Internships Pt.3

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Our morning patrol was uneventful and we were back at the agency by 11:30 a.m. It was a slow day so we would go out for patrol again after lunch. We made lunch together and talked about my class. I told her about the Dekusquad and the antics we got up to. I told her about how I got Tenya to loosen up and how we got Shoto to come out of his shell. I told her about sparing with Bakugou and when she implied I had a crush on him I suddenly got embarrassed.

We finished lunch and got ready for another patrol. This time we went further to the outskirts of the city. We stopped some petty crimes and pretty soon we were heading back. The rest of the day was spent training and sparing. Miruko and I were just about to make supper when suddenly the ground starts to shake. After a few seconds it stops and we rush outside to see what had happened. Turns out that a villain had crashed into a building down the street. 

Miruko turns to me and says, "Get your costume on and help whoever needs it. I am giving you permission to use your quirk any way you need to. Now go be a hero." I get my costume on as fast as I can and rush to help people. As I am working to get people to safety, I notice that there are more and more heros coming to the fight. I notice the hero that Tenya was working with and that he was calling out for Tenya. I ask what had happened and he replies, "Tenya just ran off and I can't find him anywhere." "Don't worry sir I will find him. I won't be of much help here anymore as all the civilians have been evacuated." "Ok I am trusting you to be safe out there." "I will sir."

Just as I turn to go, I get a message in the group chat. It was probably not the best thing to do but I check it anyway. It was a message from Deku and it only gave his location. It showed that he was in an alley here in Hosu. I knew immediately that's where Tenya was. Halfway to the alley I meet up with Shoto. Turns out, he had also gotten the message and left his father to find Deku. We get to the alley to find a horrifying scene. The hero killer Stain was standing above Tenya with a sword in hand about to stab him. Deku was laying a few feet to the side. It was obvious that he had been tossed there just before we arrived.

Another thing I noticed as we stepped into the alley was the unconscious hero leaning against the wall of the alley. I whisper a plan to Shoto and move to the side to help the hero. He attacks the hero killer with his ice and starts talking with Deku to distract him. I carefully pick up the hero and take him to the main road. I lay him on the ground and hget to work patching his injuries. When I am sure he is stable and safe I rush back into the alley to find Deku and Shoto fighting with the hero killer while also yelling at Tenya about how big of a fool he was by going after the hero killer by himself.

As the boys are distracted by yelling at Tenya, Stain throws one of his knives at Shoto. I quickly summon my handgun and shoot the knife out of the air before it can harm Shoto. Right after, I shoot Stain in one of his arms. It only slows him down for a bit but that little bit created an opening for Deku to get a hit in. Shoto follows him right after with a blast of fire. After a minute of fighting Stain and yelling at Tenya, he finally breaks free of Stain quirk and jumps in the fight to help us. He lands a kick at Stains head and I shoot him in the other arm. Deku kicks at his middle and I'm pretty sure he broke a rib. 

After Deku and Tenya are out of the way Shoto traps Stain in his ice. I let go of my gun and summon a bo-staff. I swing it as hard as I can against Stain's head and knock him out. Shoto finds some rope in a near-by dumpster and we use it to tie Stain up after removing all of his weapons. Deku drags him out onto the street while the other two boys make sure he stays out cold. I rush ahead to check on the hero lying on the side-walk and make sure he is still ok.

The next second we are approached by six heros including the ones that Tenya, Deku, and I interned with. They had dealt with the villains which turned out to be five nomus, and had been told by Endeavor to come here. Once they see Stain out cold and tied up they go into shock. They are brought out of it when suddenly the last of the nomus had escaped and went after Deku. The nomu grabbed him and started to fly off.

Before it could get to far off the ground I had summoned my handgun and shot it in the exposed brain. It immediately froze up and dropped to the ground. Shoto created a slide for Deku to land on as he was dropped from the creature's claws. I noticed stain start to stir and knocked him over the head with the handle of my gun before letting it go. The heros then started to berate us for going into that fight with no backup and praising us for finally getting rid of the person responsible for killing 13 heros and permanently injuring 6.

We handed Stain over to the police, who would take him to Tartarus prison. The boys were then taken to the hospital and I went back to the agency with Miruko to eat something and collapse on my bed. We would deal with the paperwork tomorrow. Was there even paperwork for the stuff that happened today? I also planned to go visit the boys in my free time the next day as well. Little did I know what would happen the next day.

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