Finals prep

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On Monday morning we were told that we would have a week to prepare for finals.There would be two parts to the finals. The written part and the practical part. Momo offered to tutor some people and ended up with a group of Jiro, Mina, Kaminari, Ojiro, and Shoji. Kirishima and I asked Bakugou if we could study with him. The dekusquad minus me decided to study together. And the rest of the class chose to study by themselves. 

Bakugou decided that we would meet for an hour and a half after school everyday at the same restaurant he and I went to on Saturday. He would help us study and we would do the same for him. Luckily I only needed help with History and Maths. Kirishima needed help with most of his subjects and Bakugou only needed help with English. Studying with Bakugou was different than studying with the dekusquad. He would whack Kirishima on the head with a rolled up magazine if he got something wrong. He did the same to me at first but after I took the magazine from him and hit him with it, he stopped.

The studying went on for the week with everyone staying in their self appointed groups. On  Wednesday Bakugou and I had another sparing match after we had finished studying with Kirishima. At some point Kirishima had started to call me by my first name and I called him Eiji. Bakugou never let anybody call him by his first name. Deku was the only one who could call him anything other than Bakugou and get away with it. Anyone else who tried got a face full of explosion.

Finally the week was over and the weekend had come. As it was a Saturday I slept in till 9, then I did some training by myself in the backyard. I had lunch and spent the rest of the day studying. All in all it was a pretty lazy day until about 5:30. I was on the couch going over my history textbook when I hear a knock on the door. Not expecting anyone I go and open the door to see who was there. I am greeted with the sight of my friends all standing on my front porch holding a bunch of junk food, pillows, and bags that I'm pretty sure had blankets and extra clothes in them.

When they see me open the door Ochako, tsu and Izuku yell "Surprise sleepover" while Tenya, Shoto and Hitoshi stand behind them looking only slightly less enthusiastic. With a laugh I let them all in and head to my room to grab my own blanket and pillow. I come back and we quickly set up the space on the floor for us. Ochako somehow gets a hold of the aux cord and plugs it into her phone and the radio. Soon the song Last Friday Night starts to play and we start dancing and singing along to it.

When my mom gets home from work, she walks in to find seven teenagers dancing to A-O-K. We explain what was going on and she calmed down. She asked us what we wanted for supper and Izuku immediately shouted Katsudon. Suddenly I got an idea, when my mom turned to go to the kitchen I motioned for my friends to follow. If someone had been watching they would have seen mom walking to the kitchen with seven teenagers trailing behind her like ducklings.

We insisted on helping her make the food which ended with her going to bed early and us making and eating Katsudon by ourselves. We left her a bowl of the food in the fridge for the next day. After we had finished eating we went back too the living room and sat down in a circle on the floor. Instead of playing normal teenage games like truth-or-dare or spin the bottle, we brainstormed ideas to help each other with our quirks.

I had the idea to go talk to Hatsume about inventing some weapons for me. Izuku got the idea for Hitoshi to hide the activation requirements to his quirk by doing different things to confuse people into answering him. We were talking about how to help Izuku when something occurred to me. "When you use your power where do you focus it?" "In the limb that i'm using. Why?" "Try spreading your power throughout your entire body, maybe that would help." "That's actually really clever."

We went through another half hour brainstorming and then turned on a movie. It was a pre-quirk movie about a group of heros fighting mind-controlled aliens. When the red and gold hero sacrificed himself to save the city, everyone of us had tears in our eyes. At the last line of the villain Hitoshi had snorted but tried to hide it behind a cough. When the movie ended I looked at the time and it was only 9:30 so we headed outside to help Izuku and Hitoshi practice their quirks. 

Tenya and Tsu watched Izuku use his quirk so they could help him if something went wrong. Ochako and I had hitoshi tell us jokes to see if laughing would work as activation. It actually did. Laughing somehow uses your vocal chords so it made sense. Izuku was able to spread out the power of his quirk and when he used it, he was surrounded with faint green lightning instead of the red veins that used to cover his body. He told us that he could control about five percent of his power like this as opposed to the two percent when he focused the power in a single limb. And he did it without breaking anything. 

By the time we finished it was 11:00 so we went back inside and headed to sleep. It took a while before we actually fell asleep though, as some of us kept getting random cases of giggles which spread out to the rest of the group. The only one who actually fell asleep before midnight was Tenya. He was one of the reasons for the giggling.

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