Training camp day 1

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The next day we were woken up at 5:30 a.m. by Mr. Aizawa banging two pots together in the room we were sleeping in. He told us to get ready for the day and went to wake the boys. Quickly getting dressed in some workout clothes, we went outside and waited for the boys to get there. When everyone was semi awake and mostly paying attention, we were told that we would be going on a morning run to get our blood pumping and when class 1-B finally decided to show up, we would work on our quirks for the rest of the day.

At that Mr. Aizawa turned on his heel and started jogging. Without any hesitation I started following him. With my actions cluing people in on what we were doing, they started running too. We had gotten a quarter mile in when I noticed that me, Bakugou, Tenya, Shoto, and Izuku were at the front of the pack right behind Aizawa. And that was without using our quirks. 'Man, they really need to work on their speed.' 

Apparently Aizawa heard my thoughts because a few seconds later he suddenly turned around and wrapped up Hagakure, who was dead last in the run, with some rope he had hidden and tied her to a tree branch high enough so she would dangle. He said every few minutes he would pick off the student who came last. These words sped the rest of the class up a bit, each of them not wanting to get tied up. After an hour of running it was just Bakugou, Tenya, and I left. The whole run we had stayed at the front of the line. Izuku had dropped a few feet behind the three of us a few minutes back and he payed for it. 

By 7:00 we saw class 1-A lining up at the edge of the giant field we would be using. Even from this distance I could here Monoma bragging that class 1-B were the early risers and how he bet that class 1-A was still sleeping. I look to Mr. Aizawa and ask his permission to scare Monoma. He nods in consent and I make my way over there while He, Bakugou, and Tenya go untie our classmates. I manage to sneak up behind him without anyone else even noticing i'm there just as he says, "As lazy class 1-A is, they will never be true heros. That is why class 1-B is superior." He then starts laughing maniacally. I start laughing too and he stops to look at me. "oh please, don't mind me. Go on about how you think class 1-A is lazy when we have been up for an hour and a half already, going on a run with Mr. Aizawa, where the person in last place gets tied to a tree every five minutes. I would love to hear that." I say looking him dead in the eyes. The rest of the class joins as I finish my last statement and looks threateningly at Monoma. He starts to open his mouth to say something but gets cut off by Kendo knocking him out, again. 

We are told to go to the dining hall and get something energising to eat for breakfast and then head straight out to the field where class 1-B was before. When we get there, Mr. Aizawa splits us up and gives us a spot to practice our quirks. We would be spread out through the entire camp so we wouldn't accidentally hit anyone with our quirks. We would get an hour break at lunch and finish for the day at 4:30.

Momo and Sato were both eating cakes and other sweets while constantly using their quirks. Kiri and Ojiro were sparing each other with Kiri keeping his quirk activated the whole time. Sero was standing on a cliff shooting tape as far as it could go in continuous streams. Ochako was trying to lift a mountain sized boulder for more than a few seconds without throwing up. Shoto was sitting in a barrel of water that he had to heat up and freeze constantly. Bakugou was dunking his hands in boiling hot water and then releasing a giant explosion into the sky.

I didn't see where the rest went as I was then put in an open field a little ways away from everyone and told to summon all of my weapons one after the other and hold them all for as long as I could. I was given a table with high energy snacks and water bottles. Mr. Aizawa left to sort the other students so I got to work. I summoned all of my weapons from my hand grenade to my rocket launcher. I held them all for ten minutes before I felt nauseous and had to let them go or I would throw up. I drank some water and ate a few snacks and got back go work. Working like this went on until lunch when we all headed back to the dining hall. The Wild Wild Pussycats told us that this was the last meal they would be making for us. All other meals would have to be made by us.

We ate our lunch and enjoyed the rest of the break we would get before we had to get back to training. The time was now 3:45 and as I was working, I had an Idea. I would try summoning a bigger weapon. Only one came to mind. I gathered up all of my energy and concentrated hard on what I wanted to summon. When the image I had chosen was clear as day, I pushed out all of my energy and waited with baited breath and closed eyes. I opened them and saw, standing five feet in front of me, a Leopard 2 A7. The tank was a sight to behold. but unfortunately I had used the last of my energy to summon it so I passed out after a second staring at it. 

Fortunately Mr. Aizawa, who was coming to check up on me, saw what happened and as I began to fall to the ground gently caught me with his scarf and brought me to the girls cabin to sleep and regain my energy. As he walked away from then field with me in his arms, my newest weapon slowly faded away, showing just how depleted my energy really was. But with a little sleep and a big breakfast, I would be good as new and ready to start again in the morning.

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