Sports Festival Pt.5

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We were all in the stands waiting for the final fight. You could feel the excitement in the air. Bakugou and Shoto were in the waiting rooms getting ready. Everyone went wild as the two boys walk out onto the arena floor. Then Present Mic's voice came over the intercom. I had totally forgotten that he had been commentating on the whole thing. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, this is it the fight to determine the winner of this year's sports festival. Who will it be? Shoto Todoroki, who seems to destroy the arena with every fight, or Katsuki Bakugou, who likes to blow smoke everywhere so I can't see anything? Stay tuned to find out."

As soon as Midnight said the word, Shoto immediately unleashed an ice attack. Bakugou started blasting away at the ice but soon it overpowered him, trapping him in a glacier. Everyone thought that Shoto had won and just as Midnight was about to call it, we heard banging from inside the ice. I instantly knew that Bakugou was blasting his way out. Sure enough, a minute later he came out of a tunnel he had carved into the ice. 

He looked ready to kill someone. He was looking at Shoto with the most intense look on his face. The same ice attack from Shoto came at him only for him to blast it to rubble as if it was nothing. This kept on for a while and neither of them seemed to get tired. Eventually Bakugou shouted something at Shoto that made him use his fire. Bakugou then blasted at Shoto trying to end the fight. He had just gotten face to face with Shoto when Shoto's flames went out. Bakugou landed a big blast on Shoto which destroyed all of the ice and the arena as well.

After everything cleared up we saw that Shoto had been knocked back onto a pile of ice and was out cold. Bakugou stood mostly unharmed in the middle of the destroyed arena. "Shoto Todoroki is unconscious. Katsuki Bakugou is the winner of the sports festival." The crowd burst into cheers but it seemed that Bakugou didn't want to accept the win. He ran to Shoto, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and started shaking him. Midnight had to knock him out with her quirk so he would stop.

He was then dragged to Recovery girls office along with Shoto so they could recover. The awards ceremony would be held as soon as they were healed and rested. After a half hour of Cementoss cleaning and fixing the arena, both boys were ready. Bakugou, Shoto, and me were asked to head to the podiums under the stage where we would be lifted onto the stage. I took the third place podium, Shoto took the second place podium and since Bakugou was still angry about how his match ended, he would not stop screaming. They ended up having to tie him to the podium and muzzle him. 

We were raised onto the stage as Present Mic announced our places. "In third place we have, Miko Otori, what a great fight from her today. In second place we have Shoto Todoroki, he came so close to being first. And in first place we have, Katsuki Bakugou, who doesn't seem to happy with his placement." Midnight looks us all over and says to the crowd, "there is only one person worthy enough to hand out the metals today and that person is," All Might ddropped into the arena saying his catchphrase of "I AM HERE" as Midnight finished her sentence, "All Might here to congratulate the winners."

They both apologised for talking over each other and All Might was given the metals that he would then give to us. Coming up to my podium he put the third place metal over my head while saying, "you have earned this, I hope you will continue to train and use what you have learned here in your future." When he finished talking, he gave me a hug and went on to Shoto. He put the second place metal over Shoto's head while telling him something inspiring as well. All Might hugged him and went over to Bakugou who was still tied up and muzzled.

 "Now don't you think this is a bit much?" he asked as he removed the muzzle. Bakugou started yelling and struggling against the chains that were holding him as soon as it was off. "I won't accept this. This win didn't count. I didn't win." I look at him with a bored expression and say, "dude you need to calm down, you're acting like a little kid." That stops his yelling but he continues to scowl at the ground. All Might tries to put the first place metal over Bakugou's head but it slips into his mouth instead. Bakugou chomps down on it and glares at All Might. I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous he looks.

All Might the turns to the crowd and says, "these young heros have worked very hard today. Lets all congratulate them together. You know what to say. Say it with me now." Everyone there yells out a "PLUS ULTRA" while at the same time, All Might yells, "THANKS FOR THE HARD WORK." People then yell at All Might telling him that it was the perfect time to yell plus ultra. The three of us are let down from the podiums and told to meet up with our class at the bus that would take us back to the school.

I sit with Hitoshi who was a bit upset that he didn't make it past the first round of the battles. I tried to comfort him by telling him that there would always be next year and he could try again then. It seemed to work because he agreed and asked me what it felt like being  in third place. "It actually feels very rewarding. Knowing how hard I have trained for this and getting third place is a win in my books." We talked a bit more before we reached the school. Everyone heads to class, grabs their things and makes their way home. As I walk home with my friends I think to myself, 'this was one of the best days of my life.' 

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