Moving In and Room Tour

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I had just finished packing the last of my stuff into boxes. Now I was waiting for Katsuki and his mom to come help me move it all to the dorms. My own mother had left earlier this morning for work and I was left alone. It was just after lunch when they arrived and we made a short job of getting everything loaded up and within 20 minutes we were on our way. It was only a short drive and before we knew it, we had parked in front of the school and gotten everything unloaded. Katsuki had his things brought over before lunch so we didn't have to worry about getting his things. We quickly brought all of my boxes into my dorm room and then he left to go unpack his things.

The dorm building was five floors. the ground floor being the common area with a kitchen, dining room, living room, and laundry room. The dorms were on the second to fifth floors and each one had a balcony and its own bathroom attached to it. Each floor had eight rooms but not all of them would be used. The second floor would have Tokoyami's room closest to the elevator with Shouji's room next to his. Beside Shouj would be Izuku's room and Shinsou on the far end. The four rooms on the right side would stay empty.

Ojirou, Tenya, Kaminari, Kouda, Jirou, and Hagakure would share the third floor. Ojirou would be closest to the elevator on the left side and Hagakure across from him. Tenya would be beside Ojirou and Kaminari beside Tenya. At the far end there was Kouda on the left and Jirou across from him. Then the people on the fourth floor. On the right side in order from the elevator was an empty room, then Katsuku, Kiri, and me. The other side had Mina, two empty rooms and then Ochako. That left five people to take the top floor. Sero, Shoto, and Satou took the right side in that order and Tsu and Momo on the other side. Two empty rooms between the girls.

As I was unpacking my things, I get a call. Checking the caller info, I see it's my cousin that lived in North America. I quickly answer, excited to catch up with my favourite cousin. Her name was Azusa Tsuyoshi and she had a siren quirk. Her singing allowed her to hypnotize men and control them. She could also breath under water and she was a very fast swimmer. She went to the Canadian version of U.A. and wanted to be a hero. As we talked I unpacked and placed all my things. By the time the call ended about two hour had passed and I had finished my room. 

My bed was on one side of the door that led to my balcony and had all my posters hanging above it. I had a desk with my computer and some shelves on the other side of the balcony door. In the middle of the room I had a black fluffy area rug and in the corner by my bed, there was a hanging chair where I could sit and read. All in all, it kinda looked like this.

 All in all, it kinda looked like this

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