New Home

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"RRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGG." The bell rang and in an instant everyone was in their seats. The class was still shocked over the fact the me and Katsuki were dating. Hell, I was still shocked. As Mr. Aizawa walks in he starts telling us about some new arrangements that would be made around U.A. Since we got attacked so often the principal decided to implement a dorm building so we would be living at school. We would be able to go home on the weekends and visit our families, if we wanted to of course. The dorm building would be finished by next week and we would be able to move in as soon as it was.

After homeroom we were sent to our regular classes and the rest of the day went by normally. English with Present Mic, Maths with Ectoplasm, and Art with Midnight. For our heroics class we just paired off and sparred with each other. We were put in a row with enough space so we wouldn't bump into the others. Everyone picked a partner and we all separated. When we finished sparring with one person we rotated down the row until we made a full round. Of course, I paired off with Katsuki first and as soon as the buzzer went off we traded blows. 

Following the tradition of our past sparing sessions, we fought quirkless. It took a lot longer than the first time to pin each other, so we were only able to go one round before switching partners. He had faked a punch at my head which made me duck. Quickly making use of the distraction he swept my feet out from under me. Pinning me to the ground he gave me a small kiss before helping me off the ground. Another kiss was given and I was on my way to find my next opponent.

We were spread out through training ground beta, which looked like another fake city. This made finding other opponents a bit harder. It didn't take too long before I found Kaminari who was looking a little confused. 'He must have lost his fight.' I didn't even hesitate before I jumped at him and started punching. Luckily he managed to fight back almost immediately so I didn't have to worry about hurting him too much. He managed to hold his own but I won the fight in the end and after a quick hug I was off to find someone else to fight.

I found Sero next and like with Denki I didn't hesitate to rush in. For some reason everyone had decided to follow mine and Katsuki's example and fight quirkless. If Sero had used his quirk he might have stood a chance but he was quickly defeated without it. This time, just as I rounded the corner to find another person to fight, someone found me and made themselves known by giving me a kick to the ribs. I stumbled back clutching my side as I looked up to see who it was. I was surprised to find that Mina was the one to land the hit.

 It didn't matter as I led her through a few alleys and climbed up a fire escape to loose her. I watched as she ran into the alley I hid myself in and when she was close enough, I jumped down from my hiding spot and pinned her against the wall. She yielded and I was off to find another fight. I won every fight afterwards except my fight against Izuku, Shoto, Ojirou, and Shinsou. Each of them being used to not relying on their quirks.

 By the end of the day everyone was exhausted, sweaty and covered in grime. The last half hour of school was a terrible wait. We all wanted to get home and take a nice shower or bath. Before any of us could leave though, Mr. Aizawa had something to tell us. "You will all get the chance to do a work study with a Pro hero. Now some of you may get to choose the hero you interned with but some of you may not, as there are certain qualifications a hero needs to meet before taking on a work study. You will all receive a list of available heros tomorrow after you heroics classes. Look them over and have them back to me by Wednesday. Depending on which hero you choose you might start earlier than the others. That is all I have, enjoy your evening."

As we walk out the door, I feel Katsuki link his hand with mine and it doesn't leave until we part ways at my front door. He gives me a kiss and says, "I'll see you tomorrow." Another goodbye kiss and I was watching him leave. When I couldn't see him anymore I walked inside feeling like I was flying. I even looked behind me to make sure I hadn't grown a pair of wings. Once I was sure I didn't, I picked mochi off the carpet and held him close as I sat on the couch and watched a few episodes of demon slayer. It was one of my favorite anime, I absolutely loved Nezuko and Inoske reminded me quite a bit of Katsuki.

A few hours later I was in my room finishing the last of the English homework that Present Mic gave to us. As I looked at the time I noticed that the sun was starting to set. So I grabbed my phone just in case someone tried to contact me and climbed to the roof to watch the sunset. Watching the yellow sun fade into orange and red and pink gave me a sence of peace. These sunset would be something that no one would be able to take away from me. The would always be there after a long day of hero work to calm me down. When the colors in the sky finally faded and the sky went dark, I climbed back into my room and got ready for bed. I went to sleep dreaming of the day that was to come.

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