U.S.J Pt.2

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Before we can make a move to rescue Mr. Aizawa, the bird/human hybridlike beast grabs Mr. Aizawa and prepares to smash his head into the concrete. But, just before he can, the doors to the U.S.J blow open and there stands All Might. "Everything is fine now. Why? Because I AM HERE." He jumps down to the plaza and grabs Mr. Aizawa and brings him to safety.

Since we see that he is safe, me, Bakugou, and Kirishima attempt to make our way to the doors as well. We make it about halfway across the plaza when I hear somone say, "Nomu, attack the brats." 'He must be the guy controlling the thing.' Before any of us can make a move, we are sitting down beside Izuku. "Huh, how did you dodge that?" "We didn't dumbass," Bakugou yells. We look to where the nomu thing is and see that All Might had blocked its punch and draged us to where we were.

I can feel us all shaking in fear but we have to stay strong. A villian that somehow made her way past the others comes up behind the little group and grabs Kirishima. We turn to face her in shock as she uses her quirk to knock him out. "Give us back our friend," I shout. "Only if I get something in return," she replies confidently. Trying to think of something to do and buy a little time I ask, "and what do you want?" She starts laughing maniacally and says, "Why, all I want is..." she points to me, "your head on a platter."

I growl in frustration and summon a flash grenade. "Not a chance in hell." I throw it at her and it goes off just as I close my eyes. The sudden light causes her to drop Kirishima and stumble. I grab him and hand him to Bakugou. "Watch over him." "Don't fucking tell me what to do, extra." "Just do it," I snap. I turn back to the villian just in time to see her regain her senses, stand up straight and grab a knife that was strapped to her leg. I summon my own double edged dagger and rush towards her.

Third person pov.

Miko was usually a calm or cheerful girl. For her friend and classmate to see her this angry was unsettling for the both of them as Kirishima was still out cold. But her friends were in danger and she was being threatened so who could blame her for being angry. Watching her fight, they couldn't help but to be impressed with how she handled herself.

Miko pov.

We trade blows and dance around eachother. Both of us getting a few cuts here and there. I manage to slash her arm and make her drop her knife. I quickly stomp down on it to prevent her from grabbing it again and stab her hand. She screams out in agony and I punch her in the face causing her to black out. I grab her and drag her to the pile of unconscious villians. Walking back to the small group I notice Kirishima groan a bit and slowly open his eyes. "What happened?" he asks. "Well you got knocked out by a villian and Miko saved you," Izuku explains. 

We look back to All Might to see him going all out against the nomu and sending it flying through the roof of the building. The man controlling it didn't like that one bit. He started scratching his neck and shouting. Then he suddenly stopped and ran towards All Might with his hand outstretched. But before he could get too close, he was shot in the hand. Not by me, but by Snipe. Snipe and the other teachers at U.A. had gotten there just in time. 

The main villian was shot a few more times in his other arm and one of his legs before the purple mist guy teleported them both away. Everyone celebrates not dying a bit before a wall of cement is built around All Might and Izuku who had gotten closer to him during the fight. The rest of us are brought outside where the police question us about the villians that attacked. Once that is done we are told that we can get back on the bus and we will be given the next two days off of school to help us settle down a bit. Before the police officer can leave Ashido and Ochako ask, "What about Mr. Aizawa will he be ok?" "Yea what about thirteen-sensei, will they be alright?" The officer replies, "well thirteen suffered deep lacerations to their back but is expected to make a full recovery. And Aizawa had a few broken ribs, broken arms, and his skull cracked under his right eye, but he should be fine in a month or two."

We cheer knowing that those two would be alright. They were the only ones to get seriously hurt. I get my cuts patched up and make my way onto the bus. I pick a window seat in the back and instantly feel very sleepy. The adrenaline from the day fading from my system. I vaguely feel someone sit beside me as I drift off to lala land. 


I get home to see my mom making dinner in the kitchen and mochi greeting me at the door. "Hi mom," I say as I pick up my cat. You can hear the sleepyness in my voice. "Hello sweetheart, I heard what happened so we are going to have dinner and the you are going to take a relaxing bath, then go straight to bed. You need your rest after a day like today." I don't argue with her because that sounds like a good idea right now, so I finish my pork bowl and head to the bathroom to take that bath. 

As I crawl in to bed afterwards I hear my phone buzz. It was a text from Ochako in the dekusquad group chat. [Are we still on for saturday?] Everyone replies with some form of conformation. I turn off my phone and get settled underneath my sheets. As I drift off to sleep again I can't help but think that this day was extremely terrifying.

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