I Will Save You

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It's been a few days since we were called into the agency for the case. I haven't been feeling the greatest since the meeting. I can't sleep because every time I close my eyes all I can see is Eri, wrapped in bandages, walking away from me and into the gaping maw of a bird-beak shaped mask. I haven't been eating much either. Just barely enough to keep me going through the day. But my physical strength and my quirk have been getting wonky. I have had trouble summoning anything bigger than a grenade or a handgun.

Today marks the fifth day and we are still waiting for the call from Nighteye. The exhaustion has been getting to me and everyone can see it. The bags under my eyes have doubled in size since the meeting but no one has made a comment on them. They pretty much leave me alone since I almost yelled at Denki for asking about my eating habits. The only one who still confronts me about it is Katsuki, even when I do yell at him he just yells back at me. 

Right now we are just finishing up with our last heroics class of the day. Since I've been so out of it these past few days, I received quite a few injuries. Without waiting for All Might to dismiss us, Katsuki grabs my arm and drags me to Recovery Girl. When we get there he picks me up and gently throughs me onto the bed. I try to protest that I feel fine but he just ignores me. Recovery Girl kisses my cheek and I feel my injuries heel instantly. Unfortunately, my energy levels were completely depleted and I fell asleep right away.

"She'll wake up as soon as her energy levels rise back to what they should be. Don't worry young man, she will be perfectly fine." Recovery Girl told Katsuki.

"Tch, whatever." He muttered.

Third person p.o.v.

Katsuki leaned down and picked up Miko bridal style and carried her back to her dorm. He was thankful he didn't meet anyone on the way as he didn't want to answer any of their questions. He lay her down in her bed and went to let Mr. Aizawa know that she would be out for a while. Mr. Aizawa thanked Katsuki for telling him and went back to his room. Miko didn't wake until the next day, showing just how exhausted she really was. Now she was more energized and the bags under her eyes had gone away. 


A few days later, at four o'clock in the morning, the eight work study students all received a text saying to come to the front doors of U.A. Immediately they made their way over and met up with Mr. Aizawa. He told them what was going on and they left for the Nighteye agency soon after. It was time to save Eri. For Miko, the train seemed to be going as slow as possible. She was shaking in excitement and nervousness. would they be able to save Eri? Would she even want to be saved after having to go back to the man who had hurt her? These kinds of thoughts swirled around her head before she sook her head and forced those thoughts down.

Once everyone was there, they went over the plan a few times to make sure they had everything right. They would split up into groups of five with at least two pro heroes in each group. They'd wait for the police to show the person at the door the search warrant they brought with just for this. Then they would storm the base and look for Eri. Once someone found her everyone would meet back up and fight their way out if needed. 

Miko's p.o.v.

At six o'clock we made our move. I was in a group with Mirko, Froppy, Nejire-Chan, and Centipeder. We were waiting on the west side of the building when we heard a big bang and were told through the coms to make our move. We burst into the house and started making our way around looking for the six year old. Not even five minutes into our search I feel the floor give way and suddenly find myself three floors down and separated from my group. Obviously the work of someone's quirk. 

I wander around aimlessly for a few minutes trying to find my way out of here when I walk into a room. It's empty of everything except for the person standing in the middle of the room. She was a villain that escaped prison a few weeks ago and was said to be highly dangerous. I couldn't remember when or where but I had seen her before. She gazed at me with a crazed look in her eyes. She gripped the small knife in her hand a little tighter and pointed it at me. She giggled a little before speaking.

"I told you before and I intend to follow through with my promise. I will have your head by the time this is over." 

That's when it hit me where I'd seen her. I quickly summoned my double edged dagger and held it tight. "I also told you that there was no way in hell I'm going to let that happen." 

She ran at me and I waited for the perfect moment. 'There'. I blocked her knife and danced around her. She pulled out another knife and stabbed my leg. "Gah." I quickly shook off the pain and refocused on the fight. She tried to stab at me again but I dodged it so I only gained a cut on my upper arm. I slipped around her again and managed to knock one of her knives from her hand and a few feet away from us. I danced around her dodging most of her attacks. Only getting small cuts from the ones I couldn't dodge or block. Finally I managed to get behind her and knock her out again. She slumped against the wall out cold. 

Before I could find something to tie her up with the wall crumbled and turned into spikes. One of which impaled her right through her stomach leaving a gaping hole. I felt sick at the sight but I didn't have time to worry about that right now. I made my way through the hole only to find myself outside staring at Deku with Eri strapped to his back while he was fighting Overhaul. I tried to move my feet to go help them but they wouldn't listen to what my mind was telling them. 

I stood rooted to the spot until all three of them started falling from the sky. Overhaul hit the ground first. He was completely unconscious. Deku managed to twist himself mid-air and land on his feet just as I made it to his side. He tilted dangerously as he handed me an asleep Eri before he fell unconscious as well. Without thinking I caught him with one hand while holding Eri in the other. I gently set him down on the ground just as the First Aid responders showed up on the scene. 

They tried to get me into a different ambulance than Eri but I would not let go of her. They finally gave up on trying to keep the two of us apart and just put us both into the same ambulance. The same thing happened at the hospital. I would not let go of the little girl in my arms and demanded that we be able to share a room. I eventually got my way and with Eri safe and sound in my arms I fell asleep in the hospital bed, completely drained from the fight.

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