Zedaph X Ren Need You Back

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(Trying some Hanahaki.. don't know if this would turn out at all, or if I'll be proud of this one, but I did TONS of research for this, so hopefully it won't be as bad as I think..  also, feel free to correct ANYTHING in here if I did something wrong.. plz..)

"I- I love you." Such innocent but destructive words.

"Uh. I love you too?" Zedaph replied. I shook my head. "I mean," I sighed, gathering more courage. "I mean I am in love with you."

It's almost been 5 years since Zed left and I have always wondered if it's me. If I made him want to leave. I mean, I'm not special or anything.

Things are very dull with the ZIT trio now. Impulse has smiled less and Tango now refuses to talk to anyone but Grian or BDubs. Everyone has noticed I don't speak at server meetings or to anyone else anymore.

I sighed, opening my chest full of random junk. I really need to sort it out. Just not today. I couldn't be bothered. I needed something calm to do while listening to some music; just loose myself.

I look around my base. There! My giant mine. I could go mining. It's been a while since I did any and it's relaxing especially if you have your favorite tunes.

So I got out my pick, my torches and some more food and relaxed.

That's when everything went to hell. I looked in the palm of my hand after a particularly bad coughing fit, only to gasp. Lilac petals lay in the palm of my hand. 'Shit,' I thought.

Zedaph. My feelings for him never left. He either rejected me after 5 years, got himself someone else, or leaves permanently, gone from HermitCraft.

I sighed, all hope leaving me.

The next morning, I got a couple of messages from X, saying to go to the Shopping District so that he could fix some glitches that popped up. I got up, not bothering to get dressed out of my comfy pjs and my messed up hair. As I was walking out the door of my base, I noticed my fuzzy housecoat. I shrugged. May as well.

As soon as I got there, I noticed everyone staring at me. I was the last to arrive.

"Glad you could make it sleepy head." Xisuma tried to fix my hair. I just ducked under his hand and walked away and sat down alone. "Don't touch me." I mumbled, but Mumbo, who was standing near me heard what I said.

He gave me a wired look, but didn't comment on it. Until, of course, I felt the familiar feeling of petals making their presence known. I tried not to breath, lest I Aggravate my throat more.

I didn't know how I could keep this from everyone. It's been a few days since the fiasco in the mines when I first stared coughing up petals. But now, it was harder to hide, as there was blood now too.

I didn't know what I was supposed to do, and frankly, I was too scared to ask for help. I didn't want them thinking of me as a gay nobody.

I sighed and raised my hand. "Hey, X?" He looked up from his admin screens. "When are you done? I have a lot to do and I can't just stand around doing nothing. I'm bored." I said.

He looked more tired, now that I was officially looking at him.

The feeling became harder and harder to hold back but I took a deep breath and held it. "I'm done now so everyone can go back to what they were doing." I nodded and grabbed my rockets. But before I could light one, Tango, Impulse and strangely, Doc, approached me. Impulse put his arm around my shoulder.

I panicked. No way out.

"Something is wrong with you" he replied. Tango nodded. "This isn't like you." Doc sighed. "Do you not want to talk to us anymore?" The creeper hybrid asked.

I shook my head and shrugged, not able to talk now. I felt like throwing up. I gulped and took a deep breath. "No. I just.. I haven't been feeling good, ok? I feel like throwing up right now. I don't want any help. I just need sleep. And quiet." I replied as I lit a rocket and propelled myself into the sky and to my base where I promptly fell into bed again.

A whole month passed and I started throwing up blood and petals. I hated Zedaph, but I also loved loved him. Love is stupid.
I was working up courage to tell X about this. Only him because he wouldn't have freaked out like everyone else, well, maybe not Doc..

By two months, I couldn't leave my bed, little flower buds popped out of my skin. It got considerably harder to breathe. I knew I didn't have that long to live. I knew I needed Zed to come back and- And what? Either accept my feelings or reject me entirely.

I had a feeling that X, and Keralis maybe others had a small clue as to what was going on, but I didn't want to admit it to anyone. At this point, I would rather die.

"Oh shit." I said, looking at my monitor on Ren. I rushed to the shopping district. I told Joe and Iskall to get Zed back. He and every one of the hermits stood there waiting to hear what was making me so panicked.

"ZEDAPH!" I yelled as soon as I was on the ground. The others looked at me. "Ren. *pant* Problem. *pant* Flowers. *choke* Blood. *gulp* Petals. *pant* HANAHAKI!" I screamed.

"WHAT?!" BDubs yelled. Most of the hermits were confused. "Wels," I turned to him, he looked confused. "The thing that killed Jessassin and severely injured Python.. claimed Ren. Let's get to him." I didn't wait but started flying, hoping the others got the memo to follow me.

Once we were at his front door, I turned to Zed. "I found out why he was avoiding us. It was because he was too scared to tell us that he has Hanahaki which could kill you if you leave it too long."

"What is that?" Asked Grian. "Hanahaki," BDubs replied, "is unrequited love. The person, say Xisuma fell in love with Keralis. Keralis either rejected him, fell in love with someone else, or he doesn't feel that way towards Him, X would start coughing up flower petals of his love. Keralis loves daisies, so X would be coughing and throwing up daisy petals. Up until the buds grow out from his skin, he can be saved by surgery only Tango knows how to perform. Otherwise X would die. The only way to know that he is dead is when a daisy blooms from the mouth."

"Well, what are we waiting for then?" Grian said and kicked Ren's door down. X rushed into his base only to stop short and scream.

No one pov

There, laying on the bed facing the door, was Ren, a lilac blooming from the mouth. Xisuma picked him up and held him tightly, kissing him on the forehead. He lost another hermit to the love disease.

Zed was bawling his eyes out at the funeral. RenDog was buried in the shopping district, a huge grave stone marked his life at the town hall, courtesy of Scar and Etho. Tango was holding a very upset Impulse who was holding onto a very scared Skizzleman, who was invited for this moment.

Xisuma did a sermon and blessed the body. And one by one, each hermit dropped a flower in the casket. X going last, placed the white flower on his chest then kissed him on the forehead again and drew a cross over his body with his finger. He closed the lid with the help of Beef and Iskall.

Throuout the years, no one ever forgot about Ren.  They never changed servers ever again.

(Y'all didn't think I'd do it, did ya?? I killed Ren.. I needed to.. because I wanted to make a super angsty one, because I was feeling super angsty. Also have a headache but I still worked in this because I'm behind on shit lol. Also, 1394 words, not including these..)

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