Training camp Pt.1

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Its 7 in the morning of the first day of training camp. The class is piled around the busses that we will take as it is a bit of a drive. After a few minutes class 1-B joins us in standing by the busses. Immediately Monoma starts mocking class 1-A. A few seconds of mocking later, he get shut up by an orange haired girl karate chopping his neck and knocking him out. Then the teachers come out and tell us to separate by class and get on the bus.

As we drive to the camp, most of us fall asleep including me while the rest of the class is silently staring out of the window like Bakugou or playing on their phones and listening to music like jirou. At about 10:30 a.m., I wake up to the bus stopping at the side of the road. "Alright everyone off the bus, leave your stuff." Thinking that it was a pit stop we all got off. That was our mistake. As we step off the bus we notice three things, one being that the class 1-B bus kept driving, the second that we stopped at the edge of a cliff, and the third being the Wild Wild Pussycats. They are a group of for cat themed heros. One named Mandaley, one named Tiger, one named Pixiebob, and the last named Ragdoll.

They tell us a bit about their camp which was at the base of a mountain an hour away. After their explanation they tell us, "Kitties who don't make it there by noon don't get to eat." This raised my guard but I was not expecting for them to throw us off of the cliff we were standing on. The class hit the ground with a thud. Then we hear a rumbling coming from the forest we landed in. A giant monster breaks through the trees and attacks us. Luckily Shoto quickly freezes the thing and Izuku smashes it to peaces. I put up my guard and my leadership instincts kick in. I start giving my class mates orders so we can get through the forest and have lunch. 

"Jirou, Koda, and Hagakure can you scout ahead for us? You three would be the best for it. I want Hagakure to go ahead and report back to Jirou who will stay close to the group and let us know of the danger or to koda who will be farther out with Hagakure and he can send a bird back to us as a warning. Bakugou, Shoto, Izuku, Shoji, and Kiri, you five are our front line, the heavy hitters. When you find a monster hit em hard. Sero, Hitoshi and Tsu, you three focus on immobilizing them for the hitters. Hitoshi I don't think your quirk will work for these things so use you capture weapon. Tokoyami, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Ojiro, you five are the second line of defence. Pick off the stragglers or the ones that don't get finished off by the hitters. Tenya, Ochako, and Momo, you three are on healing. Tenya and Ochako get injured people out of danger and Momo can you make a first aid kit and patch them up? If so, please do so. I'll be with the front line. Lets prove to the Wild Wild Pussycats that we can make it in time for lunch. Let's do this." 

After giving my orders I hear affermatives  from everyone except Bakugou who yells a, "Don't tell me what to do." He still goes off with the first line. We get warnings of the monsters ahead of time from Koda and Jirou. While the first line dealt with the first monsters we found, the ones that managed to slip by us were dealt with by the second line. We had a few people that needed some healing nut nothing really major. The injured people were patched up with bandages and were back in the fight and ready to go.  

As I was fighting a particularly tough monster that took the help of Izuku, I fail to notice Bakugou look at me with a strange look in his eyes. The whole time we were fighting the monsters, we were getting closer and closer to the camp. Finally after an hour and twenty-five minutes we burst through the treeline at the camp just as they were serving lunch to the teachers. Seeing the surprised looks on everyone except Mr. Aizawa's faces, I can't help but say, "what? Didn't expect us so soon? Well you underestimated Class 1-A. After all we have Mr. Aizawa as our teacher." Mr. Aizawa walks over to us and tells us to go put our things away, wash up and come eat lunch. 

Since they didn't expect us to be back so early, the Wild Wild Pussycats didn't have anything for us to do so we were free to do whatever for the rest of the day. As we were planning what to do we come across a small child standing beside one of the buildings. Being told earlier by Mandaley that this was their nephew, Izuku goes to talk to him. He doesn't even get a word in before the kid punches him in the balls. All the guys collectivly wince at that but Bakugou manages to give a short laugh at Izuku's misfortune. 

After the whole ordeal, we decide to visit the hot springs before we are sent to bed. Luckily the men's side was separated from the women's side by a wall. We spend about an hour in the springs and then go to the cabin designated for sleep. Once again, the men's side is separated from the woman's. we stay up for a while playing silly sleepover games like truth-or-dare, kiss,marry,kill, smash-or-pass, and would you rather. By the time we get bored of playing the time reads 10:30 pm. We say our good-nights and get settled in our sleeping bags. That night I dream of forest monsters and hot springs that melt them.

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