Hero License Exam pt.2

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The fight wasn't easy. Nothing ever was in the hero course. Our opponents had a way to counter both of Shoto's attacks so we were in a bit of a tough spot. They must have someone with a water quirk to use against his fire and they used large objects to break through his ice. That kept him on the defensive. That left me to go on the offensive. 'Somehow they haven't figured out my quirk yet' which confused me. 'I thought everyone watched the sports festival. I used my quirk a lot there so why haven't they figured it out by now. Not that I'm complaining as it gives me an edge.'

Not wanting them to see my next move I slowly put my right hand behind my back and summon one of my newer swords. This one was made to mimic Shoto's quirk. It contained liquid nitrogen in a small tube running throughout the length of the sword that ended at the tip. The liquid would drip out of the tube and run down the edge of the blade. It let me freeze things with just a touch. 

I withdrew my hand from behind my back and brandished the sword in front of me. Getting Shoto to cover me, I ran into the crowd of opponents looking for the one with a water quirk. It didn't take long to find them and I quickly used their own quirk to trap them by slicing my sword through the water they were using as a bubble of protection. Probably trying to deter me from going in after them. To bad I used the bubble to trap them instead. And since I used liquid nitrogen the more water they used on the ice bubble, the thicker it would get. 

I turned back to Shoto and let him know that he now had more options than just using his ice as defense. "Water source is disabled. You can use your fire now." "Thanks for the opening." "No problem. Now lets get that license." He trapped a few of the other students in rings of fire. They could still use their quirks to fight us but they couldn't move without getting badly burned. With them distracted I switched my sword for the rocket launcher and used the trick from the first day of school. I placed the rubber balls we were given into the weapon and aimed at the few students still free from the fire. 

That's when I heard one of the others shout to his friends, "Guys, I think the weapons are a part of her quirk." "What makes you say that?" Someone shouted back. "Well where would she hide a fricking ROCKET LAUNCHER???" "Fair point." Now I was curious as to what they thought my quirk was in the first place. So I did what I thought was best in this situation. I asked. "What did you guys think my quirk was anyway?" It was one of the people trapped in fire that answered me. "I don't know, some sort of mental quirk or something." 'Really?' I shook off the shock of that and focused back on hitting their targets. I hit two of the people that Shoto managed to trick into getting their hands and feet trapped in ice and one of the people still standing in the fire. 

Throughout my conversation, Shoto had already gotten his required targets and as soon as I finished my objective he let go of the people he trapped. As well as melting out the person with the water quirk. The second they were free Shoto made an ice ramp to take us back to the observation room. On the way I saw Katsuki sitting on the hood of a car that Denki was driving. I'd have to get an explanation for what the heck happened to them considering they looked pretty beat up. 

As we made it to the room I noticed that the only people missing from our class were Izuku, Ochako and Tenya. Everyone else made it here before we did which was surprisingly not a surprise. It was two minutes later when the three walked in looking bruised and tired but happy. That was everyone in our class who passed the first part. Now we just needed to pass the second part. 

After a few more students passed the buzzer went off again. Then a voice came through the speakers. "To the students who have passed the first round, congratulations. To the students who didn't pass, good luck next time. In a few minutes the second phase of this exam will take place. This phase will focus on rescue. You will be searching through a collapse zone and rescuing staff who will be acting as civilians who got trapped in the disaster." With the end of his speech the ground shook and we all looked to the screen that showed the battle ground. It was now a disaster zone as everything had collapsed in on itself. 

"You will be graded on your ability to find, rescue, and keep calm the civilians." I only paid half attention to the rest of his speech as I was busy coming up with a plan to use. We were given another ten minutes to prepare and I used this time to relay what I had come up with so far. Everyone gathered in close and listened to what I had to say. 

"We need a few people scouting ahead looking for injured civilians. Jirou, Koda, Hagakure, Shoji, and I will be the scouts we need. I want one person who can lift extremely heavy things with each scout. Kiri I want you to follow Jirou. Sato you're with Koda. Ochako with Hagakure, Ojirou go with Shoji and Katsuki with me. Next we need people actually getting civilians out of trouble while the strongmen are holding up rubble or helping the rescuers. Mina, Tokoyami, Shoto, Tsu, and Tenya. You five are the rescuers. You will all be together. Once a scout finds someone they will relay the information back to the strongmen and rescuers. Depending one the situation One of the strongmen will stay with the civilian while the scout moves on. I want there to be less than a minute between a scout finding someone and the appropriate rescuer on the scene. Denki, Sero, Izuku, Shinsou, and Momo, you guys are first aid. Patch up the rescued civilians as best as you can and then get them to the designated first aid tents. I'm trusting Izuku and Sero to get them there. You two are the fastest. 

With that plan in place we managed to do quite well. I had to stop Katsuki and surprisingly Shoto from picking a fight with the overenthusiastic guy from before. He had provoked them both and I really wanted to let them beat his ass, but we needed to stay on task. There was a deviation from my plan when Gang Orca who was posing as a villain attacked one of the medical tents. The heavy lifters managed to take him down without too many injuries though so after patching them up with the medical supplies we had on hand, curtesy of Momo. We had five minutes left to find the rest of the civilians. 

After the test ended, we were herded back to the observation room. The screen from before now showed our test scores and who passed as well as who failed. Searching for my name I found that I was one of the top ten who passed. Sighing in relief I looked for the rest of my friend's names and found them all. We all passed. Though Shoto and Katsuki were closer to the bottom of the list due to their almost fight with what's-his-name. 

I turn to my friends with tears in my eyes and let out an excited yell. "We all passed." That set off the rest of them and I suddenly found myself in the middle of a class wide group hug. Katsuki, who was beside me when I got jumped, didn't get out of the way in time and got stuck as well. I could hear him sniffle a little bit though so I knew he was happy. Everyone was screaming through tears as we celebrated becoming actual heroes. I could barely see Mr. Aizawa off to the side with a proud smile on his face. 

After we all calmed down We made our way to where the examiners were handing out the licenses. We each had to pose for a picture that would go on the little piece of plastic that showed we were official heroes. Not a single one of the students in class 1-A left the arena with a dry eye. This was the thing we were all fighting for and we finally managed to get there. We celebrated our win with a party that the girls started planning the second we got back on the bus. It lasted well into the night and if we all slept in the next day, no one said anything.

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