Wels X Xisuma - Hatchling

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ALRIGHT!!! ALRIGHT!!! This is long AF!!! So hope ya like it! I worked on this while I was sick. So ya better like it!

Type: Romantic? Can be seen as platonic too
Setting: HC Season 8
Ship(S): Only Xisuma X Wels
Warnings: N/A.. Maybe talk of the birds and the bees very breifly.. cute Wels ahead tho

I honestly didn't know what had happened. First, I was in my storage system and the next, I was on the ground on my knees in extreme pain. I could barely breathe. The tops of my hand began to get ice cold and when I held up my hand in front of my face, I gasped. Scales. Big ones. Bright silver and deep dark blue. I gulped. The heck?! Once I felt no pain I stood up and did like I would always do; pretend like it didn't exist.

I went on with my day.


It got worse..
Why? Why was this happening? Why to me? More scales grew out of my arms and legs and even a few on my chest and stomach. What was causing this? Just then, my comm buzzed.

Meeting today at 2 in Boatem! Everyone has to attend!

Everyone replied. I waited until I didn't get another message then responded with a message of my own.

Sorry. I can't show up. There's something wrong with me and I'm scared that it's really infectious and I'll give it to you all.

Then I had sent a whisper over to X.

WelsKnight Whispered To You:
X if you want, you can stop at my base now if you have time and want to look at it.

XisumaVoid Whispered to you: Sure. I have time. I bring heal pots.

I sighed. I didn't think that this could be solved with simple healing potions.

I walked back to my house from the portal frame but before I could take a step, my body collapsed in pain again. This time, when the pain went away, I didn't have the strength to get up. Scales had grown on my neck, cheeks and forehead. I whimpered a bit. Just then I heard rockets and when he walked up to me from behind, I replied. "Finally my savior has arrived." I looked up at him. "I can't get up. I'm too weak. Why am I turning into a monster, X? I'm scared." He looked shocked. I never ask for help or tell anyone I'm scared.

"I mean, I'm growing scales, I can barely breathe, I'm freezing cold and can't seem to get warm and my whole body collapses in extreme pain with no reason and without warning." I sobbed. "I'm a monster." I put my head in my hands. I was scared that X would ban me or just leave me to rot here. But he surprised me, putting his arms around me. "That's why I was calling a server meeting." He laughed a bit. "It's because Scar had accidentally blew up a ton of his magic crystals and he didn't know what they did. I guess I can cancel the meeting now." I was confused. "That still doesn't tell me what I am." I sniffled. "Baby Hatchling." I was still confused. "Dragon. Your slowly turning into a dragon hybrid." I sighed. "Great. Guess I'm going to be kicked out then." X was shocked. "No! Why would I- no." "But you-"

He smiled at me. "I treasure hybrids. I give them a home if they need one. Most of the hermits are a hybrid of something. Others like me and Tango are born this way. Others like Doc, Ren and Cleo made in a lab, sure, but hybrids all the same." X explained. "Also, it's the reason we tend to stay away from the pasts topic." I nodded. "There is one other thing. If you are going to be turning into a dragon, your body will be very weak at first. And in pain. But once the pain goes away, in that form, you won't be able to feel temperature."
I nodded. "So, it's a process." X nodded and picked me up bringing me to the middle of the yard. "Stages. Like with Ren, Keralis, XB and Bdubs."

As I was put down, X had started walking away when I had grabbed his arm. "Please don't leave. What do I do?" I asked in a panic. "Don't worry. I was going to get my shulker box of med supplies." He chuckled a bit, pointing to where he dropped it at my doorstep. "I would normally have you lie down on a bed, but until I can know how big you'll be, you just have to get comfy here." I nodded. Taking a deep breath.

Once the admin came back he started talking to be again. "You might have some slight tendencies like Tango. You know, how he goes through this thing called 'the burn'? It's honestly scary, but it's just his body's way of saying, hey! Mate. Come here." I was still kind of confused. "In your case, it's called nesting. Where you prepare for-" I cut him off. "Is this your version of the birds and the bees talk?" He nodded a bit. "Ah. Great." I was clenching my jaw so hard I thought my teeth were going to crack. "Fantastic."

He helped me sit up and gave me a bottle of water and a regen potion. "The regen will help you get your strength back. A strength potion is already in the water. I can't do very much about the pain seeing as you need to be awake for this. Just breathe. I got ya."

"Just take it easy Wels," said another voice. "I thought I could come and help since I always help Tango through his times." I nodded my head at the brunette.

"T-thanks Impulse. I don't think I could ever get through this by myself."

He nodded then turned to X who now had my head in his hands. "It came on fast. Which usually means his dragon should be fairly small. But that also unfortunately means more pain for him." X replied and grabbed my hand again as a wave of pain, worse than the last, rolled over me again.

"I'm so over this." I buried my face in X's chest.

"Just keep breathing deeply and focus on our actions and our voices." Impulse replied, rubbing my arm. X had his hand in my hair already witch was matted and sticking to my forehead. "All this pain will amount to something beautiful. I promise." X murmured to me.

Soon, I heard Impulse say "oh, look. He's so cute." "Don't open your eyes yet. You are going to need to imprint on the first person you see. Impulse get everyone to Boatem now." I heard fireworks. "You may sleep now if you are tired." 'How big am I?' I tried to ask, but it came out as a little squeak. "Aww. Your tiny. I'm a Voidling and we can understand Dragons and Drangonlings. You literally fit into the palms of my hands." I seemed to relax in his hold. Soon darkness enclosed me and I faintly heard fireworks. It was over.

I was roused out of sleep by Impulse coaxing me to wake up. I opened my eyes. "I have already got everyone up to speed, Wels. All you need to do is imprint on one of us. In turn, you protect that person, and in turn, he or she is is loyal to you and will love you. If you don't, you'll die." Impulse said standing beside me.

I realized where I was. I was standing on the roof of the Swaggon.

My eyes went over the other hermits until he caught my eye and I felt a fluttering feeling. Had to be him. I didn't feel safe enough to try to fly so I jumped..
And landed on top of Tango's head. "Ah, whut-" I didn't stop, a destination in mind, jumping on Ren's, Doc's and Grian's heads until I jumped on his shoulder and nuzzled it, purring loudly. I was beyond flustered at all this.

X grabbed me off his shoulder and put me in the palms of his hands. I opened my sapphire colored eyes a bit looking up at him, my heart hammering in my chest. I know he could feel it too. "I accept." One of my eyes became his color eye marking that I was now his. I nuzzled my head on his thumb and bit down a bit. He just laughed.

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