Hero License Exam Pt. 1

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"Hurry up guys, we're going to be late."

"Calm down Iida, we don't need to be there for another hour yet."

"A hero should always strive to be at least 30 minutes early."

"If we get on the bus now will you calm down."

"Alright everyone, listen up." Mr. Aizawa clapped his hands to get our attention. "Usually you wouldn't be taking this test until your third year. However, due to the experiences you've had over the last year the school board has decided to give the ok for this. This test is not to be taken lightly. Anyone who passes will earn their hero license. Whoever fails will need to wait to try again. Now, everyone onto the bus, we need to be on our way." 

Everyone spent the ride in their own little worlds. I had my earbuds in and was listening to music to calm my nerves. Sure I had participated in fights against actual villains and only in my first year, but these kinds of tests always had some sort of surprise. Plus, knowing Aizawa; there was something about this test that he was leaving out, I just didn't know what. I couldn't dwell on that thought much longer because we had pulled up at the front gates of the building where this test would be taking place.

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I turned to the rest of the class. "Alright guys, we've been training for this for months. We just didn't expect it to come so soon. We have already been through alot, but that just makes this another obstacle in our path to becoming heroes. If we stick together and work with each other we will come out on top. Now I wanna hear you say it with me. Let's go beyond," 


"Plus Ultra."

Huh? that was not someone from class 1-A. I whirled around coming face to face with an over enthusiastic looking man. He was wearing the Shiketsu hero school uniform and a way to bright smile. As he realized what he had done he bowed so low and with such force that his forehead hit the ground. "I'm so sorry for intruding on your chant. I've just always wanted to say that. Oh and your speech was really inspiring." He was so enthusiastic that it was off putting. I would keep my guard up around him. 

He looked like he wanted to say more but before he could one of his classmates came and pulled him away. "Sorry about him. He is usually really excited about everything." Then as they walked away, he called over his shoulder one more time, "I can't wait to crush you." Before anyone could give any thought to that last statement, my hand was grabbed by another over enthusiastic person. 

"So you must be class 1-A. I am such a fan of you guys. Not everyone gets attacked by villains in their first few days huh. Anyway I'm Shindo." He went around shaking everyone's hand as he talked and I fought to keep myself from glaring at the guy. He was worse than the other one. Just then Miss Joke walked up to him with more students behind her. "Hey Shota, You look as grumpy as ever, let's get married." 

Aizawa's eye twitched the slightest amount as he immediately answered with a harsh, "NO". 

"Aww come on Shota don't be like that. Anyway we'd better get going. The test will be starting soon." 

Thankful that awkward conversation was over, we followed our teacher into the arena where we would be tested. He gave us a small talk on what we would be doing. Then he left to go sit in the spectator area. While waiting for the instructor to come and explain the test and its rules we talked quietly amongst ourselves. I could feel eyes on me so I took a discrete look and noticed that everyone who wasn't in our class was glaring at each of us. 

After a few minutes where their gazes made me itch, the instructor walked to the front of the large group. He gave us instructions on the test as well as the rules we were to follow or we would be failed. He showed us a map of the arena and told us that it was a fake city. We were given three small targets and were told to place the on our body. They had to be visible but otherwise it was up to use were to put them. I placed one on the center of my chest, another on the inside of my calf, and the last I put on my right shoulder. The instructor told us that we had to get three people out in order to pass the first phase. We would do that by hitting the targets we were just given. Once someone had all three targets hit they were out. If you got three people out you would pass onto the next phase. Once someone passed they would make their way to the waiting room. We were given ten minutes to come up with a plan before we would start. I pulled my class in closer to me and relayed what I had come up with. 

"Ok, I get the feeling that everyone will be aiming to get us out, I just don't know why. So If they manage to split us up from the rest of the class, try to have at least one other person with you. But most importantly stay safe, stay alert and aware of your surroundings, and kick their asses. Let's show them that you don't mess with class 1-A and why that is." After I finished speaking I got a resounding "YEAH" from the rest of my classmates. Just then the buzzer went off and we were running out into the center of the arena. 

As I suspected, the rest of the hero students started coming after us and managed to send us to different parts of the city. I was luckily paired up with Shoto. But even then, we were really outnumbered. I counted at least ten other hero students going against only the two of us. Not letting myself get nervous now, I look to Shoto and said with a small smirk. "Ten on two, don't you think its a bit unfair for them?" Shoto looked back at me and replied, "This will be too easy. They should have brought backup." And with that we charged into the fray.

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