Tango X Grian - Powers P2

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Grian can control fire powers. Tango is a fire demon. (Part 42)
Might have slight ImpyXTango too but that's one of my faves. Sorry. I needed to do it.


I was in copper and candles trying to purchase some stuff when I heard something coming from the back behind the store.

As soon as I walk outside, the sound is louder. It sounded like a kitten purring loudly. What the heck? Did Tango have a bunch of cats?

As I turned the corner, I saw a cave with lava in the walls all the way down. I cautiously walked down, the sound getting even louder.

When I'm at the bottom, it opens up to a huge pool of lava. From what I can tell, it's at least 6 blocks deep. Maybe more.

The sound, I realize, was coming from the lava pool. The heck?

A head of yellow hair popped out from the lava pool. "Tango? Are you ok? Need a fire res?"

I looked at him freaking out. "Nope. I'm a Nether demon. My kind are immune to the lava. I don't know how to control my fire powers and I created this when I was excited over getting a vein of 8 diamonds right next to another vein of 6. The reason I'm still down here, is because I don't want to hurt anyone else."

I tried to speak, but he wasn't done. "I already burnt Jevin to a crisp and accidentally killed Cub and False. And then I died, tasting the sweet blade of the Falsehood. So I'm staying here until I can actually get some control over my power."

I thought about it for a moment. "Scar and I helped Impulse with his power. Maybe I can help you?" Tango gave me a look that said, 'I'm not impressed.'

"I have fire powers too." I raised my hand to show him and a cute little tendril of fire danced along my fingertips.

"What.. the heck?" "I can help you but impulse was a bit easier. I just attached a floating sun to his back. You need some actual training with them."

Tango thought for a moment. "And you could help me not hurt anyone? Including yourself?"

I nodded.

He thought for a moment. "When do I start?" "How about now? He nodded and got out.

So, why am I here?" Asked Impulse.

"Moral support." I answered. "Just try to turn this water into obsidian." Tango nodded. "Let's see how good you are." Tango sighed. "It's not that I'm worried about."

He stepped into the water and flames roared through the cave where they were. "Ok. Just focus." I said to the demon.

"Wow. He's good." Impulse whispered to me. I nodded. "He's a Nether demon with fire powers."

"So?" Asked Impulse. "He's immune to fire and lava." I replied.

The brunette nodded. "Ah. That still doesn't tell me why I have to be here."

I sighed. "Because," replied Tango, "I thought you could give me some help." The blond looked down, about to cry. "Oh, Tango."
Impulse smiled at him, encouragingly.

Tango smiled. "You always know how to help Impy. That's why I asked you to be here. Now. Let's do this."

(I didn't really know how to end it. Sorry.)

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