Training camp day. 3

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The next day started the same but at the same time it was a bit different. Wake up at 5:30, go for an hour long run and then have breakfast. Today however I found myself lost in thought. Somehow I found myself thinking about things I didn't usually think of. These thoughts included the ash blond running only a few steps in front of me. When we finished the run and were getting ready to head to our stations and do more training, it hit me. 'I HAVE A CRUSH ON BAKUGOU?!?! How did that happen' 

I couldn't change the way I acted or he would know something was wrong and question me about it. So instead I acted the same way I had for the past few days. I summoned the tank and some other weapons and went to talk to him like normal. This time I decided to bring a bow with me so I could practice with it. I stopped by Momo and Sato and asked her if she would make me a target and some extra arrows. She agreed and soon enough I had my target set up and the arrows in my hand.

Now I was standing by Bakugou and talking to him like nothing was wrong while at the same time firing arrows at the target that sat 25 feet away. Even though we were having a relatively calm conversation, I was screaming at myself in my head. 'How in the world did you manage to fall for this blond ass-hole?? And how did you never realize before now??' I felt my energy levels drop and decided that I needed a break. I let go of the tank and my bow before sitting down at a nearby tree and grabbing some snacks from a bag I had taken to carrying around with me. 

The rest of the morning went on the same and during lunch we were told that there would be a test of courage in the evening. The Wild Wild Pussycats told us that we would need to conserve our energy and that we would have the rest of the day off from training. Everyone finished eating quickly and ran outside to make the most of their free time. Some people decided to head to the hot springs and others wanted to play around the camp. 

The dekusquad chose the latter and we ended up getting the rest of the people that stayed outside to agree to a game of hide-n-seek. I came up with the idea to not use our quirks as it would be more challenging. After a few rounds everyone was enjoying the game and had almost forgotten about the test of courage. All to soon Mr. Aizawa told us to head inside for supper and reminded us about what would happen afterwards.


Everyone from both classes, except for Kiri, Mina, Kaminari, and Sato, was lined up in front of the forest listening to the rules of the game. We were to go in pairs. 1-B would be the jump scares for the first round and 1-A would be the ones to go through. We were told to draw straws that were different colours. The two people with matching straws would be paired together. After everyone was paired up class 1-B was told to go find hiding spots. After ten minutes the first class 1-A pair would be sent in. The rest of the pairs would follow in five minute intervals. 

I was paired up with Izuku and we were the last pair to head into the forest. Not even five minutes into the forest I knew something was totally wrong. That's when I smelled the smoke. Looking into the distance I noticed the cause. Blue flames were engulfing the forest. I turn to Izuku, "We need to help the others." "You are right, let's go." We quickly make our way through the forest finding people and helping them get back to camp. We had just finished taking an unconscious Monoma to the camp when we heard Mandalay asking if we had seen Kota at all. 

Izuku said he knew where he might be and went to find him. I went back into the forest to help find the rest of the students. On my way I encounter Tsu and Ochako fighting against toga. I summon a paralyzer gun and shot her while still running. I tell Tsu and Ochako to head back to camp and help anyone on the way. The paralyzing effects would wear off in a few minutes so they shouldn't stick around. I make my way deeper into the forest and meet up with Bakugou and Shoto. Both were fighting with someone covered with a straight jacket but his mouth was producing knives from his teeth. I jumped into the fray and provided some cover for the two.

Not too long after we hear someone coming toward us. It was Shoji and he was carrying Izuku on his back and wrapped in his arms. They were being chased by a rampaging Dark Shadow. Bakugou got an explosion ready to fire at Dark Shadow when I got an idea. I told Bakugou to wait and take cover. We hid on the side and watched as the sentient shadow swiftly took out the villain. Then I asked Shoto to shoot a blast of flame to capture the birds attention. It didn't take long for him to calm down and when he did Izuku told us the reason for the villain attack. 

They were here to kidnap Bakugou. We decided that we would form a protective circle around him and get back to camp safely. On the way we were talking about how they knew where we were. We make it to a clearing before we notice something. Where was Bakugou? We turn to look for him only to find another villain floating in the air. In my shock I didn't register much of what was said until Shoto was reaching for a marble that was falling to the ground. Just before he reached it another hand wrapped around the marble. The villain holding the marble introduced himself as Dabi and asked his partner to reveal who was inside the marble. 

Now free from the marble Bakugou found himself facing us with a hand around his neck. The villains were now all grouped together and started backing into the same purple warp that was at the U.S.J. Bakugou looked at us with a scared look but didn't say anything. Without thinking I ran towards the portal in hopes of reaching him in time. I reached my hand out to him and he went to grab it but just as my hand was an inch from his, the portal closed between us. I hit the ground and let out the most blood-curling scream I could muster. Bakugou was gone, and there would be no telling if or when he would come back.

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