Jimmy X Tango - We Will Meet Again Some Day

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Double Life X HermitEmpires Crossover when Tango and Jimmy meet again. Sorry I'm currently catching up with double life even though I have not watched the ending, I saw reaction vids of Jimmy's of this and I thought it was too cute not to do this.

Might be sad in the beginning be warned.

Type: Romantic? Can be seen as platonic too
Setting: HC Season 8
Ship(S): Only Xisuma X Wels
Warnings: N/A.. Maybe talk of the birds and the bees very breifly.. cute Wels ahead tho


I stood in front of the portal. Fwhip, Sausage, Joel and Joey stood next to me.

"Just let us go home." Xisuma said. The hermits were silent. Fwhip was the one organizing this. I only stood beside him because I couldn't bear to leave my boyfriend. Ruby eyes held mine. "Why are you doing this?" He asked next.

This time, I spoke up before the other boys could open their mouths.

"Because I can't loose you! I love you Tango Tek!" Most of the hermits were shocked. I jumped down from the portal and ran to my blond demon. "I love you." I repeated and lay my head on his shoulder. "If you go back to HermitCraft I'm coming too! " I whimpered.

Tango turned to X and Grian. I could only pick out some things.

Then the turned back towards me and X spoke.

"We will welcome you to HermitCraft if you choose to come with us." Grian nodded. "However, if Timmy comes with us, none of you will be able to reach us for quite a while. The rift will close in on itself and I'll have to rebuild it from scratch. There is a small chance my base on the other side of this rift will blow up. But that's ok."

"I'm not leaving Tango." I repeated. The two nodded and the blond demon grabbed my hand and squeezed. "Then, hermits, back through the portal."

We waited until Tango and I were the only ones left. Then I turned and waved to my friends here and walked through the rift to HermitCraft with my beautiful demon boyfriend.

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