Xisuma X Ren - Cute Pup

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(OK, uhhm. I don't know where I was going to go with this, but I had this plot stuck in my head, it's 2AM where I live right now, I'm tired, insomnia sucks, but the plot was; No one knows RenDog is a wolf. When Ren gets lonely, he goes to Xisuma for cuddles. And X plays with his ears and tail. Despite the fact that wolves are in a pack, Rens abandoned him and X took him in when he was little. And Thanks To LGBTQLesbianWriter the idea that wolves need to be cuddled and are clingy and needy instead of heats or whatever. Also, Xelqua is Evil X, just so yall' know! He's gunna be good here, lol. Long AN, But Whatev.)


To say that RenDog was lonely, was an understatement. He felt worse. He felt unwanted. He felt like the Hermits didn't need or want him anymore. Whenever he went to one of the Hermits, voicing his problems, he was only accused of wanting attention, and then was quickly dismissed and sent on his way.

As he was walking away from Doc's place, he was trying not to cry. He quickly remembered Grian. They haven't spoken at all during season 7, so maybe they could talk for a bit. They were friends right? Right.

He brought out his phone from his pocket and quickly sent a text to the blond gremlin, hoping he would answer. While he waited, he decided to go meander his way through the shopping district.

Halfway there, his phone beeped, making him jump. He didn't think Grian would care. That was, until he saw the message. Grian texted him back to say that he was busy with Mumbo. 'The spoon is trying to teach me redstone. But go see if X needs help with anything. He seemed stressed when Iskall visited him the other day.' The message replied.

Ren sighed. Might as well go have another Hermit accuse him of something.

Once he got to X's front door, he knocked and waited. One minute later, the door opened to X in his pj's. "How can I help you Rem?" Ren cocked his eyebrow. "Oh, don't mind be, I'b sick. Stress and nod enough sleeb does tha,' he slurred, clearly stuffed up. "You can cob in, just give me one bobent while I take some bedicine and have a steaby quick shower."

Ren nodded and closed the door and sat on the sofa. He heard the water turn on and as he looked around the room, he noticed a picture on his mantle. The brunette got up and walked over and cocked his head to the side and picked up the frame.

In the photo, there were three little boys, looking like pre-teens, and two little girls both younger then the boys, what looked to be two older men standing proud behind the girls one of them with their hand on the top of one of the little girls' head, and one older woman with jet black hair with none of it out of place. They kind of threw Ren off because the people in the photo looked all hoity-toity and perfect.

"That was a family photo," Ren turned around putting the picture back where it was, not knowing he had picked it up.

Xisuma walked up behind him. "Don't worry," he said, sounding a bit more clear in the nose. "You can look at it if you want." Ren nodded and X led him back to the sofa, holding the frame in his hands. He set it on the coffee table in front of them.

"That woman is my mother, and the brunette with the buzz cut on the other side of her is my uncle. The grey-haired guy is my father. The little blond girl in front of my uncle is my cousin, Aleassa and the brunette girl with the light blue satin bows in her hair standing beside her is our little sister Mary." Ren nodded.

"The three boys in the second row between my parents and the girls are the oldest, Jake," he said, pointing at the boy with died lime green hair and dark green eyes, "Viktor," he pointed to the other brunette with green eyes, and the youngest, Xelqua, my twin brother. I'm youngest in the family. I was there the day that photo was taken too, my parents just didn't want me in the frame because she said it would mess up the beautiful family photo.." Xisuma explained.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I'll just go, I don't mean to make you upset." Ren made to get up when X grabbed his hand, forcing him to sit back down. "Nonsense. I like it when you stop by," he said as he carded his fingers through Ren's chocolate mop to massage his wolf ears. Ren shuddered.

"Feel good, pup?" Ren blushed at the nickname, but didn't try to hide it. "Aww, your blushing, so cute for me, Ren." The brunette looked up at Xisuma with half lidded eyes. X took off his helmet and shook his wet jet black hair out of his eyes. "Xelqua still visits me often though. Don't worry."

Xisuma kept rubbing Ren's ears with one hand while the other was playing with his tail. "Whenever you feel like this, come to me, OK, even if I'm busy, I'll always make time for you, pup."

By this point, Ren couldn't keep his eyes open. "Go to sleep, beautiful pup, I'll be here when you wake up." And that's exactly what RenDog did.

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