XBCrafted X Keralis

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(Here's something new! Keralis is the girl in the relationship BTW. Non-Binary Iskall, transgender Xisuma,
Grian X Tango and Ren X Zedaph)

Keralis woke up with a smile. He was dreaming about XB. The two were secretly together. But that was all going to change today.

Xb wanted to tell everyone at the server meeting today held at Bdub's village. Keralis didn't think he was ready, but he  didn't want Xb to think that He didn't want to be out in public with him.

Keralis was nervous. He knew some of the hermits might be homophobic. He didn't think he could deal with that.

Xb woke up, his eyes fluttering as he opened them. He looked up at Keralis with beautiful amber eyes. The kind you could easily get lost in. Keralis internally sighed.

I mean, it was no surprise that Grian was seeing someone. Everyone knew. He didn't know if it was a guy or a girl. For all he knew, it could be another race all together.

Xb seemed to know what he was thinking. "It's ok, Ker. If anyone has a problem with us, they'll have to answer to a ban from the admin."

Keralis looked up at him. "X is transgender and feels strongly for LGBT-Q. Homophobia is not tolerated here. Those who are homophobic, would have left HermitCraft cause everyone knows he's in the spectrum."

Keralis nodded and buried his face back into his lovers neck.

Xb laughed a bit. "Keralis, please stop. That tickles." The other shook his head as if to say, you can't make me.

Xb kissed his head and closed his eyes. Then, the alarm went off.

"Gah." *Whimper* Keralis grabbed at Xb's arm as he tried to get up. "K, the meeting is at BDubs's magical village so we need to get a move on if we want to talk to X alone." Keralis looked at him, unamused. "Before everybody shows up?" Xb asked.

Keralis sighed. "Fine."

The brunette pouted all the way there.

"Hey, X?" The admin turned around. "Early as always, Xb. So what's up?" The two looked at each other. "We would like to say something, maybe at the end of it?"

Xisuma nodded. "Whatever it is, it must be serious to have those looks on your faces." The two nodded. "Well, take your seat on a blanket on the grass."

Within the whole meeting, Keralis was trying to build up courage to kiss Xb in front of everyone. They were sitting in the back next to Iskall and Mumbo.

They only sat at the back so that Xb could hold Keralis's hand behind their backs. He ran his thumb over the brunette's knuckles and Keralis closed his eyes, relishing in the feeling. All too soon, Xisuma called on Xb.

"So, the last thing that needs addressing. Xb has something he would like to share with us all." Xisuma said, motioning him up.

Xb got up without hesitation and pulled Keralis up with him. They made their way to the front and stood on BDubs's front porch next to the admin.

"So I would like to tell you to not be rude or hurt Keralis, as this is very hard for him to admit. But me and him are lovers and have been since Grian joined." Xb started. "Please don't hate us." Keralis replied with a shaky voice. He didn't look up once.

"I'm non-binary." Replied Iskall. "Feels so good to admit that." "Wait, seriously?" Asked Mumbo. Iskall nodded at him.

"Oh good!" Tango replied as he got up and ran to Grian and kissed him. "I'm actually aromantic." Replied Impulse.

"I- I'm transgender.." everyone looked at him. "I thought everyone knew this? I don't exactly hide it." Replied Xisuma.

Zedaph pulled in Ren and kissed him. "Aww how sweet." BDubs replied.

"See, you had nothing to worry about, Ker." Keralis smiled. "Can we go home and get in bed and cuddle again?" He replied. Xb rolled his eyes. "Sure."

"With that, the meeting is over." X yelled. "Now go home!"

(666 words)

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