Tango X Impulse X Zedaph - A Dance With The Demon

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Tango was always scared of joining a server. Not because he was shy or that he had fire powers. But because he was a demon. And no one ever wanted a demon around.

Demons brought death and bad luck. Kinda like a crow. That's why he doesn't talk to anyone or get attached. They always end up dead in the end.

I sighed. I had just gotten back from selling some pies that I had baked earlier that morning. I don't just bake pies though. Cupcakes, cakes, cookies, rice crispy squares, even granola bars with chocolate drizzled on the top. I didn't get very much money from the shop, but it was enough for what I needed.

I lived in the forest in a hole in a tree. Wasn't the coziest place, but it did the trick.

Whenever I went to the village, I always got glares and pushed to the ground. I didn't retaliate like they thought I would. I just take it because I know I deserve it.

"H-hello?" I looked down to the base of the tree to see someone my age standing there. "Would you come down for a second?" 'What would be the harm in that?' So I jumped down in front of him.

He backed up a bit.

Now that I got a good look at him, he was blond with lilac colored eyes. "Hi. I'm Zedaph. Call me Zed." I arched my eyebrow. "Yes? What do you want from a demon like me?" I asked, not wanting to get attached to this guy.

"Well, I'm a runaway from the village and I see how everyone treats you." I rolled my eyes and turned away. "Yeah so? Like you care!" He was silent for a moment.

"Is the rumors true?" I turned back to him, confused look on my face. "Well, they say that those who try to get close to you, end up dead because you kill them." I shook my head.

"No. Demons bring bad luck and carnage follows them wherever they go. It's never my fault that they die. I always try to not talk to anyone unless I absolutely have to. I try to not be around anyone if I can help it."

I sighed again, leaning on the tree trunk. "Well, what if I said I was a Zephyr. And my friend is a fallen angel. We won't die like everyone else." I looked up at him shocked.

"You mean-" "come with me." It wasn't a question; it was a demand. "We won't hurt you. Neither one of us are scared of anything or anyone." I nodded and followed him through the forest.

"We even know a wolf hybrid, a Void Walker, a robot and a creeper, so it's not like you are going to scare us," Zed said, laughing.

Once we got to some rolling hills, I could see campfire smoke from the valley. "Is that where your friend is?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yup." "Why does he have a fire going in the day?" He looked back at me as we walked. "Because he is cooking lunch for us. And also the wolf hybrid if he's there. He's always hungry." Zed laughed.

"Hey, Impy. I'm back and I have a guest." This 'Impy' guy looked up and stood up fast.

I could tell just from looking at him that he was my soulmate. My stomach dropped knowing I was getting rejected. He must have knew we were soulmates too.

"A demon? You brought a demon here?" "What's wong wiff a demon?" Asked a boy with wolf ears and a tail, his mouth full of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Ren." Impy told him.

Zedaph ignored both of them and turned to me. "This is Impulse, he's the angel hybrid I told you about, and the wolf is Ren." I nodded, not really feeling welcome.

"I should really go back to my tree. It's obvious I'm not wanted here." I said, not looking up.

I suddenly felt someone hugging me. "It's ok. You are definitely fine with me." A silky smooth accent said from behind me.

"Are you hungry, Void Walker? Or do you want to hug the rest of us?" Asked another guy with goat horns? Jeez. How many were there.

"Impulse isn't being very welcoming to the demon." The two just looked at me, not smiling. I sighed, feeling like I was going to cry.

"I-I'll just.. leave. Sorry for bothering you." I turned away and started walking away. But before I could make it a step, I felt another person hugging me.

"I don't mean to be not welcoming. And I know that we're soulmates." Impulse whispered in my ear. I felt my cheeks flush.

"How about we all go back to our server now." The guy that hugged me earlier said to the group.

My shoulders slumped. Like I was even allowed to go anywhere other then here. "You are coming too, demon. Don't worry. There are a lot of people like you where we come from."

I smiled. "By the way, Impulse is an angel hybrid, Zedaph is a Zephyr, Doc here is a Creeper and robot hybrid, and I'm a Void Walker. Call me Xisuma."

"How about you?" Asked Doc, in a German accent.


The group smiled. "Well, you belong with us now, love." Impulse kissed me on the cheek and somehow, my cheeks were even more red then. before.

The others smiled as if they knew what just went down between Impulse and I.

Soulmates between a demon and an angel. I laughed as we all entered the portal to my new life.

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