Battle Training Pt.2

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As we were talking, Bakugou, Iida, and Uraraka enter the room. "Where is Midoriya?" Shinsou asks. "He was sent to Recovery Girl." Iida informs the class. "The only thing we can do now is hope he gets better soon," I say. Just then All Might speaks up. "Right you are young Otori. Now lets continue the lesson." 

The rest of the lesson went by faster than the first match and with way less inguries. Team B was against team I and team B won by Todoroki freezing their opponents to the floor and Shoji touching the bomb. Team E won against team G by Shinsou brainwashing Jirou to attack Kaminari and then tieing them up. Team J beat team F by having Kirishima distract them and Sero snuck by and secured the bomb. 

The last teams to go was team C with Momo and me, and team H with Tsu and Tokoyami. It wasn't as dramatic as the first fight but we all put up a good fight. Me and Momo were stationed as the villians. She had me guard the weapon while she went to find our opponents. A little while later I heard her tell me through the radio link that Tokoyami had gotten past her and to get ready for a fight. So I summon my two katanas and strap them to my back. I already have two pistols strapped to my thighs. I hide behind a pillar that was beside the bomb just as I hear Tokoyami walk into the room.

"It would be a foolish move if they left the weapon unguarded in order to track us down," He says as he looks around the room. I grab one of my pistols and come out from behind the pillar. I point the gun at him and say, "it's a good thing I didn't leave then." He turns to stare at me in shock that i'm there but quickly schools his expression. I smirk at him as I say, "I bet you thought that I wouldn't be waiting for you, hero. Well, you better be ready to loose cause i'm not." I fire a shot at him but miss by an inch. He runs toward me and I switch to my katana. I swing at him but he blocks it with an arm guard. 

This goes on for a bit with me swinging at him and him blocking or dodging when I hear All Might say through the speakers, "Tsuyu Asui has been captured." Then Momo tells me that she is almost to the room i'm in. I go on fighting Tokoyami and I notice that we keep getting closer and closer to the weapon. Momo bursts through the door just as Tokoyami dodges a strike at him and touches the weapon. He looks around a little confused when nothing happens after a few seconds. I quickly wrap his wrist in the capture tape before he can recover from his confusion. "Why didn't the training end when I touched the weapon?" "Because that wasn't the real weapon." I answer his question. "The real one was a floor above." Momo puts in. 

"Fumikage Tokoyami has been captured. The villians Win." We hear All Might yell through the speakers. We all walk back to the monitering room and I go straight to my bag that I had brought with me and fish out a few snacks that I had stashed in there. I give them to Momo and say, "This is a thank you for making the fake bomb for me." "Oh it was no trouble, but I appreciate the snacks." "Good because I brought those specifically for you." "Oh thank you." "No problem" All Might pulls our attention to him as he speaks, "Alright you all did good, now its time to head back to class." 


We all walk back to the changing rooms to change back into our school uniforms and head back to class. I talk to Tokoyami as we walk. "That was a good plan to duplicate the weapon." "Thanks, though I feel bad for asking Momo to make something that big." "I don't think she minds too much." "You're probably right." We get to the classroom and everyone mingles for a bit. But Bakugou just grabs his bag and leaves. A few minutes later Midoriya comes into the room and looks towards Bakugou's empty seat. Uraraka tells him that Bakugou left just a few minutes before. 

He runs out of the class and the girls go to the window in the hall to see what was going to happen. We see Midoriya run up-to Bakugou and start to talk to him. Bakugou starts yelling at him again before he starts to cry. Then all Might ruined whatever was going on by running up and grabbing Bakugou and telling him something. He shoves All Might's hands off of him and starts to walk away. We all go back to the class and grab our bags and then go home. 

The Dekusquad as we have started calling ourselves meets Midoriya out front and starts to walk to the train station. As we walk I get an idea. "Hey guys what if we start calling eachother by our fist names? Only if everyone is ok with it though." Everyone murmurs their agreement and from then on we refer to eachother by first names. We get to the station and split up with Tenya and Tsu. After we get off the train we split up with Shoto and Ochako. Me and Izuku walk to the end of the street before we too part ways.

I get home and see a note on the table beside the door. The note reads, "I got called in to help design another costume. I'll be home for dinner. I love you." I grab mochi from his spot on the cat tree and sit down on our couch. I grad the remote and flick through a few channel before deciding on and that had a hero fight on. A little while later I hear my mom come into the house. I go help her with supper. We eat and I do my homework while she does the dishes. We play a few board games together and spend the evening having fun. Then we say goodnight and go to bed and await the next day.

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