TangoTek AU - Firekin

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I was walking through the shopping district with Bdubs when it happened. Of course, the brunette noticed something off with me. I was not myself. I was quieter and more sweaty.

Before Bdubs could ask me anything about it, I put my elytra on. "I need to go help out Zedaph. Sorry." He nodded and I flew away

Should I actually go see him? Yes. Should I talk to someone about this? Absolutely not.  You see, I'm a Phoenix hybrid. The only one that knows is Zed. I have these days of the month that I call the burn where my hybrid form takes over. I can't control it nor do I even remember what happens while I'm in that other form. I sigh and make a b-line for Zed's. base.

I fly over and land right in front of him. "Hey Zedaph." He looked up from the garden he was planting and smiled at me. "What do ya need?" He asked, wiping his dirty hands on his jeans.

"Well, I was wondering if you remember where.. that.. cave was again?" He nods solemnly. "I'll type the co-ords in private chat for you. Just contact me when it's done. And please remember to put your communicator somewhere where it won't get burned like the last few times." I nodded and took off again as I heard a ding from my hand.

'Bye for now, HermitCraft,' I thought to myself.

I found the cave that Zed had the co-ords for and walked in. Home for the next week. Yay! Not.


The next time I woke up, I noticed a few things right off the bat. The cave was hot and humid as hell and all I could smell is burning ash and this acrid stench from burning plastic. 'Not again, communicator!' I opened my eyes.

As I sat up, I realized I was laying in a huge nest of ash and still glowing orange feathers. "Interesting," said a voice I know all to well. I turned to see Impulse and Xisuma sitting there. X wasn't looking at me and impulse was twirling one of my big long feathers in his fingers. "Sorry that I didn't tell anyone," I said, my voice still scratchy from going too long without speaking.

"But why are you two here? How did you find me?" X finally looked my way. "Well, Bdubs was extremely worried and asked me to give him your
co-ords." I facepalmed. Next, I turned to Impulse.

"Well, in chat, you sounded like a broken record. You kept asking for mate? Everyone basically thought that meant you needed either me or Zed. And when I went to him to clarify, he didn't seem to even care at all." I hummed. "I saw you shift back into you, by the way. I didn't know you were a Phoenix. I had called X to help me just in case you were hurt, and he showed up after you were back to normal." I nodded.

Just then, we heard thundering footsteps and Zedaph poke his head into the cave. "I thought you didn't care." Impulse said. He shook his head. "No. I knew all along he was a Phoenix hybrid. I said I didn't care to you because I knew he didn't want anyone knowing about this."

X cocked his head to the side. Zed continued. "And that whole 'mate' thing in chat? That was the Phoenix part of him basically wanting sex." I rolled my eyes and held up my destroyed communicator. "I left it outside the cave as you had asked." Zedaph looked shocked.


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