Sunset/Wels - Mirrored Personality

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So. I chose WelsKnight for this little challenge that I read about in a book by SharkBait_13_23
So have fun with it. Also the challenge is to write YOUR PERSONALITY as the character you choose. To make it even harder for myself, I'm choosing Wels.. this is going to be hilarious :) mostly cause I'm high af rn. it's very short but hopefully that put some smiles and laughter into your dreary days/nights!! I hope..

One day, I was normal. The next, I was a psychotic girl version of myself running through the server screaming something along the lines of Fanfictions and shipping. Whatever that meant. I saw X come out of his portal. Didn't realize I was over at the Evil Emporium. I then proceeded to scream out the first thing that came to my head at him.

"Run me over with your car, mommy." X turned to me. "You know what? I have heard weirder stuff then that. Also, I don't think I want to know why you are suddenly a girl." "bAgLeSs." I said and fell over onto my face comically. "Ow. Why the Fu** did I do that for?" X cocked his head at me. "Okay. Now I'm confused." "Kup.. KAKZ."

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