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It's been ten years since we graduated Highschool. We opened a shared agency shortly after and bought an apartment building that we all shared. Our agency was a ten story building The first floor was just the entrance. The second, third, and fourth floors were dedicated to all kinds of training, from quirk to weapons to hand to hand combat. The fifth floor was our meeting room. This was where we planned our missions and reported on the ones we finished. The floor above that was the medical wing. We had five doctors and seven nurses on staff. They lived only a few blocks away so they stayed at home unless they were needed. The top four floors were where we slept when we couldn't make it home for whatever reason. We kept it fully stocked with food and anything we'd need. It reminded me of the  dorms we used to stay in when we were still Highschool Students.

A lot of people in our class got together. Denki and Hitoshi had started dating shortly after we got our licenses. Tenya had ended up asking Mei Hatsume out and they were now getting married in a few months. Izuku accidently confessed his feelings to Shoto and they have been dating quite happily for a while now. Momo and Kyoka had gotten married three years ago and had adopted two cats. Izuku and Ochako had dated for a little while before they both realized that they were into other people. They were still best friends but Ochako was now dating Tsu. Fumikage told us that he wasn't romantically interested in anyone and stayed happily single. Shoji wasn't looking for a relationship but said that if the right person came along he would be willing to date. Kiri and Mina got married shortly after Momo and Kyoka. 

Ojiro and Tooru finally got together after pining for each other for years. Koda was dating a girl from a nearby agency who could turn into animals. They had moved in together a few weeks ago. Sero was, as he put it, married to his work. To the rest of us just meant that he hadn't found the right person yet. Katsuki proposed to me the day we moved into the apartment building and opened our agency. I of course said yes and we were married a year and a half later. We had all gotten closer over the last ten years. Mr. Aizawa is still a teacher and a hero. He comes over once a week with Mic and Eri. 

Speaking of Eri, she just started U.A. She wanted to become a healer like Recovery Girl. Surprisingly she was still around. Kota was also a U.A. student and was another frequent visitor. Whenever they came over we spent the evening playing board games and just generally letting go of the stress that came with being a hero. I'm pretty sure we're getting closer and closer to convincing Mr. Aizawa to move into the apartment we had set aside for them when we first bought the building. Even though he wasn't our teacher anymore we all still called him Mr. Aizawa or Eraserhead. Some things never change.

We were all in the top twenty on the Hero charts. Izuku and Katsuki were constantly trading the 1st and 2nd spot while Shoto kept 3rd and I stayed happy with 4th. Unsurprisingly Ochako stayed firmly at number five. The others were always competing to climb higher than each other. It was amusing to watch. At some point in our careers the media had dubbed us as The Heroes of Hope. We treasured the title and used it to remind ourselves of what our main mission was. To give hope to the people. 


We were just coming back from a mission that involved some sort of sludge monster. We had given our mission report and I had sent the others off to shower then get some rest. I was just finishing up one of my statistic sheets when I get a call. Not on the agency phone but on my personal one. I answer it though a bit skeptic as to who could be calling me. "Moshi moshi, you're speaking with Otori." 

I hear a bit of a scuffle on the other end before a familiar voice comes through. "Miko, I need your help." It was my cousin from America. "What do you need?" I asked confused as to why she would call me. "I'm dealing with a very dangerous villain and he's escaped capture three times. I'm afraid if we don't catch him soon we won't have much of a city to protect anymore." Hearing the urgency in her voice I readily agree. "I'll get my team on the next flight out. Don't worry, we'll get your guy." "Thanks Miko, I've heard you guys are the best in Japan. If anyone can help me, it's you guys." 

Hanging up the phone I called the team over the inter-coms. "Change of plans guys, as soon as you're all clean I need everybody suited up and down here. We've got an international mission." It didn't take to long for everyone to get back to the meeting room so I gave them the details that I knew. "My cousin wouldn't ask for help unless she was desperate so we need to be extremely careful." 


It was twenty suitcases and a ten hour long flight later that we found ourselves in America. As we stepped off the plane we were greeted by my cousin in her Hero outfit. She greeted each of us before looking at me with a grave eyes. "He hid a bunch of bombs around the city and set them off just an hour ago. Do you think your team could help with rescue and damage control?" I nod and turn to my team, the excitement at seeing my cousin again had evaporated as she told me what had happened. 

"Even though I know we are all jet lagged, we have some work to do. Shoto could you and Deku work on getting these fires under control. Uravity, Pinky, Tentacole, Ingenium, Sugarman, and Red Riot, I need you with the rescue crew. Creati, Invisigirl, Froppy, Tailman, Mind-blank, and Chargebolt. Set up a medical tent and give first aid to any injured civilians. Mind- blank you can help them calm down if needed. Earphone Jack, Anima, Tsukoyomi, Cellophane, and Dynamight. Start talking to witnesses and other heroes that were on the scene. See if you can find a lead on this guy. I'm going with Siren to see if we can get some more information about this guy." 

I get an affirmative from everyone and watch as everyone moves to their assigned jobs. I turn back to Siren and walk with her to where a mobile base was sitting. I gain access to their computer and search through any files they have one the guy. I can't find much, just presumed height and a blurred picture of him, possibly taken from a security camera. I send the information I could find to my team and get ready to head out and help the rescue efforts. As I walk out into the chaos of the city, I take a deep breath, close my eyes and let it go. "Alright let's go."


I apologize for being gone for two weeks. I struggled with a bit of writers block. To make up for it you get two chapters in one day. Also we have now hit the end of Explosive. I plan on starting a second story called The Heroes' Fall. It basically follows on what would happen if Heroes weren't what the public believes and it starts after the group rescues Bakugo from the kamino ward. Miko will still me a main character in that book as well. I hope to see you there.

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