Picking Hero Names

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A few days after the sports festival, we returned to school. As I walked to the train station I got a bunch of calls of "good job at the sports festival" and "you were awesome" and "you fight really good". I even signed an autograph for a little girl who wanted to be a hero when she grew up. She even told me that I was going to be her favorite hero. As I continued my way to school I kept getting compliments. 

I finally make it to class and find everyone talking about the people that recognized them on their way to school. Sero was telling the class how some little kids yelled "nice try" at him. Everyone started to laugh at that. To be honest it was kinda funny. Kaminari was flirting with Ochako again while she just ignored him. Hitoshi was trying to take a nap at his desk but was definitely failing. Bakugou was glaring at almost everyone. Momo was talking to Jiro. And Tenya had just walked in behind me.

Just as everyone slides into their seats the bell rings and Mr. Aizawa walks in. This time he is completely bandage free. He immediately hands out stacks of papers that have internship offers on them. "We have a big class today, on hero informatics. You need codenames, time to pick your hero identities. This is related to the internship drafts. Normally students don't have to worry about them until second or third year, but your class is different. In fact by extending offers to students like you, pros are essentially investing in your potential. An offer can be retracted if their interest in you dies down before graduation though."

Hagakure leans forward in her seat and says, "so what you're saying is, we will still have to prove ourselves after we have gotten recruited?" "Correct. Now, here are the totals for those of you who got offers." Mr. Aizawa shows us a hologram of the offers we got. Shoto had 4,123 offers, Bakugou had 3,556 offers, I had 1,483 offers, Tokoyami had 360, Tenya had 301, Kaminari had 272, Momo had 108 Kirishima had 68, Ochako had 20, and Sero had 14. The rest of the class had none. 

"In past years it has been more spread out but there is a pretty big gap this time." "Todoroki got the most, ahead of Bakugou?" Jiro asks. "Yeah it's the opposite of how they placed in the festival." Kirishima replies. Sero remarks, "pros were probably not to excited to work with the guy who had to be chained up in the end." Bakugou cuts in yelling,"if I scared a pro they're just weak."  I look at Shoto and say, "you must be proud that you got so many offers." He doesn't seem as excited as he says, "those offers are probably because of my father."

"Despite these results, you will all be interning with pros, got it. Even those of you who didn't get any offers." "So we are all interning?" Izuku asks. "Yes, you've already gotten to experience real combat with villians during the attack at the U.S.J facility. But it will still be helpful to see the pros at work up close and personal, in the field, first hand." At this I grow excited. I can feel myself shaking. Sato then exclaims, "and for that we need hero names." "These hero names will likely be temporary but take them seriously or-" "You'll have hell to pay." Midnight interrupts Mr. Aizawa. "What you pick today could be your codename for life. You have to be careful or you will be stuck with something utterly indecent."

"Yea she's got a good point. Midnight is going to have final approval of your names. It's not my forte. The name that you give yourself is important. It helps enforce your image and shows what kind of hero you want to be in the future. A codename tells people exactly what you represent. Take All Might for example." Then he gets into his sleeping bag and passes out. We then get whiteboards passed around to write our chosen hero name on. I think for a minute before I get the perfect idea. I write it on my board and wait for the rest to finish.

"Now students, who among you is ready to share?" 'Wait we have to present them?' Since I had mine picked already I went up first. I flipped my board and it showed, (the weapon specialist hero: Arsenal) Midnight takes a look and, "I love it, it totally embodies your talent." I walk back to my seat knowing that I just set the bar for the rest of my class. Ashido was next. She chose Alien Queen but Midnight rejected it saying it was too creepy. Ashido ended up with Pinky which was still a good one. Tsu was next and she had chosen Froppy as her hero name. Everyone started chanting Froppy when Midnight decided she loved the name.

Up next was Kirishima, he chose the name Red Riot. He was paying omage to the retired hero Crimson Riot. 'Wow that is really cool of him.' Next was Jiro and she got the name Earphone Jack. Shoji chose Tentacole. Sero chose to stick with Cellophane. Ojiro took on the name Tailman. Sato chose to be called Sugarman. Kaminari came to the front and showed us that he chose to be Chargebolt. Hagakure took a basic approach and chose Invisigirl. Momo took on the name Creati. Shoto just chose to go with his first name. So he was now Shoto. Tokoyami wanted to be called Tsukoyomi. Shinso showed us his board and said, "I'm gonna go with Mind-blank." Koda went with Anima. 

Bakugou went up and wanted the name King Explosion Murder but was immediately shot down. After a few more tries, he settled with Dynamight. Ochako went next with the name Uravity. "To be honest choosing names is going faster then I thought it would. All we have left is Iida and Midoriya." Tenya went up and chose to go the same way Shoto did and take his first name. So he was now Tenya. Izuku was the last one and chose to take the name his bullies called him to make fun of him and turn it into his hero name. So he was now known as Deku.


Miko Otori: Arsenal

Ochako Uraraka: Uravity

Mina Ashido: Pinky

Momo Yaoyorozu: Creati

Kyoka Jiro: Earphone Jack

Toru Hagakure: Invisigirl

Tsuyu Asui: Froppy

Katsuki Bakugou: Dynamight

Eijiro Kirishima: Red Riot

Denki Kaminari: Chargebolt

Hanta Sero: Cellophane

Izuku Midoriya: Deku

Tenya Iida: Tenya

Shoto Todoroki: Shoto

Hitoshu Shinsou: Mind-blank

Fumikage Tokoyami: Tsukoyomi

Mezo Shoji: Tentacole

Rikido Sato: Sugarman

Mashiro Ojiro: Tailman

Koji Koda: Anima

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