One Shot Contest 🥇 Place Winner!!

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Written by the awesome KyleThePurge


Why had it come to this? Why me? Why did it have to be my two friends. You see, Jevin and Python had started acting more romantic with me three weeks ago. Honestly, I don't know if I'm gay, Bi or straight and I don't know how to test myself. I was too scared to ask any of the hermits if I could test myself with them.

They were all either straight or in a relationship already. Even if it was a platonic one like Etho and Beef.

I sighed. Maybe I could try to talk to Xisuma? He's gay and not in a relationship that anyone knows about. Plus, bonus, he's transgender.

With that thought in my head, I flew over to X's place hoping that he's even there.

When I get there, X is cuddling a sleepy sick Ren. The admin looks up at me and puts his finger against his lips. I nodded, knowing to be quiet.

X shifts on the sofa and sets the wolf hybrid back down and motions me to follow him and I do.

He takes me to the kitchen and puts the kettle on.

He makes the tea before turning to me. "So, what's up? You never stop by unless you need something." He knows me too well.

"I need some help on testing sexuality." I said. He raised his eyebrow. "Blunt much," he muttered.

"Can I ask why?" I sighed. "Jevin and Python started acting more romantic with me and I don't really know how to react." I said.

He looked like he was considering it. "I mean, how do you think of girls versus guys?"

I thought about it. I was always around boys and I felt comfortable around them. Girls, I felt like I shouldn't be talking to them or that I would waste their time.

"Oh, Wels. Your hopeless.." X muttered at me. Before I could process what he had said, I felt warmth on my lips. X just kissed me.

"Did you feel disgusted or did your heart flutter?" "I-I kind of felt nervous and shy." He smiled. "Now imagine Cleo or one of the girls doing that same thing."

I closed my eyes and imagined that False was kissing me. I cringed. "Nope. Gay. False should not be kissing me." I shook my head to get that image out.

He smiled. "Now go talk to your two boys." He said walking back out to the living room leaving me in the kitchen thinking.


I had finally found Jevin and Python. But something was wrong. Maybe they didn't like me after all and was only playing with my feelings. They were kissing in the middle of a flower field. Instead of being upset, I was mad. I stormed up to them.

"Seriously?!" They pulled away so fast. "Wels.." "hi.." I raised my eyebrow.

"If you two are boyfriends, why flirt and act romantic with me? Or were one of you planning to cheat on the other with me?" I asked.

They shook their heads. "No," Jevin replied, "we wanted you in our relationship. Python is into polyamory. And he said you were too." That.. was true. I did enjoy seeing the ZITS trio together tangled up.

I sighed. "I.. didn't know what my sexuality was so I went to X." Python walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. "We love you a lot Welsie." I smiled.

Jevin then kissed me on the lips like X did.

When he pulled away, I said, "oh yeah. Way better then False." They both gave me a look. "Don't even get me started." I cringed.

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