Letter/First Day Pt.1

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It had been a week since the entrance exam. I had spent the week training my quirk and going for runs around the block. I was in my backyard going through some martial arts techniques when I hear a shrill screech from inside the house. I run inside thinking something was wrong. My mom comes running into the room holding a letter in her hands. "It came." My face lights up and I snatch the letter from her and make a dash to my room to open it. I open the letter and out fall a small metal disk. "What is that?" Suddenly a hologram appears from the disk and on it is All Might. He explains the point system and tells me that I had gotten 45 villian points and 20 rescue points. Bringing me to a total of 65 points. He shows a scoreboard with everyone's points. I had gotten second place. "So welcome to your hero academia." 


"beep beep beep" I slam my hand down on my alarm clock and groan as I get up. I hurredly get dressed into my uniform and rush into the kitchen. After a quick breakfast I hug my mom and run out the door. As I get onto the train I quickly take a seat and pull out my earbuds and turn on my music, the song Yes starts playing in my ears. The train pulls into the station and as soon as the doors open I start running towards U.A. I make it to the door to class 1-A and stop to catch my breath. 

I pull open the door just in time to see the blond pomeranian from the exam prop his legs on the desk. Not a second later the blue haired guy that interrupted Present Mic started yelling at him, saying that he was disrespecting our upperclass-men by putting his feet on the desk. The blond just replies with "You're kidding me right, your old school put a stick up your ass, or were you born with it?" I tune out the rest of that conversation as I hear the door open.  I turn to see a green haired kid standing in the doorway. The others noticed as well because the blue haired guy comes running over. He introduces himself as Tenya Iida. In return the green haired kid introduces himself as Izuku Midoriya.

 Just then everyone notices the yellow caterpillar crawl into the classroom. It stands up and starts unziping down the middle to reveal a man who looks like a hobo. The man says "it took you all 8 seconds to shut up. That's not gonna work. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that." He walks up to the teachers desk at the front of the class, turns around to look at us, and continues to say, "my name is Shota Aizawa and I am your homeroom teacher." He pulls out a stack of gym uniforms from his sleeping bag. "Now put these on and meet me outside in ten minutes."

We all make it outside with 3 minutes to spare. "Good everyone is here, now we can begin." "But sir, what about orientation?" a girl with a brown bob asks. "Here at U.A. we are not tethered to traditions, which means that I can run my class however I see fit. You've been taking standardized tests most of  your lives, but you never got to use your quirks in physical exams before. The country is still trying to pretend we're equal by not letting those with the most power excell. It's not rational, one day the ministry of education will learn." He turns to the pomeranian and says, "Bakugo, you got the most points on the entrance exam. What was for farthest distance throw with a softball in junior high?" "67 meters I think" "Try doing it with your quirk. Anything goes just stay in the circle. Go on, you're wasting our time." 

"Alright man you asked for it." Bakugo stretches for a bit and then throws the ball with an explosion and a shout of "DIE". Aizawa records the distance on a little electrical device and says, "all of you need to know your maximum capabilities. It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero." He shows us the device which reads 705.2 m. Everyone gasps at the distance the ball flew.

A boy with yellow hair and a black lightning streak exclaimed, "woah 705 meters, are you kidding me!?" "I wanna go that looks like fun," shouts a pink girl. Then a guy with wierd elbows yells out, "yeah this is what i'm talking about, using our quirks as much as we want." Aizawa looks at us with a cold glare. "So this looks fun to you? You have three years here to become a hero. You think it's all gonna be games and play time? Idiots. Today you'll compete in 8 physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none, and you will be expelled imediately." A shout of "WHAT?!?!" comes from everyone.

"Like I said I get to decide how this class runs, understand. If that's a problem you can home right now." As he says this the whole class gets looks of determination on their faces. The brown haired girl speaks up. "You can't send one of us home. I mean we just got here. Even if it wasn't the first day, that wouldn't be fair." "Oh and you think natural disasters are? Or power hungry villians? Or catastrophic accidents that wipe out whole cities? No the world is full of unfairness. It's a hero's job to combat that unfairness. If you wanna be a pro you're gonna have to push yourself to the brink. For the next three years U.A. will throw one terrible hardship after another at you. So go beyond Plus Ultra style. Show me it's no mistake you're here. Now then we're just wasting time by talking, so let the games begin."

The first test was a 50 meter dash. I was up against a girl with earphone jacks coming out of her ears. Since neither of us could use our quirks for this test we were tied at 7.05 seconds. The second test was grip strength. Since I had to have a pretty good grip in martial arts and parkour i got 87.43 kg. I hear the guy with weird elbows say "wow you hit 540 kilograms? You are such a beast." The yellow haired kid beside him says " yeah you're like a muscly octopus."

The third test was a standing long jump. Some people used their quirks to launch themselves all the way cross the sand pit while those of us like me or kirishima only got about half way across. The Fourth test was repeated side steps. We all did pretty average on those ones. The fifth test was the ball throw. Since Bakugo already went he sat this one out. The brown haired girl got the highest score on this on by getting infinity. Midoriya walks up to the circle and throws the ball. It only goes 36 meters. Just then we notice that Aizawa's scarf had started to float as well as his hair. He gives Midoriya a talk that none of us could hear. He let Midoriya try again and this time the ball went flying but he ended up breaking his finger. The device read 705.3 m. 

After an outburst from Bakugo where Aizawa had to erase his quirk, it was my turn to go. I walked to the circle and thought about the weapon that I would need for this one. I eventually decided to use a rocket launcher. Luckily I had enough energy left to summon it. I put the ball in the launcher and hold it on my shoulder. I steady myself, aim the launcher and fire. The bang it makes has everyone covering their ears. I let the launcher fade away and walk back to where the class was standing. Aizawa shows us the device and it reads 716.8 m.

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