Grian AU - Elytriankin

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One minute I was flying high in the sky. The next, I was hanging by one arm, one leg and one wing in the jungle. I checked my communicator. Only Cub, Doc and Mumbo online.. and two of which was AFK.

I called. He picked up. "Dochelpmeimstuckinatreeand mywingisbadlyinjured."

I heard him sigh. "I'll be there in a couple minutes. Hold tight."

He seemed to know what I had said."

I started trying to untangle my wing before he showed up. I didn't need him laughing at me.

I sighed and my heart shattered. I loved him. Weather he felt the same was a mystery.

I mean, it's very hard to know what he's thinking all the time.

He then landed on the ground looking up at me, one hand on his hip and a smug look on his face.

"Now, how the hell did you even manage this??" He laughed.

"I-" he shook his head. "No. I don't even want to know." My heart hurt even more. "Let's just get you down." He flew up to the closest branch.

"Wow. I half expected you to just leave me here and not care." He looked at me weird. "Why would I? You're injured. I would be the worst guy ever. I think I already am." I sighed.

Once I was finally back on the ground, Doc inspected my wing. "We should go to Tango for some help." I nodded and followed him.

Tango, when we found him, was trying to terriform an aria for the next part of his base with Impulse.

"Hey. We got an injured wing. Can you help?" Doc asked as the blond turned around.

"What am I? A piece of dirt?" impulse threw his hands up in the air and walked away, getting out his shovels.

I sighed. "How did this even happen? I hope you didn't do anything too reckless, Doc." He shook his head and pushed me over a bit. "I hurt my wing and it got tied in a vine. I'm fine. I just don't recommend hanging by a vine by your broken wing."

Tango nodded. "Yeah. Been there, done that. Hurts like hell. I'm just lucky that Cub was there."

A couple of moments later, Tango got my wing in a sling like thing. "There. Now unfortunately, you won't be able  to fly for two weeks, but it's better than not being able to fly for the rest of your life, right?" He said, looking over at Zedaph in the distance talking to Impulse.

I nodded. "Thanks." He nodded. "Oh. One other thing. Doc is staying with you to make sure you actually listen."


(Sorry this took so long and isn't very long and more like a Drabble. I have just been very busy working, reading on my off time and recording. Finding little hidden secrets within OBS that I didn't know were a thing and just overall having fun with 'em. But here ya go! GriDoc)

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