Internship Pt.2

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The next morning after we had breakfast, we went down to the training room. This time I was able to 70 push ups, 55 sit ups, 37 chin ups, 62 lunges on each side, and the five minute plank. After that Miruko had me put on a pair of boxing gloves and spar with her. At first she was showing me how to hit and to block. Then, five minutes later we got really into the spar. Miruko had taken me down seven times and I had taken her down five times. 

We were on the last spar for the morning and it was stuck on a tie. Neither of us could get a good enough read on the other to get ahead. We kept landing hits on each other and eventually we decided to just leave it where it was. We trouped up to our rooms to take a shower and get ready for a patrol before lunch. Out on the streets we were stopped by a number of fans who all wanted to talk to Miruko about the intern she had taken.

Hearing the people talk to Miruko about me, right in front of me, annoyed me a bit. I was standing three feet away with my arms crossed. I just wanted to get this patrol over with and go back to the agency. Finally we get away from the crowd of fans and continue our patrol. We got back to the agency just in time for lunch. During lunch, we planned what we would be doing later. I had decided to go back to the gym and work on the workout routine that Miruko had set. I planned to get through all of the sets by the end of the next day.

As I was working through the sets, Miruko comes into the room and tells me to suit up. We were needed at a robbery down town. Luckily it didn't take me long to put on the costume and we were on our way to the robbery in less than 15 minutes. We get to the scene of the robbery and Miruko goes up to one of the police officers and he explains the situation to her. She comes back to me and tells me to head inside with one of my weapons. She would go around back and head in that way in case some of the robbers tried to escape.

I summon an AK-47 and make sure I have the safety on just in case there are hostages. I make my way inside and I spot 7 hostages. They were all huddled in a corner of the store. There were two people guarding them and  three more at each of the registers. In total there were eight robbers. I went in and before any of them could spot me I had turned off the safety and shot both of the men guarding the hostages in the legs. The other six men turned to me at the sound of my gun going off. Two of them were attacked from behind and the rest of them turned their attention to the attackers.

While they were busy I quickly freed the hostages, helped them escape via the backdoor, and joined back in the fray. By now the first two men that were attacked were unconscious and Miruko was working on the third. I jumped in and blocked a hit that would have struck her in the back. I shot him in the knee and turned to the last three. They looked scared but would not surrender. Miruko jumped at one of them and I went to take down the other one. It didn't take long as these people seemed impatient and inexperienced. All in all it only took 10 minutes to take them all down. After handing them over to the police and making sure all the hostages were ok, we were back at the agency building doing the paperwork that was needed.

We spared a bit more before dinner then called it a day. I was free to do whatever I wanted after dinner and I spent the time in the kitchen making brownies and sugar cookies. I also made a carrot cake for Miruko. I left them out to cool while I make frosting for the cookies and the cake. I spread the frosting on the cake and put it in the refrigerator with a note for Miruko. I frosted the cookies and put them in a container to give to other heros. The brownies, I cut into two inch squares and placed them in another conatiner. I had taken two of the cookies and brownies though. They tasted really good if I do say so myself.

I look at the time and it shows 9:30. I clean up the counter and the dishes I had used. By the time I finish the time is 9:50. I head back to my room, take a quick shower, and get ready for bed. I shoot the chat a goodnight text and fall asleep to the sound of my phone buzzing with 19 more goodnight texts.  

On the morning of the third day of internships, I go to the kitchen to get something to eat before I head down to the gym. I walk in and see Miruko sitting by the table eating a slice of the carrot cake I made last night. "When did you make this kid? It tastes really good." "Thanks, I made it last night actually. Along with a batch of sugar cookies and brownies." "Really? I'll have to try some of those then."

 I grab a water bottle and head down to the gym. I look at the chart for a second and get to work. This time I did 80 push ups, 65 sit ups, 45 chin ups, 70 lunges on each side and the five minute plank. After I was done with the sets, I went through my martial arts paces to make sure I would not forget any of them. By now an hour and a half had past and it was about time to start our patrol for the morning. I quickly washed up and changed into my costume. I met Miruko at the door to the agancy and we headed out onto the streets.

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