The Rescue

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'He's gone.' The only words going through my mind as I sat on the ground crying. "I was so close. How could I have let them get away?" "You were in shock. It's not your fault." Izuku tried to console me. "You're right. It's not my fault, it's their's." I stop crying, pick myself up off the ground and put on a determined face. "We need to get him back, no matter what." The others nod their agreement and we head back to camp.

We take turns telling Mr. Aizawa what happened and when the story was finished he told us to join our classmates as we would be going back to school. Still feeling distraught, I make my way to where the dekusquad is standing huddled together. When the bus gets there we all board and make ourselves as comfortable as possible for the long ride back. Momo and Ragdoll were taken to the hospital by ambulance and would be able to receive visitors the next day.


The next morning it was decided that the class would visit Momo in the hospital while the teachers were at a press conference dealing with the news of Bakugou's capture. We spent an hour trying to talk about happier things but the mood always seemed to turn gloomy after a few minutes. After a little while I couldn't take any more. "Alright, I know I'm not the only one thinking it. We need to go save Bakugou." "You're right but won't we get in trouble." comes from Kiri. "Maybe but so what, we are heros and we should be saving him." A little convincing later and I had a group of students who would be willing to go with me. 

Izuku, Tenya, Momo, Shoto, and I would all be going to rescue him while the others stayed. We had decided to meet in an alley beside the hospital at quarter to ten. Momo then told us that she had made a tracker and managed to place it on one of the nomus they had used to attack. She then made a receiver for it and managed to find the exact location of where they were hiding. All we had to do now was wait until nightfall.

Finally the time came. The group was ready to go and the only person missing was Tenya. Not even three seconds after 9:45, he comes speeding into the alley. Momo hands out the disguises she had made for this and we quickly get changed. All of us looking away from each other.  Soon enough there were five people discreetly making their way to Kamino Ward. Where Momo said the tracker had been for the past 24 hours. 

We had made it to the closest city. Trying to blend in, we made our way to the outskirts toward the one place that villains always seemed to gravitate towards. An abandoned where-house stood alone just outside the city limits. Hiding in the shadows beneath an open window I peeked inside only to see about ten nomus in containers of some type of liquid. Bakugou was nowhere in sight. I ducked back down and told the group that he wasn't there. 

We were contemplating on whether or not we should do something about the nomus when suddenly we hear sounds of a fight inside the where-house. I peek back inside to see Bakugou being transported through some type of black goop along with the villains that attacked the summer camp. 'He's not hurt, that's good' Then another villain with a black mask covering his face was also transported into the where-house. I hear Izuku gasp and faintly mutter "All-for-One" Judging by that reaction, this guy was bad news. 

While All-for-One was going through his monologue for Bakugou, The heros had shown up and a fight had immediately broken out. "We need to get Bakugou out of there now." "And how do we do that?"Shoto inquired. Taking a look at the group and the building beside us, I came up with a plan. I just hoped it would work. Momo made us each a pair of ice skates while Shoto made a layer of ice beneath our feet. Izuku was in front of Tenya who wrapped his arms around Izuku to keep him steady. Momo and Shoto both grabbed onto Tenya's shoulders with one hand and my left arm with the other.  

I asked Izuku to blow a hole in the wall to give us an opening. Shoto then made us an ice ramp so we could get into the air away from the villains' reach. Tenya would propel us forward with his engines and I would cover us until we were in the air. As soon as my feet left the ice ramp I turn behind me and call for bakugou to grab my hand. I notice the fight had stopped at the sight of five teenagers flying through the air but I ignored them in order to watch what Bakugou would do. After only a moment of hesitation He used one of his bigger explosions to propel himself high enough to grab my hand.

We were falling to the ground fast but luckily we were far enough from the battle that it wasn't a problem. Shoto made another ice ramp to get us safely to the ground. We then split up into groups of three to make our way through the city in case someone had followed us. Shoto, Tenya, and Momo were one group while Izuku, Bakugou, and I were the other. Just before we split up Bakugou grabs my arm and pulls me close to him. Without warning he grabs my face and with surprising gentleness, he kisses me. As soon as I get over my shock I kiss him back. We pull apart when we need air and then receive applause from the other four.

We make our way through the city once more but this time we are going home and I have Bakugou's hand in mine the whole way. The fight had been broadcasted throughout all of Japan. It was a spectacular display. All Might managed to defeat All-for-One but at the cost of his own power. Now he was a skeleton-like man with no quirk. Before collapsing from exhaustion after the fight he managed to point to the camera and say the words, "Now its your turn." He was right, it's our turn to be heros.

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