Sports Festival Pt.4

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It was round two of the final event. The first fight was Izuku verses Shoto. I had the feeling that this was going to go wrong somehow. The fight started off with Shoto throwing a wall of ice at Izuku. Izuku uses his powers to break the ice before it encased him. They went back and forth a few times, each time Izuku broke another finger using his power. Then Shoto threw a bigger ice wall and Izuku broke his arm while punching apart the ice.

Then Izuku started yelling at Shoto to use his full power. It was his power, not his father's. His father didn't control him. At those words Shoto released his fire. Izuku tensed up, getting ready to use his power again. The feeling in my stomach grew and Cementoss manipulated the concrete stage so that seven thick walls grew between the boys just seconds before the arena was destroyed. Shoto's ice had cooled down the arena and with his fire heating it up so fast caused an explossion. Izuku throwing an overpowered punch at the concrete walls just added to the destruction.

After a few seconds waiting for the dust and smoke to settle, we see that Izuku had hit the wall and was knocked unconscious. "Izuku Midoriya is unconscious, Shoto Todoroki moves on to the next round." Midnight announces. 'Wow that was intense, but at least the bad feeling went away. I can't wait to see the next fight. Knowing Tenya, it's going to be fast.'

The next fight was between Tenya and the Shiozaki girl. Shiozaki wasted no time in trying to get Tenya wrapped up in her vines. He apparently wanted to get the fight over with as fast as possible. He ran around the vines and grabbed her by her shoulders. He then proceeded to shove her out of bounds. Somehow he managed to make it look polite. "Ibara Shiozaki is out of bounds, Tenya Iida moves on to the next round."

Now it was my turn to fight again. This time against Tokoyami. I felt like I had a really good plan to beat him. When Midnight said go I summon a flame thrower about the size of my arm. This way it won't get in my way when i'm fighting. When Tokoyami summons dark shadow I keep it at bay by lighting the flamethrower. Dark shadow shrinks back to hide from the light that the fire creates.

With dark shadow cowering in fear, I rush at Tokoyami and fight him using hand to hand combat. He tries to get dark shadow to come after me a few times but I keep it back with the flamethrower. After a minute or two of fighting, I manage to pin him to the ground with my flamethrower pointed at dark shadow. With a deep sigh Tokoyami yields the fight. "Fumikage Tokoyami surrenders, Miko Otori moves on to the next round."

As i'm walking back to the stands, I can hear the last fight of the second round starting. I get back to my seat and find Kirishima punching at Bakugou with a hardened fist. The fight goes on with Bakugou taking the defensive position for the first time since school started. Then a few minutes later the fight switches, Bakugou now blasting Kirishima and Kirishima hardening his skin to protect himself. Bakugou lets loose one larger blast that ends up knocking Kirishima out. "Eijiro Kirishima is unconscious. katsuki Bakugou moves on to the next round."

We get a few minutes before the semifinals. This time Tenya would fight Shoto and I'd be fighting Bakugou. I knew I wouldn't be able to win this fight, but damn if I wouldn't go all out anyway. I would do my best to make it to first and if I didn't make it, then I just needed to get stronger. I could barely contain my nervousness and excitement. The Sports Festival was almost over and I couldn't wait to see who would win.

The few minutes of rest are over and Shoto and Tenya make their way to the arena for their fight. Shoto tries to block Tenya with his ice but Tenya dodges it and charges straight at Shoto. He grabs Shoto around his middle and carries him to the boundary line. Just before he can drop Shoto over the line his legs freeze up. He looks down at his legs and sees that they are frozen to the ground. Shoto had managed to freeze him while he was running and he was now immobile. "Tenya Iida is unable to move. Shoto Todoroki moves on to the finals."

The next fight was mine and Bakugou's. Whoever lost this fight would come in third place. The winner would have to fight Shoto. We wait for Midnight to tell us to fight. When she does, I had summoned a grenade, pulled the pin, and thrown it at Bakugou before he could do anything. The blast created a lot of smoke around the arena and that was what I was hoping for. Bakugou blasts himself up and out of the smoke covered area while I summon more grenades to throw at him. 

I stay hidden in the smoke my grenades made so he can't see me but I can still see him. I run around the arena and throw the grenades at him from different angles to try to confuse him. After the fourth grenade he gets frustrated enough to land and start chasing me. The smoke makes it hard for us to see anything and we are now running around blindly. A few minutes later the smoke clears to reveal Bakugou a few feet infront of me with his back turned.

I rush forward trying to catch him off guard. He hears my footsteps and turns around only to receive a punch to the face. He stumbles back in surprise and I can't help but take the chance to gloat. "What, didn't see that coming?" I taunt. "Shut up and die, you fucking extra." is his response. "Do you not know how to be anything other than angry?" He runs at me while shouting, "I said shut up and die." He throw an explosive punch at my face but I dodge under his arm and pop up behind him. Before he can turn around I kick his knees sending him to the floor.

He jumps up as soon as he hits the ground and tries to roundhouse kick me in the side. I grab his leg as it makes contact and use his own weight against him as I flip him over. When he lands on the ground I try to pin him down but he throws a big explosion at me. Since I had no time to dodge it this time, it hits me square in the chest making me fly back. I hit the ground with a thud and slide back a few feet. I can barely lift my head and I can feel blood dripping down my face. I try to stand and fight but I am hit with a wave of dizziness and black floods my vision as I fall into unconsciousness.

Third person p.o.v.

As Miko falls unconscious, Midnight announces, "Miko Otori has been knocked out. Katsuki Bakugou moves on to the finals." Everyone in the stands cheers for the two finalists. Bakugou pays no attention to them and instead moves toward the girl who had managed to land a hit on him not just once but three times. He picks her up and carries her to the nurses office, completely ignoring the helping robots.

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