1-A in the common room more and more. And after a few more days of taking it easy, I was finally recovered enough to start training again. Even if none of us knew it, things were about to get interesting. 

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