Tango X Impulse - Part 2 of Don't Leave Me (ScarXImpulse)

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Before he could touch the door to Grian's Barge, he heard a crackle overhead and a scream. The next moment, impulse fell out of the sky, his elytra completely fried. He landed on the other side of the Barge in the water. Scar rushed over and jumped in and grabbed him. He put him into land onto his back. He checked his breathing; normal. He would be OK.

He carried impulse into the Barge and calledTango because he needed to get home to Jellie.

The blond demon answered in the second ring. "Hey, Scar. What's up? Why are you calling me at 2AM?" The blond asked.

"Impulse fell into the lake behind the barge and I can't stay here with him. Got hit by lightning. Unconscious but ok." Scar replied and hung up.


That idgit should not leave him alone if he got hit by lightning. I quickly unfurled my wings and headed to the shopping district to take care of impulse. That guy has some serious explaining to do.

When I got there, impulse was awake and crying, no Scar in sight. That irked me to no end.

"What happened?" I asked as I ran over and kneeled in front of him. "Pain. So much pain." Impulse sobbed out.

My heart sank. As I held him, I thought of why Scar would do this. Maybe he was busy with Grian? Unlikely.

"Do you think you can get to Toon Towers? Or are you still in too much pain?" I asked after a moment of silence.

Impulse shook his head. "My whole body is numb. I have a really bad headache right now though."

I nodded.
Once I placed Impulse on my bed at Too. towers, I flew away in search of Scar.

At Lary the snail, he was cuddling with Jellie, shaking. "T-Tango? What are you doing here?" He looked at me with fear in his eyes.

"Why would you leave someone when they got hit by lightning? That was very stupid. When I got there, he was actually crying." I said to him. "He rarely ever cries."

Scar looked down and held Jellie tighter. "The lightning reminds me of before all this. Call it a bad memory. I just can't deal with it."

I sighed. "Whatever. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to take care of an injured Impulse now." I said, lighting a rocket and jumping into the sky.

Back at Toon Towers, I saw the light on in my bedroom. I quickly rushed in. "You're awake I see." The brunette looked over at me. "Are you in any more pain? I left painkillers beside your bed." He nodded.

"Yeah. I took them. And thanks." I smiled. "Glad Scar called me to come and get ya when he did." He nodded.

"Must be tired still. Go back to sleep and in the morning, I'll have some of my famous fluffy pancakes for ya."

Impulse nodded and got back into bed. "Night Tango." I just waved and shut the door with a soft click.

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