BDubs X Grian - Grian The Babysitter

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where bdubs is turned into a baby again by cubfan. and grian takes care of him?

I looked down at the mess I created. I honestly didn't think this potion would be so potent. Bdubs looked up at me and cocked his head as he swung the bottle gently in his hand.

Somehow, the potion changed him into a little kid again. Oh, X is going to be mad at me. But that was for a different time. I needed someone responsible to look after him. I had no clue.

So I thought, maybe Keralis? No. I didn't trust him with a kid. Etho? Scar? No and nope. Then I thought of Welsknight. Maybe.

So I flew off with a baby Bdubs in my arms. By the time I got to the knight's house, he was trying to get out of my arms. I quickly knocked on the door. A moment later, a sleepy Wels appeared.

"Cub? What's up? You never come to me." "Can you please look after Bdubs? He somehow gotten into my secret potions and I'm not fit to take care of him. I'll try working on a potion that will fix it."

"Bdubs huh? Sure. I do have some mini blocks to keep him occupied for now." He said as he held out his arms. I placed Bdubs in his arms and Wels started rocking him. "Oh, you're good. I'll start working on that counter potion." I said and flew away.


Bdubs was a little ball of energy. But not in a bad way. I have him some mini blocks to play with an hour ago. I kept checking on him, and every time, he was sitting there stacking the blocks diligently. When he ran out of the blocks, he would knock them down and rebuild it.

"Hey, do you want to go see Etho and beef? Maybe they have some more blocks for you?" I spoke with a gentle voice, and smiling when he made grabby hands. He wasn't very vocal.

I laughed and picked him up. I decided not to fly, as I didn't want to accidentally drop him. So I got on my horse instead.

By noon, I was knocking on their door. Beef answered, took one look at Bdubs and pushed Etho forwards. "Do you have any mini blocks?" I asked. "Jeez, Wels. I though you were giving the baby to us." Beef laughed. I laughed. "I'm thinking of passing him on to-" My phone beeped. So did both of theirs. "Server meeting," said Etho. "Shall we go?" Beef flew off with Etho and I in tow. I just held onto to Bdubs tightly.


Tango's base was quiet, Everyone barely talking to each other. X looked serious, which usually meant he needed silence. Fireworks were heard as Mumbo, Impulse, Etho, Beef and Wels showed up.

Xisuma started the meeting. "Where is Grian?" "He said he couldn't make it. Had to help False with something." Mumbo spoke up. "How about Stress and Bdubs?"

"Stress was going on a date with Iskall." Replied Cleo. "And Bdubs is right here," I said, holding him up. "What happened?" Asked X.

"He somehow got into Cub's secret potion room and drank a potion. Made him like this. Cub is a no show, which means he's trying to fix it right now. He refused to look after him, so I said I would when Cub brought him to me." Wels said.

Xisuma sighed. "Tell cub to come over here. He doesn't need a potion to fix this. It would only be temporary. What we need is a lover's touch." Impulse stepped forward and took him into his arms. "But how do we find that out?" He asked. "I mean, We can't ask him. He doesn't talk." Replied Wels.

"Tango, touch his forehead." I nodded at the admin and made my way over there. "How is Tango going to help?" Asked Mumbo. "Nether Demons are different than normal ones. For example, while demons can burn everything they touch, Tango's kind can't do that. They are a deluxe kind of demons, the superior kind."

"The kind that need to take lava baths regularly or we will get weak." I stated.

"He also can sense feelings and emotions, or be like cupid, kinda." X explained.

I touched his forehead, and promptly gasped, then laughed. "Of course. Impy, take him to Grian and let the two cuddle, will ya?"

"Grian is way to immature to take care of a baby." Mumbo replied. "Too bad. I want Bdubs back to normal," X replied. "So impulse can take him or I will." Impulse didn't need to be told twice. He took off with a baby Bdubs cradled in his arms.


I was at my concrete maker, ready for an afk session, but once I heard fireworks, I looked up only to see Impulse land beside me. "Hey, So, Let Bdubs cuddle with you." I was confused. "That's not Bdubs, that's a baby."

He shook his head.

"I know. He accidentally got into Cubs secret stash of random potions he has no idea what they do. He couldn't take care him, so he was passed to Wels. Then, at the server meeting, Tango touched his forehead and somehow figured out that you can change him back. It's supposed to work if you hold him." Impulse said. "It's a whole thing that I don't want to get into right now."

"Let me guess. Lover's touch can fix him?" He nodded. I sighed. I took him out of Impulse's arms. And held him there for the rest of the day. That night, I was trying to put him to sleep, but he just kept clinging to me. He started to glow a bright gold-white light. It got so bright, I had to look away. I only looked back when Bdubs spoke up.

"Can I borrow some of your clothes?"

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