Sports Festival Pt.1

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Today was the day. The day of the sports festival. Everyone was in the waiting room trying to either calm their nerves or get themselves pumped up for the festival. Either way, emotions were all over the place. I for one was stretching and pumping myself up by listening to the song RISE by league of legends. I look up from my stretches and see that Shoto was talking to Izuku. "You may be my friend and you might have All Might in your corner but I will beat you." Kirishima puts a hand on Shoto's shoulder and says, "hey man what's with all the declarations of war lately?" 

I think back to yesterday when the rest of the first years in U.A. came to scout out our class. They had surrounded our door and wouldn't let us leave. A silver haired kid from class 1-A had declared war on us on behalf of the rest of the students there. Bakugou stepped in saying, "these losers don't matter as long as you beat them all." To be honest what he said kinda inspired the rest of us. 

Right now we were heading out into the arena while Present Mic was announcing our presence. Mr. Aizawa was also announcing but way less enthusiastically. Compared to Present Mic's screaming he sounded like a whisper. Present Mic announces the rest of the classes, "and then we have class B, also in the hero course. Classes C,D,E in general studies. The support classes F,G,H. And the business classes I,J,K.

We gather around the platform that stands to the side of the arena. Midnight the R-rated hero walks onto it. I hear people wondering if it was a good idea to bring in the R-rated hero. She turns to us and announces that Bakugou will be the one saying the student pledge. He walks up to the mic on the platform and speaks, "I just wanna say, I'm gonna win." Everyone starts booing him, even our own class. He turns to us, "It's not my fault you are all just stepping stones to my victory."

Somehow I get the feeling that he said that speech to challenge himself. Midnight then turns to a holographic game wheel that would choose the first event. It spun for a few seconds before landing on the words Obstacle Course. "The course is 4 kilometers around the outside of the stadium. As long as you don't leave the marked course anything goes. Players to your starting positions."

We all get bunched together at the mouth of a narrow tunnel that would lead to outside the stadium. Unknown to us the tunnel was the first obstacle. We waited for the lights to turn green before rushing forward. I feel a sudden chill in the air before my feet are frozen to the ground. I quickly summon a small flamethrower and melt my feet out and continue forward again. I make it to the end of the tunnel and I can see that there are only a few people infront of me. I continue running before getting stopped by a blockade of robots. The same ones from the entrance exam. 

Shoto freezes them and runs underneath them to the other side. People try to do the same but since they were off balance when they were frozen they fell before anyone could make it, crushing two students underneath. After a second or two of baited breath one student bursts free. It's Kirishima. He gets out from underneath the robots and says, "Man, if it were anyone other than me they would be dead." Barely a second later the second student bursts free. It's the silver haired kid from 1-B. He gets out from underneath the robots and says, "Man, if it were anyone other than me they would be dead."

We all rush in and work together to take out the robots. I use the heated sword I used for the exam. They had five of the zero pointer robots that no one wanted to get near. Suddenly they go down. We all turn to look for who had done that. We see Momo using a cannon to take them down. 'Ugh why didn't I think of that.' I slash another robot and rush forward again. By this point Bakugou had blasted himself ahead and was catching up to Shoto.

We quickly come to the next obstacle which Present Mic introduces as The Fall. It is a huge pit with pillars sticking out and ropes connecting them. Shoto was already using his ice to slide across the ropes. Tsu wastes no time in hopping on one of the ropes and crawling from pillar to pillar. I summon a bo staff and use it to pole vault my way to the first pillar and from there I use it as a balancing rod and tightrope walk my way across. Bakugou just blasts himself over it all.

I can see Shoto and Bakugou ahead fighting for first place. We finally get to the last obstacle. The Mine Field. They don't do any real damage but they do blast you away while releasing a loud bang and pink smoke. Bakugou and Shoto are still ahead but are going slower as to not set off any of the mines. I do some quick thinking and just climb up on the wall that marks the course and run along it. 

Present Mic notices and yells, "HEY, IS THAT ALLOWED?" Mr. Aizawa replies, "well, Midnight said as long as they didn't leave the course anything was allowed and she hasn't left the course, she's just running along the edge of it." Thanks to my parkour skills I don't lose my balance and almost make it to the end before there is a huge blast at the beginning of the mine field. Everyone stops to see what had happened. Izuku had gathered a large number of unbothered mines with a large slab of metal and jumped on top of them blasting himself up and forward. 

I see Izuku fly ahead of everyone and start running again. Bakugou and Shoto stop fighting and focus on beating Izuku. He ends up landing on their shoulders and uses the metal slab to blast a few more mines and boost himself forward again while pushing the other two to the side. I quickly hop off the wall and start running again. Shoto shoots past me on his ice and Bakugou blasts infront of Shoto. So coming into the stadium first and our winner is Izuku. Second place goes to Bakugou, third place to Shoto and I come in fourth. 

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