Sports Fest. Prep.

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The weekend was spent hanging out with the dekusquad and training. After being attacked during school I decided that I needed to become stronger. So I pushed myself as far as my body would let me. I was excited to get back to school and continue hero training.


At school on Monday everyone was talking about the U.S.J incident. It was all over the news too. They were saying that the villians that attacked us were called the League of Villians. I could here Kirishima and Kaminari talking about how we were practically famous because we were on the news. Jirou shut them down pretty quickly though. 

Suddenly Tenya ran to the front of the class and said, "Attention, homeroom class is about to begin, everyone stop talking and take your seats." Sero cut in with, "We are all sitting, you are the only one standing." Just then a mummy walked into the classroom, "Morning class." Upon closer inspection the mummy was actually, "MR. AIZAWA?!?! What are you doing here." "My wellbeing is irrelevant, what's more important is that your fight isn't over yet." 'Our fight? Don't tell me that we have to fight more villians.' "The U.A. sports festival is about to start." With that everyone exclaimed, "why would you scare us like that?"

Jirou asked, "is it really a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villians snuck inside?" Ojiro continued, "they could attack once we are all in the same place." Mr. Aizawa answers them, "apparently the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer then ever. Plus they are beefing up security compared to past years. This event is a huge opportunity for all students at U.A., it's not something we can cancel because of a few villians. Our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world. In the past everyone obsessed over the Olympic games, but then quirks started appearing. Now the Olympics have been drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. For anyone who cares about competition, there is only one tournament that matters. The U.A. sports festival."

"That's right, pro heros everywhere will be watching, this is where you get scouted," continued Momo. Kaminari goes on, "she's right, after graduation a lot of pros join agencies as sidekicks." "It's true that joining an agency can garner you a lot of experience and popularity," Mr. Aizawa takes over. "That is why the festival matters. If you wanna go pro one day then this event can open the path for you. One chance a year, three chances in a lifetime, no aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival. That means you better not slack off on your training. Class is dismissed."

During lunch the dekusquad was deciding on a training schedule. "This is gonna be nuts, everyone is so excited." Izuku mutters. "Well yeah of course we are, we enrolled in this school with the sole aim to become heros, so naturally we are getting fired up. You have to be excited to, right Izuku?" Tenya asks "Well yeah of course I am, and also nervous." "Izuku, Tenya, Miko, Tsu, Hitoshi, let's do our best in the sports festival." Ochako joins us. "Ochako, what happened to your face, you're usually really laid back?" I ask her. She gets into a battle stance and shouts, "everyone, i'm gonna do my best."

"How should we do this." I ask the group. "Well we have a few months till the sports festival, so we could alternate where we train." Izuku puts in. "What if we do Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays together?" Hitoshi asks. "Sure, that sounds good. And we could start the rotation at my house." Tenya agrees. "Alright then tomorrow's training will be at Tenya's place and Thursday's at mine." I continue. "I,ll take Saturday." goes Tsu. "Then I get next Tuesday." Hitoshi calls. "And I get Next Thursday." Ochako says. "I will take next Saturday then, but not at my house." "We could do it at a local park," I suggest. "That will work," he agrees. "After that we will just rotate down the line again." Izuku explains.

Now that we had a training schedule made, we head down to the cafeteria for lunch. As we walk, we talk about why we wanted to become heros. Ochako wanted the money so she could help her family. Izuku wanted to save people like All Might and to show people that anyone could be a hero. Tsu wanted to help save people and to protect her siblings. Hitoshi wanted to prove to everyone that it didn't matter what quirk you had, you just had to truly want to be a hero. Tenya came from a family of heros, his brother being the hero Ingenium. I wanted to be a hero for anyone who needed it. Shoto wanted to be a hero for his mother.

Just then All Might comes down the hallway towards us and exclaims, "young Midoriya is here." "All Might what are you doing here?" Izuku asks. "Lunch, you wanna eat with me? What do you say?" Izuku looks over to us and we all nod. "Sure thing," He says. During lunch we talked about random things as we ate. I learned that Tsu actually ate like a frog sometimes. Which meant she ate flies and spiders. A little gross, but cool nonetheless. I also learned that Shoto didn't know his siblings much since his father never let him play with them. We were all starting to hate Endeavor more and more.


The next two months were spent going to school, doing homework, and training. On Wednesdays and Fridays I trained by myself. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays I trained with the dekusquad. Sundays were our rest days. We spent a lot of time together and now we were really close. Shoto started opening up a bit more and now it was almost always that he was smiling. We had started teaching him about internet terms and he was learning fast. Hitoshi was opening up a bit more as well. He didn't seem so shy anymore and even started some debates on memes.

Finally the two months were up. In just a few days we would be participating in the sports festival. We were all pumped up and ready. Our quirks had grown in the past two months and so did our physical strength, speed, and stamina. I could summon and hold a rocket launcher, which was my biggest weapon, for about three hours now before I needed to rest. To say we were unprepared would be a lie.

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