Spar on the Beach

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It was a week after we had gotten back from the internships. During that week we found out that we would be having the finals soon and whoever passed them would get to go to a training camp. Everyone was excited and anxious at the same time. Anxious that we wouldn't pass and what the training camp would contain. Excited to go to said summer camp anyway. 

Throughout the week the class planned to go to the mall together on Saturday to buy stuff they thought they would need for the trip. Shoto declined saying he was going to visit his mom that day. Tokoyami, Shoji, and Sato just didn't want to go. And Bakugou and I would be too busy fighting to go. Mina called us spoilsports and went back to planning with the rest of the class.

It was Friday afternoon and all day Bakugou had been reminding me of the fight we would have at the beach tomorrow. As if I could forget it. It was the only thing I could think about since lunch when he first decided to remind me. My nerves were running high and I told my squad that if I didn't show up on Monday, to visit my grave.

School let out for the weekend and I went home and trained in my backyard to prepare myself and calm down. I went through all of my martial arts forms, my parkour moves, and some other fighting moves I had learned from Miruko. By the time I finished, dinner was ready and I was exhausted. I ate quickly, showered, and went to bed early so I would have enough energy for tomorrow. I went to sleep dreaming about explosions and waves, two things that didn't usually go together.


My alarm went off at 8:30 the next morning. After turning it off I wondered for a minute why I had set it so early. Then it hit me, the fight with Bakugou. The fight was for 9:30 so I had half an hour to get ready and leave if I wanted to make it on time. I put on a comfortable pair of leggings and a tank top. I wore a thin sweater over it and grabbed my backpack. We would be stopping for lunch and I planned to get some homework done in that time. I looked at the time and realized that I had a few minutes to eat something and go. I grabbed a few water bottles and put them in my backpack. I grabbed another apple and headed out the door as I bit into it.

I finish my apple as I walk down the street. After tossing the apple core into a bin, I start jogging to the beach. It was a few blocks away from my home so it was only a ten minute jog. I get there and see Bakugou already there and stretching. Silently walking up to Bakugou and putting my stuff next to his, I go through my stretches too. As soon as the clock hits 9:30, we both walk a few feet away from our belongings and turn to each other. Without a word we get into a fighting stance, wait a few seconds and rush toward our opponent. The whole first fight goes by without a single word from either of us and without the use of quirks. 

He starts off with his famous right hook which I dodge. I counter with a kick to his leg. He stumbles but uses that momentum to fall into a handstand and kick me in the jaw. Stumbling a few steps back I rub the bruise that is sure to form later and fall back into my fighting stance. He runs at me but I use a parkour move to vault myself over him. As my feet hit the ground I launch a punch at the back of his head. The punch makes him stumble and fall to his knees. He gets up quickly and tries to kick my feet out from underneath me. I jump over his legs and kick him in the nose hard enough to bleed but not hard enough to break it.

He straightens up and wipes away some blood that had begun to leak from his nose. 'Why the fuck did I find that oddly attractive? Like seriously?!' Ignoring my thoughts I get ready for another attack. He runs toward me and throws another punch to my face but I dodge under it and grab his arm. Twisting underneath and behind him, I have his arm in a position where it will break if he were to struggle. Before he can do anything I sweep his feet off the ground and push him to the ground. With him pinned under me and his arm held hostage he taps out and I claim victory for the first fight.

We go back to our bags to take a break and I check the time. We had been fighting for what felt like ten minutes when it actually was two hours. "Hey it almost lunch, wanna go to a restaurant to eat?" "Yea sure." He grabs his bag and starts walking. Assuming he knows somewhere he wants to go, I just follow along. We end up and a good ramen place just a few blocks away. We sit down at a table and order something to eat. As we wait for the food to come out, we both reach into our bags and grab our homework. Seems like Bakugou had the same idea as me. 

We get started on our homework and as I got stuck on something from my history I ask him for help. He helps me get it and somehow that leads to us helping each other whenever we need it. We each get two subjects done before the food gets here and then we put away our homework to eat. After we finish lunch we pack up and head back to the beach for another fight. As we leave the restaurant I get an idea. I make sure Bakugou is looking at me and all I say is, "No quirks." Immediately after those words leave my mouth, I start running to the beach. Not even a full second later I can hear Bakugou yelling at me as he tries to catch up with me. I start laughing and we race each other the whole way. Once we get there we both collapse out of breath. 

The rest of the day passes with us fighting each other til supper with and without quirks. Then eating at another restaurant and doing more homework, still helping each other when needed. We separate at his street and I continue on my way home. Later when I got home I found out that a villain had attacked my friends at the mall. A quick call had me assured that they were unharmed if a bit shaken. Shigaraki had gone after Izuku and when Ochako had found them Shigaraki left. I invited the group to spend the next day at my place and just hang around. They agreed and I went to bed with a sudden realization. Bakugou smelled strongly of caramel.

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