Meeting Sir Nighteye

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"Midoriya and Otori, Mirio would like to speak with you two." was the first thing Mr. Aizawa told us the next morning. "You are excused from class." "Yes sir." we answered as we packed up our things. We met up with the blond third year at the front door of the school. "Good morning you two." he greeted. "Bet you're wondering why you're here. Well, Sir Nighteye showed an interest in you and wanted you to do your work studies with him." "We'd be honored to." Izuku answered. "Great I hoped that would be your answer. Now that you've accepted, you need to come to Sir's office on Saturday so he can sign the work studies contract you got from your homeroom teacher." "Okay, we'll meet you here at 9:30 Saturday morning." 

Now that we had established that we'd meet Sir Nighteye, the weekend could not come fast enough. The days seemed to pass by at a snail's pace. But finally, after what seemed like years the weekend was here. And Mirio, Izuku, and I were on our way to the Nighteye agency. As we walked Mirio told us that Sir Nighteye really appreciated a good sense of humor. Soon enough Mirio is opening the door to Sir's office and we see Sir Nighteye tickling a blue skinned girl who is tied in an upright starfish position. 

The only thing that Would come out of my mouth was, "Woah I did not expect to be pulled into a kinky boss x secretary fanfic." Yeah, not really the best thing to say right now. But It somehow made Sir laugh a little so probably a good sign. We waited patiently as he untied the girl and sat down behind his desk. "So you think you are good enough to join my agency as work study students?" Izuku and I both nodded. "Then take this and stamp your contract." "Wait what?" This is your test. I want you to prove to me that you are worthy of this opportunity. I want you to take this stamp from my hand and stamp you're contracts." That made more sense than before. "However, I want you to do so one at a time. Otori can go wait outside. Midoriya will go first. 

Mirio and I waited outside for Izuku to finish his test. After a few minutes of crashing sounds and yelling coming from the office it went silent. Taking that as a cue that the test had ended, I walked back into the office to find Izuku out of breath and hunched over with his hands on his knees. I saw Nighteye handing Izuku a small stamp and knew that Izuku had passed. Now it was my turn. This time Izuku walked out of the room. As the door closed behind him, I fell into a defensive stance and was attacked almost immediately. We kept going with hand to hand combat for a little bit before I was able to get around him and summoned one of my poisoned daggers. A small cut on the back of his calf caused him to go slack and fall to the floor.

"Don't worry it's just a muscle relaxer. It'll wear off in ten minutes or so." I walked up to him and grabbed the stamp out of his hand and stamped my paper that was on the desk. I got Izuku and Mirio to help me get him into his chair. During the time it took for the poison to wear off we talked about school and how it was living in the dorms. Ten minutes later it wore off and Sir Nighteye told us that we were now work study students of his agency. We were told that for our fist day we would just do a small patrol, report back and we'd be done for the day. 

Soon enough we were in our hero costumes and were out on the streets patrolling for crime. We stopped some petty thieves, saved a few cats stuck in trees and talked to some people who recognized us from the sports festival. Basically the basics of being heroes. Of course it couldn't stay peaceful. We were just walking by an alley when a little girl who couldn't be older that six came rushing out of the alley, crashing right into Deku's legs. She fell back but Deku caught her before she hit the ground. He picked her up and set her on his hip. "Are you ok little one? You're not hurt are you?" I asked. She looked at me and I saw her eyes widen. "Mamma?" My heart melted at the little girl's question. "No sweetheart, I'm not your mamma. But I can help you find her." She climbed down from Deku and clung to me as I was talking. 

"Oh, Eri there you are. Are you causing trouble for these heroes?" A new voice called from the alley. It was a Middle aged man with brown hair, dark eyes, and a plague mask covering his lower face. I felt Eri stiffen in my arms and start shaking the second he started speaking. I knew Deku and Lemillion, as Mirio was called as a hero, were talking to the man but I was to busy trying to calm Eri down to focus on what they were saying. I had at one point managed to get her to stop shaking but she was still stiff and clung to me like a lifeline. I knew something was wrong. Normal little kids wouldn't be this scared of their parents. 

I barely heard Lemillion whisper to Deku and I that this man was the leader of the Shei Hisaikai yakuza group. Or as he was otherwise known as Overhaul. Knowing we couldn't take away the girl from him right now without causing a major fight we wouldn't win, I had to think of something. Coming to the tough conclusion that she would have to go back to the man until we could properly rescue her, I turned my head to the little girl who was still clinging to me. "Hey, I need you to something for me Eri ok, can you help me?" I asked her with a calming voice. "I need you to go back to that man. Just until we can figure out a way to rescue you without a fight. I promise I will get you back." She looked at me with wide eyes filled with tears but nodded once I made a pinky promise to get here back. Before I let her go back though, I gave her one last hug and a kiss on her forehead. 

My eyes filled with tears as I watched her walk away with the most dangerous man around. Only one thought ran through my head as we walked back to the agency and gave our report of the day and the encounter. 'I will save you Eri. And nothing will stop me from making sure you live the happiest life you can.' 

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