Finals Week

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When we woke up the next morning we had to rush out the door in order to make it to the train station on time. We rush into the classroom and into our seats just as the bell rings. It was the first time Tenya was almost late and the whole class was staring at us with open mouths. I would say it wasn't that odd, but Tenya was always thirty minutes early. Mr. Aizawa choses that moment to crawl into the class and give us the finals week speech.

The first three days would be the written tests and the last two would be the practicals.For the written ones we had Maths, Chemistry, History, Modern Literature, English, and Geography. We would do two tests a day for those. The practicals was a test for the hero course. During lunch we asked an upper-class-man what that test would entail. He told us that it would be a fight against robots like the entrance exam. Somehow I didn't think that would be the case this year. 

The exams started today and we would do Maths before lunch and Modern literature after lunch. Tuesday we did Chemistry before lunch and English after. And Wednesday we did History and Geography. Thursday was the practical exam and classes were cancelled for today and tomorrow aside from homeroom. We were now waiting outside training ground beta for the practical exam to begin. Mr. Aizawa told us to put on our hero costumes and wait out here.

After a few minutes of waiting all of the teachers showed up. 'Why are all of the teachers here?' We were all curious when Principal Nezu popped out of Mr. aizawa's scarf and explained that while previous years did indeed fight robots for their finals, we already had experience fighting actual villians, so we would be fighting the teachers in groups of two-on-one instead. Mr. Aizawa already had the pairs ready and the teacher they would fight. He said that there was a factor of inter-personal relationships.

Momo and Shoto would go against Mr. Aizawa. Jiro and Koda were against Present Mic. Tsu and Tokoyami were up against Ectoplasm. Kirishima and Sato were paired up with Cementoss. Tenya and Ojiro were against Powerloader. Hitoshi and Ochako were paired with Thirteen. Shoji and Hagakure were up against Snipe. Ashido and Denki were paired up with Nezu. Sero and I were up against Midnight and that left Bakugou and Izuku against All Might. "Oof, I hope they don't get to badly injured.'They explained that you could win by capturing the hero with a special handcuff or escape through the exit gate.

 While we waited for our turn to fight, we could either watch the fights in the observation room or plan out a strategy. Me and Sero chose the later."Ok, we know that Midnights quirk only works against men. If she manages to take of your helmet she can knock you out. How do we keep that from happening?" "It's not like we can find a gas mask lying around somwhere." "True. And we are not allowed to get help from the other students. How good are you at holding your breath?" "I can hold it for a minute and 42 seconds. But what does that have to do with anything?" "That is going to be the key to winning this thing."

I tell him the rest of the plan and we head to the observation room to watch the other fights before ours. Momo and Shoto had passed by capturing Mr. Aizawa in a material like his ow scarf. Jiro and Koda got a bunch of bugs to go after Present Mic which caused him to faint and then they escaped through the gate. Tsu and Tokoyami had Dark Shadow pretend to attack Ectoplasm with the handcuff hidden in its hand. Kiri and Sato both over-exerted themselves against Cementoss' concrete walls. Tenya carried Ojiro to safety while Powerloader was trying to attack them from underground. Hitoshi brainwashed Thirteen to hold still while Ochako cuffed the sapce hero. Shoji ran straight at Snipe so Hagakure could sneak around and cuff him. Ashido and Denki wasted time running around being blocked off at every path by a crane. Then it was mine and Sero's fight.

We step into our designated training ground and I notice Midnight waiting for us at the exit. "Do you remember the plan?" "Yea, lets go." We make our way to where Midnight is waiting and I take out a few shuriken and as she goes to hit me with her whip, I pin it to the ground with the throwing stars. She grabs sero and holds him as hostage so I wont try to hit her. I give Sero an almost imperceptible nod to show the start of the plan. Midnight takes of his helmet and lets loose her quirk. Sero holds his breath and pretends to pass out so she would stop using her quirk. She sets him on the ground and comes after me.I summon a spear to help me keep her busy while Sero sneaks up behind her. I manage a hit to her head just as Sero wraps the cuffs around her wrist. I hear the comm system say that me and Sero passed the exam so we make our way back to the observation room.

The next and final fight is All MIght verses Bakugou and Izuku. As soon as the timer starts, All Might launches a gigantic punch that destroys half of the training ground. Izuku and bakugou can't seem to work together to get it done and All Might has fun torturing the two boys. By the timw They manage to slow All Might down enough to get out of the escape gate, Izuku has a broken arm from All Might yeeting him into a building and a few cracked ribs from being forcefully pinned a foot into the ground. Bakugou is unconscious with a broken wrist from All Might shattering his gauntlet and giving his biggest explosion without the support that they gave. He also has a broken rib from being thrown into a piece of rubble sticking out of the road.

After the exams were finally finished, the only ones who didn't pass were Ashido, Kaminari, Kiri, and Sato. Aizawa then announced that everyone was going to the training camp. 'He really needs to stop with these logical ruses.' Me and the squad head home exited for the next week. The amount of stuff that we would be able to do. We were gonna make s'mores and tell ghost stories by a campfire at night.

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