Internships Pt.4

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The next day after morning training and patrol, I asked for Miruko's permission to go visit the boys in the hospital. She agreed and ten minutes later I found myself at the front desk asking for the room that the boys were staying in. The lady there gives me the room number and asks if I need and escort. I politely decline and make my way to the room. 

As I walk in I see that Shoto had both of his arms in bandages. Deku has a leg wrapped up and one of his arms. Tenya had his shoulder stitched and bandaged and his arms are bandaged as well. Tenya had messed up his hand and it would take surgery to get the nerves in their right places. He chose to leave his hand the way it was for the time being. 

We sit and talk about the fight yesterday. "Hey, what was Stains quirk anyway? I didn't see him use it." "Oh, he ingested peoples blood to paralyze them. That's why he had all those knives." "Ok, I guess that makes sense." Just then the door opened and in walked the hero Tenya was interning with, the hero Deku interned with, Miruko, and someone with the head of a dog. Miruko told us, "This is Hosu's chief of police. Listen to what he has to say." The look she gave us said that she would beat our asses if we interrupted.

 "So you are the U.A. students who brought down the hero killer huh?" "We are," Shoto replied. "Stain has some serious injuries, severe burns, several broken bones, and two bullet wounds. Right now he is in the hospital under strict guard, woof. Here is a lesson you should have already learned. When quirks became the norm, the police force sought to maintain the status quo. They decided we wouldn't use quirks as weapons. That's when heros came in, they could do what we couldn't, if they were licensed of course. It would be impossible for police to condone deadly quirks. After all we are here to stop such harm from being done. 

The only reason pros can use their powers now is because the strict code of ethics the early heros chose to abide by. That is why it is against the law for uncertified people to use their quirks to cause injury without the express permission of a hero, whether you are up against the hero killer or not. Only Arsenal actually had permission to use her quirk. That means the three of you and your supervisors, Endeavor, Manuel, and Gran Torino should receive harsh punishments for this abuse of power." Shoto didn't like this as he chose to interrupt, "now wait a minute, if Tenya hadn't stepped in Native would be dead. No one else even realised the hero killer was in Hosu. Are you saying we should have just stood by and watched people die?" 

I look between the two and say to Shoto, "hey, calm down he wasn't finished." "So it's ok to break the law as long as it goes your way? This is why you are not a full fledged pro yet. It's obvious U.A. and Endeavor haven't been teaching you near enough, what a shame." "You damn mutt." "Oi, Shoto, calm down will ya." Before Shoto could do anything, Gran Torino stops him and says, "Stop there kid, you'll want to hear him out til the end." The chief of police continues, "What I've said is the official stance of the police department. But any punishment would only be necessary if this went public. We could say that Arsenal kept Stain busy until Endeavor arrived and finished the job. The burns and bullet wounds would support the story and you wouldn't have to be involved. It would mean that you wouldn't receive any praise at all. The choice is yours."

Manuel looks ready to cry as he explains that they will take responsibility for being negligent. Tenya walks up to him and apologizes for not listening. Both Deku and Shoto apologize as well. Then the chief of police does something that shocks us all. He bows to us and says, "Allow me, as the chief of police to thank you." Embarrassed, Shoto says "you could have started with that."

By the end of the day the story had spread. I had fought the hero killer while protecting Native until Endeavor had shown up and finished the fight. Every time I went somewhere, people stopped and wanted to thank me for helping to get rid of Stain. A lot of people even asked for autographs. I couldn't even finish my patrols with Miruko without getting stopped. 

After we had everything settled we explained the reason of the location Deku sent to the rest of the class. They also took the story without much convincing. We told them that the boys helped with the nomus and I had found Native being attacked while I was helping evacuate people. We told them that I was given permission to use my quirk before hand and went to rescue the hero.

The last two days of the internships went by without much excitement. I had been able to do all 100 push ups, 50 sit ups, 50 chin ups, 75 lunges on each side, and the five minute plank by the end of the fourth day. I ended up doing a bit more than needed as a challenge to myself. Now it was the end of the week and the end of the internships. I was packing my stuff and talking to Bakugou on the phone. He ended up with the number 4 hero, Best Jeanist. Lets just say Bakugou was happy the week was over.

I say goodbye to Miruko and head to the train station with Tenya. Shoto and Deku ended up staying in the hospital for the last two days of the internships so they came with us too. At least I would have someone to talk to on the way back. We played some games and talked about whatever came to mind as we watched the countryside zoom by the windows of the train. We make it home really late, so I walk in my house and collapse on the couch, not even bothering to get all the way to my room.

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