The meeting

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We didn't get called into the agency until a few days later. During those few days I had drawn into myself and I wasn't as cheerful as I normally was. Everyone noticed my mood but didn't pry. Except Katsuki, he pried. The day after the incident he pulled me into his room and confronted me about my mood. 

"Why are you so quiet, you've never been this quiet." I looked down at the floor, "I've just had a hard day." He crossed his arms and gave me a disbelieving look. "That's a lame excuse and you know it. Tell me what's really going on." I sighed deeply and rested my elbows on my knees. "When Izuku and I started the work studies, we were sent on a patrol right after we were accepted. We met this little girl who was in trouble and I... I couldn't save her Katsuki. She was so scared and I couldn't help her." As I spoke, the tears welled up in my eyes and fell to thee floor. 

Katsuki's eyes softened as he realized why I had been so off. He reached out and gently grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into his arms. He just held me there and let me cry my heart out. Shortly after I was pulled away into an uneasy sleep. He just shifted us so we were laying down and covered us with a blanket. He shot a text to Izuku asking him to come turn off the lights, in the most Bakugou way possible of course. 

The next time Izuku and I got called into the agency, we were told to meet up with some other work study students. Namely Mirio, Tamaki, Nejire, Kiri, Tsu, and Ochako. We were also told that Mr. Aizawa would be taking us this time. We weren't told anything more until we arrived at the agency's meeting room. There were other pros in the room suggesting that something important was happening. Heroes such as Rock Lock, FatGum, Mr. Brave, Centipeder, and Ryukyu were already sitting around the table when we walked in. We quickly found our seats and waited for Sir Nighteye. It didn't take long for him to show up and start the meeting. 

"Thank you all for coming in on such short notice. This meeting pertains to the group we have been keeping an eye on. The group known as the Shei Hassaikai. Yesterday, FatGum, Suneater, and Red Riot were attacked by a low level villain. They managed to take him down fairly quickly, however this villain managed to hit Suneater with what we believe to be a quirk erasing bullet. Thankfully it seems to be only temporary." At those words Suneater transformed his hand into a cow hoof to prove he still had his quirk. "Red Riot was also targeted but thanks to his quirk the bullet did no damage and remained in tact. We were able to test the components of the bullet and we found human DNA. When questioned, the villain gave up that he had gotten the drug from the Shei Hassaikai and was told to cause some chaos. A few days ago, while on patrol, Lemillion, Deku, and Arsenal ran into the leader of the Shei Hassaikai himself. He had a young girl with him at the time. Arsenol told me how frightened the girl was and how she kept a tight grip on her hero costume." 

My mind instantly connected the two pieces of information. I jumped out of my seat and slammed my hands onto the table before anyone could even process the information they had been given. "Please tell me that he's not using her for these bullets." Nighteye looked at me with a frown, "I'm afraid that is the most logical option." "She doesn't deserve that, she's just a little girl. We have to get her out of there. I should have just taken her and ran." "No, you did what you could without making the situation worse. We will get her out of there the second we have a solid lead. We cannot go marching in there without solid proof that they've been involved wit illegal activities. All we have now are suspicions." I glared at him and argued, "You weren't there, you didn't see how afraid she was. She was trembling in my arms and she refused to let go of me. That girl is getting hurt more and more every day. Do you just expect me to sit back and wait?" With a sigh he replied. "For now, yes. There is nothing we can do until we have more concrete evidence against them. If we move now, things will only get worse." 

He made a good point however unhappy I was about it. So I sat down and crossed my arms and glared at the table like it had killed my cat. Izuku patted my arm to reassure me while the other three of my classmates sent me worried glances throughout the rest of the meeting. We were told to keep this information a secret from everyone. This was a very sensitive case and until we had solved it we were prohibited from telling anyone anything. With that we were sent back to the dorms to wait while the pros would be trying to collect evidence or anything they would be able to use against the Shei Hassaikai. 

Katsuki was waiting for me when I got back to my room. He was on my bed reading one of my books and petting mochi. He closed the book when I walked in and pulled me into a hug once I sat down beside him. "He noticed my mood and asked about it. I spent some time thinking about what I wanted to say to him. Finally I came out with, "Katsuki, There is a mission that I'm now a part of." Before he could ask what it was or demand he be a part of it as well, I continued. "I want to tell you everything I know, but it's too dangerous. Please don't pry. I will tell you everything the moment I am able to do so." I could tell he wasn't happy about it but he respected me enough that he wouldn't ask. 

We spent the rest of the evening just cuddling and playing with mochi who had decided she needed to take a nap on Katsuki's chest. Sleep didn't come for me until late into the night. And even the it was not an easy sleep. I was tossing and turning all night dreaming of what could be happening to the little girl at tis moment.

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