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We made it through the city without any incidents. Making it back to our homes the rescue group all separated. However Bakugou decided to walk me home so we stayed on the same route.  When we got to my house he pulled me close to him and grabbed my neck. Suddenly I find myself sharing a deep kiss with Bakugou. I close my eyes and let myself melt into it. Only when breathing becomes relevant do we part from the mind-blowing  kiss.

"I'll see you at school on Monday, ok." he almost whispers. "Yea, see you on Monday." I say in the same hushed tones. He turns and walks down the road back to his house. I stand by my front door watching him until he turns the corner and I can no longer see him. Then I turn around and walk into my house. The lights are off meaning mom got called in for work again. Deciding to leave the lights off, I carefully make my way to my room in the dark.


The weekend was spent checking up on the people still in the hospital and goofing off with my friends. I had taken them on a parkour run and taught them some of the basics. Things like how to take a fall, how to jump across roofs, and climbing things were learned pretty quickly. We just played around on the roofs for a while and decided to have an impromptu picnic there. Tenya and Ochako were sent to the store to grab some snacks and drinks for us as they were the fastest and lightest. Eating on top of some roof we watched as the sun set over the skyline.

The next day Hitoshi dragged us to the beach saying that it was a perfect day to do so. We decided it would be easier to wear our swim clothes under our regular clothes so we wouldnt have to waste time changing. Tsu had a cute one piece swimsuit while Ochako and I had two piece swimsuits.

 Tsu had a cute one piece swimsuit while Ochako and I had two piece swimsuits

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 Tsu spent most of the time there in the water which came as no surprise to the rest of us. Around noon Izuku showed us the mini bbq he had brought with as well as the hot dogs. We sat in the shade of one of the umbrellas on the beach and enjoyed our lunch. When everyone finished eating we played a game of beach-volleyball to pass the time. The teams were Tenya, Tsu, and Hitoshi versus Izuku, Ochako, and I. After a few games the score was 2-1 for my team. It had gotten really warm so we all raced each other into the water. 

A few minutes later the boys and girls had split up into groups. The girls were gossiping about everything when I remembered the amazing kiss Bakugou gave me. I ended up telling the girls that we were dating now and they squealed so loud they drew the attention of the boys. "Hey, is everything ok?" Tenya asked, concerned. "Yea everything is fine, we just got a bit too excited." Ochako answered. 

The day was coming to an end so we parted ways and headed back to our homes. I got home and was greeted by mochi trying to trip me as I made my way to the kitchen. I made myself something simple to eat and went to my room. I changed into a pair of sweatpants and on oversized hoodie before opening the window and climbing to the roof. There was a slight breeze so it was comfortable enough to keep my hoodie on. I ate my food with mochi by my side as I watched the sun set once more. 


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It was Monday and I was actually excited for once. I would be able to see my boyfriend. As I walk into class I see him sitting at his desk with his feet propped up like usual. This time however, when he saw me he got up from his desk which caught the attention of the people that were already here. He walked up to me and pressed a quick kiss to my lips. Then turned around and walked back to his seat without a word. 

Smiling to myself I also walked to my desk and instantly there was a group crowding my desk trying to get answers from me. "What the hell was that?" "Are you two dating or something?" "Why didn't you tell us you two were a thing?" By now the rest of the class had shown up and the bell had rung. Mr. Aizawa walks in and in a monotone voice says, "You have an hour to do whatever as long as you don't wake me up." He then crawls into his sleeping bag and proceeds to fall asleep. 

No sooner had he fallen asleep than everyone in class turned to stare at me and Katsuki, silently demanding answers. 'Yes I call him Katsuki, he is my boyfriend after all.' Katsuki gives a loud sigh, stands up, walks over to my desk, yanks me up from my seat, and gives me another mind-blowing kiss. When we had to come up for air he turns to the class and in a serious tone of voice says, "She is my girlfriend and if anyone touches her you'll fucking regret it." Seeing as he wasn't yelling and instead was very calm about saying this, the threat was taken much more seriously. We spend an hour answering questions and then talking about random topics before homeroom is finished and we head out to our morning classes.

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