Internships Pt.1

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We were all at the train station with Mr. Aizawa. He was giving us a last minute briefing of what to expect during the week we would be gone. "Now remember, you can't wear your uniforms in public unless given permission by your internship heros. Now go and stay safe. Don't let me hear that one of you ended up getting yourself killed in a fight." I say goodbye to my squad and get on the train to Hosu with Tenya. Deku was interning with a retired hero, Uravity went with Gunhead, Shoto chose to intern with his father as he was the best one to train his fire with. Hitoshi was interning with Mr. Aizawa, Tenya went with Manual, and I chose to intern with Miruko.

Miruko wasn't usually one to work with interns so I took the opportunity as soon as I saw her name. I couldn't wait to learn more fighting styles from her. She was a rabbit themed hero but she was really strong. She was the number 5 hero after all. A few people were interning with the top 5 heros with the exception of All Might. Shoto's dad is number 2, Tsukuyomi was going with Hawks who was number 3, Dynamight went with Best Jeanist at number 4, and I had number 5. I felt my phone buzz and checked it. There was a message from Hitoshi in the chat.

Hypno-- shoot a text when you all get to your hero agencies. Also, hypno? really miko?

PewPew-- Yes really, hypno is a good one.

Hypno-- Alright whatever you say.

A little while later there were a few messages saying that a few of them were at their agencies while I still had  a half hour left on my journey. When I get to the station in Hosu it is already 4:30 p.m. I barely get to say goodbye to Tenya before he is whisked away by his hero. I look around a bit but I can't see Miruko anywhere. Immediately I tense, something is not quite right here. No sooner had I prepared myself for a fight when I get pounced on from behind. As if on autopilot I grab the person by the arm and flip them over my head.

When I calm down from the sudden adrenaline rush I see that the person I had flipped was in fact the hero I was looking for. "Oh my god, I am so so sorry." "Don't apologize kid, you got great reaction time." "Wait, you're not mad that I flipped you." "Nah, that just shows me that you are stronger than I first thought. Now c'mon we got to get back to the agency so you can put your stuff away and we can get to training." Feeling a little confused I follow the hero to her agency building.

I get shown to the room I'll be staying in and drop my suitcase and the case that holds my hero costume on the bed. After shooting the chat a text saying that I got to the agency, I follow Miruko down to the gym and she tells me to follow the workout routine that she had written on one of the boards. "If you can't finish all of the sets for each, that's ok. Just write down how many you did." I take a look at the routine and felt pretty confident in myself. I ended up doing 63 push ups out of 100, all 50 sit ups, 30 chin ups out of 50, 55 lunges on each side out of 75, and a five minute plank. Luckily I do these as my daily training. 

"Good job for your first try squirt. By the end of the week you'll be able to do all of them." "Seriously?" "Yep. Now go wash yourself off, we are gonna go on a patrol." I rush to get myself clean and into my hero costume. I make sure that I have everything and meet up with Miruko in the lobby. "Looking good kid. Let's go." We head to the rooftops and start making our way around the city. Turns out that we both like travelling by rooftops better than on the ground. There was definitely less traffic on the roofs.

After 10 minutes of running around we hear something in one of the alleys. I look at Miruko and she tells me, "I'll asses the situation first, if I think you can handle it I will let you join, otherwise just stay on the roof." "Got it." We creep to the edge and look down into the alley. There was a group of four thugs and two women. The thugs had one of the women at knife point and was threatening the other. Miruko looked at me and nodded so I got to work. I summon my pistol and shoot the thug who held the woman in the hand that held the knife. He dropped it in pain and looked around to see who had shot him. 

I jump from the roof of the building and land in a roll. I get up quickly and shoot the guy in the leg so he drops the woman. I tell the two to run to safety. They do and I can focus on the thugs. I grab the one I shot in a headlock and knock him out. By now the other three have gotten over their shock and come charging at me. Just then Miruko jumps down from the roof and lands hard on one of the thugs. She then launches off of him and toward one of the final two. I take the other one and a few minutes, bruises and cuts later we have all four unconscious and tied up. The two women must have called the cops because not even a full minute later they arrive on the scene and ask what was going on. We explained the situation and handed the thugs over to them. We then head back to the agency to fill out the paperwork for the day, have something to eat, and head to bed to rest up for the next day.

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