Training Camp day. 2

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When I was woken up by Mr. Aizawa the next morning he told me to skip the morning run and instead go eat a big breakfast. He wanted to see if I could summon the Leopard 2-A7 again. So I found myself eating food while my class ran around the camp and for some reason I envied them. I don't know why but I wanted to be running with them. It was probably because I genuinely enjoyed running.

I noticed that they were about done with their run so I went out to join them for training. We were told to do basically the same thing as yesterday. I was told however; to focus on summoning the tank. The class split and went to their designated training fields. Getting to my field I see the table of snacks refilled with double the amount of yesterday. 

Bracing myself against the ground and closing my eyes, I gather the necessary energy amount and focus on the image of the tank I had summoned yesterday. Since I had already summoned it once, it wouldn't use as much energy to summon it from now on. Finally feeling it appearing, I open my eyes and see it standing there in front of me ready to go.

( I don't actually know much about tanks aside from what I learned from Girls und Panzer and I will be using what I know from there in the story

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( I don't actually know much about tanks aside from what I learned from Girls und Panzer and I will be using what I know from there in the story. So please forgive me for any mistakes that I make.)

I wanted to inspect its condition like I do with all the weapons I summon for the first time. So I climbed onto it and opened the hatch and lowered myself down into it. I looked around and made sure everything would work properly. Getting back out I see Mr. Aizawa approaching me. I walk to the table and take a few snacks and eat them as I begin to feel a little dizzy. I would have to let go of the tank soon or I would pass out again.

Mr. Aizawa asks if there were any complications with it and I told him there weren't. "Good, remember to take breaks and don't push yourself beyond what you can physically handle." "I promise I won't over do it." He then leaves me alone to check on the rest of the class. from what I can see, which is very little, it seems they are doing well. Bakugou's explosions already seem to be getting bigger. 

During lunch I get dragged into a debate in the bakusquad about different types of music. "Guys you got it all wrong, hip-hop is the best."-Mina. "No you are wrong it's definitely rap."-Denki "YOU'RE ALL WRONG, IT'S OBVIOUSLY ROCK MUSIC"-Bakugou. "What do you think Miko? What music is the best?"-Kiri. "I honestly like all types of music. Now can I go eat my food please." 

After lunch, it's back to quirk training. I summon my tank again and this time I try to do different tasks while I see how long I can hold it. I go talk to Bakugou as Izuku and Tenya were moving to fast to talk to me. Ochacko was about ten feet in the air in a giant hamster ball. Tsu was hopping up and down a very steep mountain. Shoto was almost completely submerged in water. And Hitoshi was talking to other people to use his quirk on them. 

We decided to have an impromptu tutoring session and started quizzing each other about our subjects. When I felt my energy falling too low to keep up the tank, I let it go and went back to my spot to get it back up. I ate a few snacks, drank some water, and took a rest under a nearby tree. A ten minute rest later and a few more snacks, I summoned my tank and went to talk to Bakugou again. At some point in the conversation we set another sparring session on the beach. 

At some point Mr. Aizawa came back and asked what I was doing away from my spot. I told him that I was looking for things to do so I wouldn't just be sitting in one spot watching a tank do nothing. He  responded with, "as long as Bakugou keeps up with his training, I don't see why this should be a problem. We kept up the cycle of me summoning my tank and talking to Bakugou for a while then go back and do it again, until we had to stop and make our supper.

We split off into groups so people could do what they were best at. Shoto, Momo, and I lit fires to cook things on. Bakugou, Kiri, Izuku, Sato, and Hagakure chopped everything up because they were the best with kitchen knives. Shoji, Sero, Denki, Mina, gathered fire wood and the rest did random things that needed to be done. We got supper finished in an hour and a half. During supper we talked about random things and about our training. Apparently only the girls and Bakugou knew that I could summon tanks now. The other boys only knew I had passed out after summoning a big weapon and assumed that I had just run out of energy.

After supper we all got to sit around a campfire and make s'mores. Deciding to make this a proper campfire, Mina started the ghost stories. Most of them weren't scary at all but the ones from Bakugou, Izuku, Hitoshi and me had people jumping out of their seats and into other people's arms in fear. Each time it happened the four of us burst into laughter. We continued with our campfire until about 10:30. Even the adults had joined us at some point. After 10:30, us students headed to bed so we could get up early the next morning. While I was walking back to the girls' cabin, I faintly hear Bakugou talking to Sero about something. I see him turn bright red and shove Sero away and walking faster to get away from him. 

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