Xisuma X Welsknight -Need To Be Helped P2

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"XisumaVoid Has Starved To Death."

No denying it now. There were quite a lot of hermits online. WelsKnight flew down into X's base and gently landing and looked around.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. Where would he respawn? I thought here since his bed is here.

"Wels?" I twirled around to come face to face with the admin.

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Why did you not eat anything before you died?" I asked. "I wasn't watching it and-" I cut him off. "I know your lying."

He looked at me shocked. "Come on. I know you better than anyone else. I know when you lie. You won't look me in the eyes and you blush. Badly." I replied, rolling my eyes.

I sighed at him. "Please tell me?"
He shook his head. "It's nothing. Just me being careless and a derp." He replied.

I wasn't convinced.

"Keralis asked Joe to do a therapy session with you." He looked up at me, shocked.
"Wh-" "Did i stutter?" I cut him off again.

"Why? When?" He asked. "Tomorrow morning, and because you are worrying everyone in HC right now with that stunt you pulled with Evil Ex." Xisuma blinked. "Yeah, we'll, I don't need help." He turned to leave his base when my communicator chimed. I pulled it out to see Evil X had texted me.

"Speak of the devil.." I trailed off. The text was pretty simple and went like this 'are you with brother right now? I have a secret. Just don't tell him I'm the one who told you. He has a massive crush on you. Ok have a good day.' What the heck?

I grabbed X's wrist before he could fly away. He turned to me, confusion clear on his face.

"Am I ready to throw Evil under the bus?" I thought out loud. "Evil EX just texted me to tell me that you had a crush on me." I pulled him by the arm so that our chests were touching. I pushed his head to the side so I could whisper in his ear.

"Want to know a secret? I love you too, X." I leaned in closer and kissed him on the cheek. When I pulled away, his cheeks were completely flushed. I smiled, happy to pull such a reaction out of him.

"We are going to get you some help for this. It's not healthy." I whispered again to him. This time, he nodded reluctantly. "Only for you." I kissed him again and he seemed to melt into my arms.

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