Battle Training

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"Shall we get started you bunch of newbies."


"Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training." Just then the suit of armor raised its hand and spoke,"Sir, this is the fake city from our entrance exam. Does that mean we will be conducting urban battles again. 'Huh, the full suit of armor must be Iida, I should have guessed.' "Not quite. I'm going to move you two steps ahead. Most of the villian fights you see on the news take place outside; however, statistically speaking run-ins with the most dastardly evil-doers take place indoors. Think about it, backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent villians stay hidden in the shadows. For this training excersise you will be divided into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two on two indoor battles."

 "Isn't this a little advanced," Tsu voices her concern. "The best training is what you get on the battle field. But remember you can't just punch a robot this time. You're dealing with actual peole now." then people start asking questions. "Sir, will you be deciding who wins?" "How much can we hurt the other team?" "Will we need to worry about getting expelled like earlier?" "Will you be splitting us up based on chance or comparative skill?" "Will there be a time limit like the entrance exam?" came from Yaoyorozu, Bakugou, Uraraka, Iida, and me.

All Might splutters for a moment before pulling a little book from seemingly nowhere. "Listen up, The situation is this, the villians have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heros must try to foil their plans. To do that the good guys must catch the evil-doers or recover the weapon. LIkewise the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heros. Time is limitted and we will choose teams by drawing lots." Iida swoops in, "Isn't there a better way?" And Midoriya saves All Might by saying, "Think about it, pros often have to team up with heros from different agencies on the spot, so maybe that's the reason we're seeing that here." "Yes I see, life is a random series of events. Excuse my rudeness." Iida says that last part with a nintey degree bow. All Might continues,"no sweat. Let's draw."

And so Midoriya was paired with Uraraka, team A. Todoroki was with shoji, team B. I was with Yaoyorozu on team C. Team D was Bakugou and Iida. Team E, Ashido and Shinso. Sato and koda were team F. Jiro was with Kaminari on team G. 'I feel sorry for Jiro and Iida.' I think to myself. Team H was Tsu and Tokoyami. Team I was Hagakure and Ojiro. And Kirishima and Sero were together on team J. 

Now All Might has two boxes, one white marked heros and the other black marked vllians. He draws two balls from the boxes. The black ball has the letter D and the white ball has the letter A. "I declare the first teams to fight are these guys. Team A will be the heros. Team D will be the villians. Everyone else can head to the monitering room to watch." Everyone responds with a, "Yes sir." 

As we walk I talk to Yaoyorozu to try to make a plan. "So do you have an idea on what we will do?" I ask. "Well it all depends on who our opponents are. So we can't come up with anything yet." "Oh ok, that makes sense. By the way would it be alright for me to call you by your first name?" "Oh of course." "Great and you can do the same for me." "Ok, I will." 

By that time the two teams had been given their instructions and were now waiting for the timer to start. There were cameras in the monitering room but no audio, so we could see what was going on but not hear anything. From what it looked like, Bakugou was having an argument of sorts with Iida and Midoriya and Uraraka were going over a strategy. Then All Might started the timer. "Alright let's begin the indoor combat training. Team A and team D, you time starts now."

 And so team A headed inside the building. All Might tells us to pay attention and think about what we would do. We see Iida guarding the bomb and Bakugou had gone off to look for the other team. Midoriya and Uraraka were creeping around and checking every corner when Bakugou comes flying towards them with an explosion aimed for them. They dodge quickly but half of Midoriya's mask is burnt. Kirishima puts in a comment, "a sneak attack bakugou, what kind of man pulls a cheap stunt like that?" All Might puts in, "It's a viable strategy, he's playing the part, acting like a true villian would. Then Ashido exclaims, "it didn't work, Midoriya dodged it." "Look there he goes." its Kaminari's turn to shout.

We turn back to the screens and see Bakugou running towards Midoriya and prepares for a big right hook but Midoriya grabs his arm and flips Bakugou over his shoulder. As Bakugou slowly gets up Midoriya seemed to be saying something and then Bakugou yelled back at him. After a few seconds he seemed to be talking to someone but it wasn't Midoriya so Kirishima asks, "hey, who is Bakugou talking to? I can't hear anything. Can we get some sound with this video?" "He's got a radio in his ear so he can talk to his partner. I gave it to him before the match started, along with a map of the building, also this." He holds up a roll of tape. "A roll of capture tape. Wraping tis around your opponent means you've aprehanded them and they're out for the rest of the game." 

"So there is a fifteen minute time limit and the heros have no clue what floor the bomb is hidden on, right?" "Correct." "Then the heros are clearly at a disadvantage here." "Real pros have to out-wit villians on a daily basis. That's life, even when the odds aren't in our favor, we fight." This was the conversation between Ashido and All Might. "All together, lets hear a," "PLUS ULTRA" I look back to the screens and see that the battle has moved. "All Might sir, he's on the move." 

By this point Uraraka and Midoriya had split up. Uraraka to find the bomb and Midoriya to distract Bakugou. They fight back and forth for a while with comments from the class. By now they only have a few minutes left. Uraraka has found the bomb, but is hiding from Iida who was guarding it. Midoriya was stuck between Bakugou and a corner. Unfortunately Uraraka was found, and because Iida was smart, there were no loose objects for her to use her quirk on.


Bakugou had his hand out-stretched and pulled a pin from his gauntlet. "Young Bakugou, don't do it you'll kill him." We could tell Bakugou hadn't listened to All Might because the next thing we saw was Bakugou letting loose one of the biggest explosions he had. It was so big that we could feel the ground shake from the monitering room. "Come in, come in Midoriya" We watch the screens eagerly for any sign that Midoriya was ok. Luckily we see him sit up from where he was sprawled out on the floor. "Bakugou, if you pull that stunt again I will end this excersise. Your team will loose." All Might warned. "To employ such a strong attack indoors is inviting the destruction of the stronghold you should be protecting. That's a poor strategy, whether you're a hero or a villian."

Then Bakugou and Midoriya start running towards eachother while powering up their quirks. Throughout this whole fight this is the first time that Midoriya used his quirk. But just before Midoriya can land a hit, Bakugou uses his explosions to vault himself over Midoriya and blasts him in the back. Bakugou manages to grab his arm and uses his quirk to throw him onto the floor. Midoriya manages to get up and run over to the window giving him a bit of space. He powers up his quirk and they start running towards eachother again. But before either of them could land a hit Midoriya changed the direction of his punch to aim upward, blasting a hole all the way through the top of the building.  

This punch knocked loose a bunch of the support pillars which let Uraraka grab one and use it to knock a bunch of debris towards Iida to distract him. While he was distracted She used her quirk on herself and floated over to the bomb. when she was directly above it she releases her quirk and falls toward the bomb. Iida tries to stop her but it's too late. She had already touched the bomb. 

Bakugou stares up at the giant hole in the building in shock and after a few second the smoke from his last blast clears and we see that Midoriya's left side is now covered in first degree burns and his right arm is broken from using his quirk. Everyone is shocked at how this fight turned out. "The hero team....WINS." Everyone goes crazy. "I think I can speak for all of us when I say, that did not go at all as expected." I say. "You got that right." a few voices call out. We wait for the four students to get to the room we were in and start talking among ourselves.

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