Doc X BDubs - Hurt & Comfort

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PLOT: When cub takes his place in Scar's little hierarchy, he thinks that he isn't doing enough. He feels as if Scar is replacing him with Cub, and with Keralis not there, who will comfort him? Doc finds him crying in the sewer's of Keralis's city and comforts him.

I stood there listening to Scar on the diamond throne, spewing out all this nonsense about how he had promoted Cub; Again. Now, Cub, had replaced me entirely. Scar would no longer call on the me for anything, unless it's to complain about something that, either he, Cub or False failed at. They always yelled at me! It wasn't even fair anymore.

I tried not to sigh as I listened to Scar complain about how he had found out that none other then his best friend Grian was the Mycelium Resistance's leader, or more formally known as 'Mother Spore,' as he had put on the sign.

Even though it was Cub who fell for the trap, he still blamed me for it. One more, and he was getting ready to smack him in the face. I thought of Keralis, and how much I missed him, and Doc, who hated me.

Scar knew about my more than obvious crush on the creeper hybrid, and wanted to use that to blackmail me. Talk about evil overlord overkill.

Just then, Cub flew through the entrance to the Town Hall, a smug smile on his face. "So, I may have found the entrance to the Resistance." He cut Scar off. He just smiled, even though he yells at me for cutting him off.

Scar, after hearing that news, jumped up and ran with Cub. I sighed. "Oh, and don't go anywhere. I'm not done yelling at you." Yelled Scar.

I scoffed. I didn't care. I was always shunned by Scar. If Keralis was here, he would have told me to count to 10 and breath deeply, but he wasn't and I knew I was going to have an anxiety attack. I quickly grabbed my rockets and my elytra and took off and over to Keralis's city.

I still knew how to get into the sewers under his city. It went abandoned a couple of months ago as Grian thought that we shouldn't continue our little game. Most Hermits forgot it even existed; a perfect place for me to not be disturbed for a long while.

I started crying as my anxiety attack took over. And this time, I let it. I was in my own world full of pain. I felt like my heart was being torn to shreds. I didn't hear anyone enter the sewers or feel as they ran over to be and tried to calm me down.

Once I could actually hear again, I looked up to see the one Hermit who I never expected to comfort me; Doc.

"Are you OK? Tired?" I nodded. "Yeah, anxiety attacks and panic attacks are very draining. I get panic attacks all the time." He explained, holding me a little tighter in his arms. "Just rest for now. I'll stay by you." I gave a pathetic excuse of a nod and drifted into the darkness.


When I woke up, I found myself on a bed. My bed from season 6? What? Just as I was about to sit up, the door opened revealing Tango and Impulse. "Are you OK?" Asked Impulse. "Yeah. Doc came to us and said you were having an anxiety attack? I get them too., so I might be able to help." Replied Tango.

Doc walked into the room. "I'm sorry for bothering the two of you," He said in is German accent, which I loved.

"I was in the middle of a timelapse," said Impulse. "Recording," said Tango, "But BDubs is definitely more important then a silly recording or timelapse." I smiled.

"Yeah, can I go give the Mayor a piece of my mind now?" I asked. The three around me looked confused. "I thought you and Scar were friends." I rolled my eyes at Tango. "I thought so too, until Cub replaced me entirely. Now Scar will only come to me to complain. It's like I'm just there to be his stress reliever or whenever he wants to yell at something, he calls me." I replied. "I'm just so sick of it! I try to please him all the time, and what do I get in return? A face full of complains, half of them, probably about me."

"You don't know if he's actually yelling about you?" I shook my head at Impulse. "I zoink out so I don't have an anxiety attack in front of him, but maybe I should have. Because that would force him to actually help me instead of shunning my feelings entirely."

The three were even more confused. "Do.. Do you love Scar?" Asked Impulse. "I shook my head. "As in I'm in love with him? Nope." Doc laughed, such a pretty sound. He's never laughed with me.. That makes my heart shatter again. He hates me. "Oh, BDubs. I love you too." I looked up shocked as did Tango and Impulse. "W-What?"

Doc laughed again. "Grian told me. I AM a member of the Resistance after all." He laughed. "That, and I could have figured it out easily. It's too obvious." He came over to me and kissed me on the head. "I-I love you." I said, turning and wrapping my arms around his neck, hiding my face in his chest. He laughed again, shooing Tango and Impulse downstairs.

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